Tag Archives: felicity-vuolo

Jinger Duggar Shares Sweetest Pic of Bundled Baby Felicity

While Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo don’t want trolls trash-talking their daughter , they’re happy to share her sweet pics with real fans. The latest photo is precious beyond belief — and also just a genuinely great picture. Felicity is only five months old, but she’s already the most meme-worthy of all of the Duggar grandchildren. There are two layers to the photo that we’re about to show you. As of Wednesday, December 19, baby Felicity is five months old. Her parents shared a precious photo of her all bundled up and laying on her back in the leafy grass. Felicity is wearing a very soft-looking pastel pink outfit with a cute bow and with darling little ears on the hood. The photo is captioned “contemplative.” Take a look: She! Looks! So! Adorable! As we mentioned, there are two angles to this photo. The most obvious one is that Felicity is just as cute as a button. The other is that, simply because of her facial expression and the way that her hands are posed, she looks like she’s scheming. This goes beyond contemplative — she looks like she’s hatching a thought and is filled with glee. There are only a handful of babies who have what it takes to achieve internet fame on their own merit. But we think that baby Felicity is worthy of being a meme. The wee baby Felicity is always stylish. Though some fans have responded negatively to the very fashionable bows on her head and to the mittens she sometimes wears, she looks great. The Duggar family as a whole and especially its women are not really given the opportunity to explore fashion and personal styles like normal girls. That changed for Jinger after she married Jeremy, who believes that salvation through Christianity doesn’t require that women wear dresses. So little Felicity will have opportunities that her mother never had while growing up. And, quite frankly, a lot of fans think that her cuteness, relative fame, and pleasant disposition would make her a perfect model for baby clothes. Jinger has recently written on Instagram about the joys of motherhood. “Motherhood is a gift,” Jinger gushed on the ‘gram. “It’s a gift not to be taken for granted,” Jinger says. “And it’s a gift that ought not be despised.” True. If you don’t want to be a mom, that’s fine. If you do become a parent, you should love your kids. It’s the least you can do for the little ones you brought into the world. (Jinger may have had a more political, less positive meaning behind her post, but let’s give her the benefit of the doubt, okay?) Jinger’s post about motherhood continued. “It’s a unique gift,” Jinger wrote. “That allows me to demonstrate toward my daughter the love that God has graciously demonstrated toward me.” Jinger added: “It’s a profound gift that reveals the heart of God in a way I had never imagined.” When you’re a parent, you are your baby’s whole world. “It’s a weighty gift,” Jinger continued. “That places upon my shoulders the nurture of this tiny soul.” “Motherhood is a gift for which I thank God every day,” Jinger concluded. View Slideshow: Jinger Duggar Shares Adorable Pics of Her “Little Family,” Melts Fans’ Hearts

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Jinger Duggar Shares Sweetest Pic of Bundled Baby Felicity

Jinger Duggar Gets Mom-Shamed Again: Enough With the Head Wraps!

Back in July,  Jinger Duggar welcomed her first child . And like so many of her sisters, she’s enjoyed sharing all the joys of her motherhood with her millions of social media followers. Unfortunately, as with her sisters, many of Jinger’s followers visit her page for the sole purpose of talking trash. Yes, mom-shaming the Duggars is a favorite activity of many Instagram trolls. And the folks who engage in this sort of activity really don’t need much to set them off. They can be triggered by Jessa Duggar’s messy house , Jill’s perceived shortcomings as a homeschool teacher, or even Felicity Vuolo’s head wraps. Yes, Jinger enjoys putting various forms of headgear on her child, and for reasons we can’t quite figure, a very vocal contingent of Instagram users finds this practice reprehensible. And the craziest part is, they can’t even agree on why it’s wrong. At first, Jinger was slammed for cultural appropriation . As is the case most of the time that term is used, people were angry, but they weren’t really sure why. Now that that argument has been laid to rest — probably because Jinger’s haters realized no culture can lay claim to the practice of wrapping fabric around a baby’s head — several new ones have emerged. Jinger recently posted the photo below to Instagram, setting off a whole new round of criticism: “Felicity helping Uncle Scott with interviews,” she captioned the pic. Seems innocent enough, but some fans took issue with little Lissy’s hat. A few speculated that Jinger is planning to launch a children’s fashion line, and she’s “using” Felicity to model her wares. There’s no indication that’s true, but even if it were … would that really be so bad? Others simply don’t care for Felicity’s fashion sense. “Young moms are going overboard with head wraps for their girls all the time,” wrote one. Another commented that Felicity looks like “an old lady.” Yes, the kind of people who spend their time insulting babies on the internet are firmly convinced that their voices deserve to be heard. This is some peak 2018 sh-t right here, folks.  We shudder to think what next year might bring. View Slideshow: Jinger Duggar Shares Adorable Pics of Her “Little Family,” Melts Fans’ Hearts

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Jinger Duggar Gets Mom-Shamed Again: Enough With the Head Wraps!

