Tag Archives: figure-prison

Mary Carey is Less Fat but Stilll Disgusting of the Day

I like to torment Mary Carey on the internet because she is fucking disgusting. She has yet to answer me because I don’t think her retarded porn brain can figure twitter out, but I usually write shit about how fat and piggy she is and how disgusting anyone willing to watch her fuck on camera would have to because she’s so fat and piggy, but it looks like she’s decided to answer me with an eating disorder, possibly hard drugs and whatever else responsible for her thinner midsection, while maintaining her retarded big tits cuz those motherfuckers are fake and I think I am going to have to start bugging her about gaining that weight back because her head is all out of balance now and is seriously too big for her like some kind of farm animal….and even a skinnier Mary Carey is a fucking disgusting experience….and here she is showing off…if you can really call it that..because that’s like a motherfucker pulling up to a group of bitches in his 200 dollar ‘84 Corolla with 300,000 miles and no front seat or bumper like he’s ballin’ out…which may work in Haiti but not here….and that’s all I have to say about that….

Read the original:
Mary Carey is Less Fat but Stilll Disgusting of the Day

Aubrey O’Day Still Thinks She’s Black of the Day

I understand that Aubrey O’Day eats fast food and gets fat because she caters to black dudes and she knows they like thick blonde bitches, but I don’t really get why she’s trying to turn her skin Beyonce, since the whole reason black dudes like her is because she’s not black, but I guess trying to explain that to an idiot is impossible….so let’s just let her do what she’s doing since she’s been doing a good enough job disappearing on her own, like she is some kind of David Copperfield and a non-existant Aubrey O’Day is a good Aubrey O’Day, so I probably shouldn’t have done this post…but too late now… Pics via LFI

Go here to see the original:
Aubrey O’Day Still Thinks She’s Black of the Day

Porn Kills of the Day

It looks like porn kills. Sure, we all know that for the last few decades porn has killed a variety of people, mainly the pornstars who have drug addiction and can’t live with themselves for being the dirty, used up whores they became as an answer to their dad’s who used to rape them as kids, but I’m sure it’s also killed a lot of losers who were tired of chronic masturbating and not being able to get porn pussy so they decided to end it all with a drug overdose or hanging themselves from the rafters in their mom’s attic, but the other day, it killed some woman who was run down by a jerking off truck driver who was watching porn while he worked like me, only his work involved driving big fucking machines that can run bitches over…..I figure prison will do him some good…cuz after getting out…porn will be the last thing on his mind as every orgasm he has will bring memories of prostate induced orgasms he couldn’t control while getting prison raped….

See the original post:
Porn Kills of the Day