Tag Archives: featuring-actor

Lisa Murkowski: Sarah Palin Lacks "Intellectual Curiosity" to be President

Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowki told CBS News' Katie Couric today that she would not support Sarah Palin for president because Palin lacks the “leadership qualities” and “intellectual curiosity” to craft great policy. “You know, she was my governor for two years, for just about two years there, and I don't think that she enjoyed governing,” Murkowski said. “I don't think she liked to get down into the policy.” The Alaska senator added that she prefers a candidate who “goes to bed at night and wakes up in the morning thinking about how we're going to deal with” important issues. Palin endorsed Murkowski's opponent Joe Miller in the Republican Senate primary, an endorsement that helped Miller to an upset victory. Murkowski then embarked on a general election write-in bid that may have been successful: More write in votes were cast than votes for Miller, and the vast majority went to Murkowski. According to the Alaska Division of Elections, Miller won 87,517 votes, and there were 98,565 total write in votes. Of the 88,076 write-in votes counted so far, 78,697 have gone to Murkowski; another 7,059 have been counted for Murkowski but challenged by Miller. Counting is expected to continue through Wednesday. added by: TimALoftis

Jon Stewart Mocks McCains’ DADT Stand

John Stewart tackled Senator John McCain’s stand on “don’t ask, don’t tell”—and Cindy McCain’s apparent flip-flopping on the issue—on Monday night’s The Daily Show. Stewart shows clips tracking Sen. McCain’s shifting requirements for DADT repeal and then discusses the PSA where McCain’s wife, Cindy McCain, seems to call for an end to the policy. A day after the PSA was released, Cindy McCain tweeted that she supports her husband’s stand against repeal. Watch The Daily Show clip here, including Stewart’s own “It Gets Worse” PSA, featuring actor Sean Hayes. http://www.advocate.com/News/Daily_News/2010/11/16/John_Stewart_Mocks_McCains_DA… added by: TimALoftis