Jeremy Vuolo Accused of Cultural Appropriation by His Own Fans

As much as we enjoy photos of Jinger Duggar’s family , this latest photo was weird … and controversial. Jeremy Vuolo shared a strange image of him with baby Felicity and a Native American tipi. Followers are accusing him of cultural appropriation. Jeremy Vuolo shared a curious picture on Instagram. In the snap, he is holding baby Felicity while being obscured by what looks like fog. Before them is a miniature tipi (also spelled teepee). “Time for reflection,” Jeremy captioned the post, as if that explained anything. It’s unclear if he is referring to the presence of a mirror in the photo. He may have instead meant, on a more serious note, that he’s reflecting upon Native American culture. Some fans were confused. “What is this supposed to mean?” one commenter asks. Others are worried that he’s misusing another culture’s symbols and traditions. “If there is a deeper meaning behind this post please do share,” another commenter implores. “If not,” they continue. “Please know that taking elements of another culture (especially one that has been as mistreated as Native Americans).” That commenter concludes: “and using them flippantly for your own artistic design is completely inappropriate.” Followers continued to try to figure out what Jeremy’s post was all about. “I googled it, guys,” one commenter shares. “And some places are saying November is Native American month.” “Perhaps as ‘Thanksgiving’ comes it’s a moment to reflect on the atrocities inflicted on the first nations people,” another suggested. That would be very seasonally appropriate, folks. But others were concerned. “It’s fairly regularly accepted that cultural appropriation is insensitive,” writes another. “Benefitting from someone else’s culture,” another writes, is “not OK.” Some jumped to some very different conclusions about Jeremy’s post. “Why teepee?” one asked bluntly. “Are you racist too?” Another jumped to a conclusion on the opposite end of the spectrum. “Are you Native American?” one asked. “Hard to understand the meaning of the pic,” another noted. “I am Apache though, so if you are that’s great.” The Apache nation is not known for tipis. Tipis are sometimes mistakenly attributed to all Native Americans, but were and are in fact unique to people of the Plains region of North America. (Tipis are still used for some ceremonies, if no longer used for dwellings) Native American cultures in other regions used different types of dwellings, including elaborate structures. It’s understandable that people would be on their guard about Native American cultural heritage being misused by white people. But one follower commented that this is not what is happening. “Ya’ll, he is in Oklahoma at a Native American history museum,” the commenter writes. “Chill!!!!” Tipis are often the subject of misunderstanding. While tipis are conceptually similar to the European lavvu, they are part of a few Native American cultures and are not for anyone else to misuse. The Native American cultural heritage more likely to be misused are things like war bonnets and terms like “spirit animal.” But it doesn’t look like Jeremy Vuolo is doing any of that. We’re happy to call out cultural appropriation or other wrongdoings when we see it. But that’s not what was happening here. With context, we see that he was practicising cultural appreciation in a museum. Let’s save our outrage for the people and actions that deserve it. View Slideshow: Jinger Duggar Shares Adorable Pics of Her “Little Family,” Melts Fans’ Hearts

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Jeremy Vuolo Accused of Cultural Appropriation by His Own Fans

Jinger Duggar Continues to Outrage Fans With Pics of Her Daughter

In general, photos of infants are up there with videos of cats doing funny things on the short list of internet posts that won’t piss anybody off. But if you’re a member of the Duggar family everything you do is subject to intense scrutiny and harsh criticism — and Jinger Duggar’s latest baby photo is no exception. That’s little Felicity Duggar enjoying what we assume is her first plane ride. Jinger captioned the pic, “Little travel buddy.” Seems inoffensive enough, right? After all who could have a problem with an infant on an airplane (aside from, ya know, every other passenger on that plane). Well, believe it or not, Jinger has been accused of trolling her critics with this pic. If that sounds absurd, that’s because it absolutely is. But you’re currently on the internet, so you’re well aware that we’re living in absurd times. Anyway, the outrage has to do with Felicity’s headgear. Yes, believe it or not Jinger has been accused of cultural appropriation for tying a scarf to her child’s head. We suppose it’s possible that Jinger came across an old photo of Tupac and decided that would be a good look for her daughter. But the much more likely explanation is that the scarf is simply an easy way to keep the baby’s head warm. Not surprisingly, the constant negative attention has begun to take a toll on Jinger. “She feels like she’s constantly getting mom shamed since she had Felicity. She had no idea it was going to be this bad,” an insider close to Jinger tells Hollywood Life. “Jinger is doing her best to ignore the negativity and focus on the positive, but it’s hard.” Scarf-gate began with the above photo of Jinger and Jeremy attending a Chicago Cubs game last month, and remarkably, it shows no signs of letting up. Fortunately, Jinger isn’t letting the haters win. She’s continued to post pics of Felicity, and it doesn’t look like she’ll be stopping any time soon. We say give the girl a break. It’s bad enough she was raised in the freakin’ Duggar family. View Slideshow: Jinger Duggar Asserts Her Independence: I’m a Vuolo Now!

Jinger Duggar Continues to Outrage Fans With Pics of Her Daughter