Tag Archives: the-hollywood

Willa Holland Ass Flash of the Day

Willa Holland is awesome. I know very little about her other than she was the hot girl on the OC, her family is connected in the hollywood scene, like pretty much any other girl in the media, it takes connections to get people talking about you – and to get you cast in movies….it’s just how it works… She’s on the show Arrow or some shit that’s equally massive with the nerds, so a whole new generation of socially awkward nerds probably jerk off to her…. She’s also into photography, date’s a photographer named NATE WALTON who I assume is responsible for all the amazing booty pics of her amazing booty…and I am all about that…. Apparently they got arrested for these pics on the Mayan lookin’ ruin…but they bribed their way out by paying the cops 100 bucks…sounds about right…. Here’s her amazing ass… The post Willa Holland Ass Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Willa Holland Ass Flash of the Day

Mariah Carey Pregnant Bikini Pics of the Day

Mariah Carey is dating James Packer, who is some Australian casino owning billionaire, who has decided to funnel some of her father’s fortune, now that his father is dead and he has control, into Hollywood, where he’s pretty much running or financing every movie being made, allowing him to attend all the hollywood events, while controlling all the power in Hollywood because he signs the checks, making all the whores in Hollywood suck his dick and suck up to him hoping to keep working, or having the security to not work, by following him around…which I guess gets boring, because after dropping Miranda Kerr as his paid employee, since that bitch is a hooker, he’s decided to stick it to Mariah Carey, who I am sure appreciates that he’s rich, but has had a ton of her own money for a long fucking time, and doesn’t really need his billions to get by…..but it’s nice…since her last husband and baby daddy had 12 dollars when they met and is on salary for the rest of his life…so it’s probably a nice change for her… She’s looking pregnant, may be pregnant, could just be barrel shaped and chubby due to menopause, which I guess is the opposite of pregnant, and normal for someone like her in her 50s, alld unable to get pregnant, but then again these rich people are capable of all kinds of scientific feats…and really, who the fuck cares… The post Mariah Carey Pregnant Bikini Pics of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Mariah Carey Pregnant Bikini Pics of the Day

Mariah Carey Pregnant Bikini Pics of the Day

Mariah Carey is dating James Packer, who is some Australian casino owning billionaire, who has decided to funnel some of her father’s fortune, now that his father is dead and he has control, into Hollywood, where he’s pretty much running or financing every movie being made, allowing him to attend all the hollywood events, while controlling all the power in Hollywood because he signs the checks, making all the whores in Hollywood suck his dick and suck up to him hoping to keep working, or having the security to not work, by following him around…which I guess gets boring, because after dropping Miranda Kerr as his paid employee, since that bitch is a hooker, he’s decided to stick it to Mariah Carey, who I am sure appreciates that he’s rich, but has had a ton of her own money for a long fucking time, and doesn’t really need his billions to get by…..but it’s nice…since her last husband and baby daddy had 12 dollars when they met and is on salary for the rest of his life…so it’s probably a nice change for her… She’s looking pregnant, may be pregnant, could just be barrel shaped and chubby due to menopause, which I guess is the opposite of pregnant, and normal for someone like her in her 50s, alld unable to get pregnant, but then again these rich people are capable of all kinds of scientific feats…and really, who the fuck cares… The post Mariah Carey Pregnant Bikini Pics of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Mariah Carey Pregnant Bikini Pics of the Day

Willa Holland’s Bottomless and Eaten Out of the Day

Willa Holland is the hollywood child with famous friends and family who has done a few things…but seems to be most interested in her photography, since eveyrone is a photographer, and in doing her photography, is producing high concept stuff like the bottomless no bottoms pic…and the “my boyfriend eats my pussy pic”… This is Art…I don’t necessarily care for or believe in art because art is a fabrication to scam rich people…but whatever it is, it’s heading in the right direction… I prefer her SITTING ON FACE pic… The post Willa Holland’s Bottomless and Eaten Out of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Willa Holland’s Bottomless and Eaten Out of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio Has Tits of the Day

