Tag Archives: hipster-sisters

Bella Thorne Walking on the Mean Streets of the Day

I’ve written a lot of pretty funny, amazing, genius things about this Bella Thorne girl, but luckily no one reads this site, so I can say it again, and also, can one Bella Thorne, at what I assume will be a 50 plus compound in Florida in the next 8 years, when she fades away when the world finds out she’s in her 40s, pretending to be 18 and it is working because people are such morons these days, they believe everything they are told because they want to believe… She’s a Florida trash hippie child, exploited by her parents, unless she’s the mom who was doing the exploiting trying to prove a point to her hipster daughters, that are now her hipster sisters, who tried to make it and didn’t quite make it are actually her kids…you can never know with white trash… Well, she looks good for 40, and the papaprazzi and perverts everywhere who I guess watched her shitty Disney Show are all about her..so let’s celebrate her success…in her tight skirt.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Bella Thorne Walking on the Mean Streets of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Bella Thorne Walking on the Mean Streets of the Day

Kylie Jenner’s Big Girl Nipples in Florida of the DAy

If you’re into big girls, with big asses, and a flat stomach thanks to waist training and possibly plastic surgery, because her face up close and personal looks like a doughy muppet… Then here’s some Kylie Jenner, totally uninteresting in all she does, but capable of selling out lip product in 30 seconds, because people fucking love her lips, despite them being jacked up and fake… I don’t dig this new generation of nobodies, acting like somebodies, all getting their selfies and perpetuating this shit…I don’t like that this new generation is half retarded fame whores who instead of just watching to watch what famous people do are trying to be famous people or at parties with famous people…and I don’t like that Kylie is considered famous…when fame should be a recognition of ones work…not how many followers you have because you post booty pics and have a tranny dad and whore mom… I don’t mind the hard nipples though, I figure if you’re gonna pollute your life with this shit, as I do…at least have hard nipples in the mix to make it more tolerable… If you want another useless rich kid in Miami pretending to be someone…No, not Kylie’s latch on sidekick Hailey Baldwin, but still someone seeking some kind of status and importance…because she is rich and fucks some black Canadian with a huge dick named The Weekend who is Famous in America….here’s Bella Hadid.. The post Kylie Jenner’s Big Girl Nipples in Florida of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kylie Jenner’s Big Girl Nipples in Florida of the DAy

Willa Holland’s Bottomless and Eaten Out of the Day

Willa Holland is the hollywood child with famous friends and family who has done a few things…but seems to be most interested in her photography, since eveyrone is a photographer, and in doing her photography, is producing high concept stuff like the bottomless no bottoms pic…and the “my boyfriend eats my pussy pic”… This is Art…I don’t necessarily care for or believe in art because art is a fabrication to scam rich people…but whatever it is, it’s heading in the right direction… I prefer her SITTING ON FACE pic… The post Willa Holland’s Bottomless and Eaten Out of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Willa Holland’s Bottomless and Eaten Out of the Day

Nicki Minaj Supports Rapist Brother’s Rape Charge of the Day

So…Nicki Minaj was put in an interesting position that she probably shouldn’t have got involved in, despite being the money maker in the family, who owns the houses that both her brother and mother live in, as they are mooches of her success…and feel entitled to not only live in her house, instead of making money to buy his own damn house, despite being 37…..but also entitled enough to do things that led to a raping a 12 year old charge… Now Jelani Maraj and the details of his rape charges may not be public, and maybe he’s innocent, but the fact that if he isn’t innocent and Nicki Minaj is standing by him, because he’s family is a little fucked up considering her job… I believe that if she is backing him and paying for his legal team with money she makes from 12 year olds… She should be blacklisted and treated like she herself is a 12 year old rapist, and in a lot of ways I am sure she is, as being an idol to them is psychologically rapey… The story is that she posted bail…for someone Charged with raping a 12 year old… Court papers reveal the superstar singer put up the $100,000 bond that sprang Jelani Maraj, 37, from custody in Nassau County on Friday after he was accused of first-degree rape and first-degree sexual conduct against the preteen. The bond is backed by a two homes in Baldwin that are owned by Minaj — one of which is used by her brother and the other by her mother, Carol. “She was prepared to do anything for her brother,” a source said of Minaj. Minaj will be responsible for the fees associated with securing the the bond, typically 6 percent to 10 percent of the bond amount, or $6,000 to $10,000. Had the bail been higher — and Nassau prosecutors had asked for $500,000 — Minaj was ready to offer a letter of credit from a California bank account worth in excess of $2 million, the source said. Again…she posted bail…for someone charged with raping a 12 year old… That means Nicki Minaj has put someone who has been charged with raping a 12 year old….on the street where he can rape more 12 year olds…instead of leaving him in prison where people who aren’t rich stay after they are charged with the rape 12 year olds… The legal system and Nicki Minaj are fucked up… The post Nicki Minaj Supports Rapist Brother’s Rape Charge of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Here is the original post:
Nicki Minaj Supports Rapist Brother’s Rape Charge of the Day

Balle Thorne in a White Dress of the Day

Bella Thorne is 40 years old, but she plays an 18 year old in social media, movies, TV shows, all of which makes her stage parents really happy and gives her hipster sisters something to leverage when they lounge around all day…looking for the next party to do coke at… Here she is in a white dress, because despite it looking like it is something a stripper would wear…white is wholesome and pure…innocent and lovely..and not something someone who bangs producers while underage would ever wear… The post Balle Thorne in a White Dress of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Balle Thorne in a White Dress of the Day