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Mariah Carey Pregnant Bikini Pics of the Day

Mariah Carey is dating James Packer, who is some Australian casino owning billionaire, who has decided to funnel some of her father’s fortune, now that his father is dead and he has control, into Hollywood, where he’s pretty much running or financing every movie being made, allowing him to attend all the hollywood events, while controlling all the power in Hollywood because he signs the checks, making all the whores in Hollywood suck his dick and suck up to him hoping to keep working, or having the security to not work, by following him around…which I guess gets boring, because after dropping Miranda Kerr as his paid employee, since that bitch is a hooker, he’s decided to stick it to Mariah Carey, who I am sure appreciates that he’s rich, but has had a ton of her own money for a long fucking time, and doesn’t really need his billions to get by…..but it’s nice…since her last husband and baby daddy had 12 dollars when they met and is on salary for the rest of his life…so it’s probably a nice change for her… She’s looking pregnant, may be pregnant, could just be barrel shaped and chubby due to menopause, which I guess is the opposite of pregnant, and normal for someone like her in her 50s, alld unable to get pregnant, but then again these rich people are capable of all kinds of scientific feats…and really, who the fuck cares… The post Mariah Carey Pregnant Bikini Pics of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Mariah Carey Pregnant Bikini Pics of the Day