Wanna know what I find so fucking fun. I mean like the most fun ever. Starring at a picture of a model at an event…fully clothed…showing off some cleavage…because she has spent the last decade and a half modeling half naked…in lingerie…and bikinis…because she was part of the most hyped underwear cartel of our generation’s marketing team….before having a bunch of kids…not quite ruining her body, but probably ruining her vagina…. Because my life is pathetic. I mean seriously…if I was actually into Alessandra Ambrosio…I’d probably go through her backlog of content…and not bother with her Brazilian ass doing shitty press…because cleavage…isn’t spread asshole…and I am about the spread assholes…not to mention – she’s old. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Alessandra Ambrosio Has Tits of the Day

Heidi Klum Nipple on Set of the Day

I don’t know what this photoshoot of Heidi Klum is from, but I am going to assume that it is something recent, where you can see some nipple, even though she’s probably in her 50s, and is a mom of 50, who has been sodomized by massive black penis she was married to, and I’m not talking about Bill Cosby, who seems to have sodomized everyone, including your childhood, I am talking about the OG Scarface…who has the voice of an angel…proving that germans , the freaky pragmatic people, who when not shitting on each other for sexual release, after a day engineering cars, can still look good, thanks to 1940s Aryan Ethnic cleansing experiments coordinated by Hitler…right…

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Heidi Klum Nipple on Set of the Day

Beyonce Twerks in New Video of the DAy

Beyonce just dropped a new video. She twerks in it wearing panties because Beyonce doesn’t realize she’s a mom in her 30s with hundreds of millions of dollars in the bank who doesn’t need to twerk, but who is twerking to validate herself, to prove she’s still got sex appeal, to prove she’s as good as Rihanna or the other younger girls Jay Z has sex with/masturbates to/makes money from… It’s weird, makes me uncomfortable, but not really, because in my everyday life, I’ve seen much more desperate and sad things…in fact, I’ve paid girls very little money to do more desperate and sad things, because I am charitable like that…

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Beyonce Twerks in New Video of the DAy

Tara Reid in a Bikini of the Day

I guess I’ve made fun of Tara Reid over the last decade, where she fell out of the hollywood scene, to become a perpetual spring breaker, because I guess the whole thing was kind of funny to watch. A girl, who at one time was an it girl, not really in every movie, but still one that people jerked off to, throwing it away, to rage like a Sorority girl on some kind of herpes mission…it was weird…but not as weird as when her franken-tit were exposed, which could have been her turning point, you know because it was humilating to her, since botched tit jobs you decide to flash on the red carpet can be traumatic… I am sure I’ve called her a zombie, skeletor, corpse…I may have even done a death watch…but the fact is at 40, she still looks good, even if she’s in movie make-up, malnourished and even sickly from the alocholism….at least she’s not fat, weathered, and disgusting… Meaning like Sharknado, I am happy for her comeback…especially when it is half naked like this… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Tara Reid in a Bikini of the Day

Ashley Tisdale’s Rockin’ Bikini Pics on Twitter of the Day

Ashley Tisdale needs to step up her attention seeking game. Seriously, if this is her strategy to get noticed, she has fucking failed hard. You would thin that she’d know by now, after all these years in the hollywood grind, that a key to getting work is having fans, and a key to getting fans is showing off your tight body that you work on so hard cuz your face is so busted, especially now that twitter and instagram exist, but instead you post some shit from a distance…that even a peeping tom who gets off to shit from a distance can’t get off to cuz we can’t see even a bit of that bikini body. She’s failed…..I get that she knows she’s good from far but far from good, but she’s gotta suck that reality up and slut the fuck out, make some noise and build a better life for us….

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Ashley Tisdale’s Rockin’ Bikini Pics on Twitter of the Day

Michael Musto’s The Hollywood Kid: Jaden, Gwyneth, and More Blind Items

This week, our Hollywood Kid takes on The Karate Kid , as Michael Musto hears that Jaden Smith will be doing very selective press to promote his upcoming star vehicle. Is it an attempt curb his tween ego, or do parents Will and Jada have another motive? In other news, Gwyneth Paltrow turns down a musical, and a big-name director is flying cross-country with a gaggle of boys in his private jet. If you don’t know the answer to that blind item, trust me: someone here will.

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Michael Musto’s The Hollywood Kid: Jaden, Gwyneth, and More Blind Items