The Runaways premiered in Los Angeles last night. Focusing on the formation and development of a band led by Joan Jett and Cherie Currie, The Runaways has been well-received by critics. The singers are played by Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning, respectively. They posed together on the red carpet of the premiere, as Stewart even managed to crack a smile: In a recent interview with SPIN magazine, Kristen talked about this role, compared to Bella in the Twilight Saga: “I was terrified. I was going, ‘Oh my God, why the f-ck am I here?’ This was the coolest job I’d had – it was something different during a long stint of something very much the same. I knew I needed to cut off Bella’s long hair. I needed to be able to throw my head around and feel the sweat dripping.” Will you be seeing The Runaways ? Below, we’ve posted more photos from the premiere, including an appearance by Taylor Lautner … [Photos: Splash News]
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Kristen Stewart, Stars Come Out for Premiere of The Runaways