Tag Archives: people-jerked

Tara Reid in a Bikini of the Day

I guess I’ve made fun of Tara Reid over the last decade, where she fell out of the hollywood scene, to become a perpetual spring breaker, because I guess the whole thing was kind of funny to watch. A girl, who at one time was an it girl, not really in every movie, but still one that people jerked off to, throwing it away, to rage like a Sorority girl on some kind of herpes mission…it was weird…but not as weird as when her franken-tit were exposed, which could have been her turning point, you know because it was humilating to her, since botched tit jobs you decide to flash on the red carpet can be traumatic… I am sure I’ve called her a zombie, skeletor, corpse…I may have even done a death watch…but the fact is at 40, she still looks good, even if she’s in movie make-up, malnourished and even sickly from the alocholism….at least she’s not fat, weathered, and disgusting… Meaning like Sharknado, I am happy for her comeback…especially when it is half naked like this… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Tara Reid in a Bikini of the Day