Tag Archives: movie-make-up

Beyonce’s Best Pic Ever of the Day

Beyonce did this shoot for Interview, I didn’t bother looking for the rest of them, even though I know they will be half naked, and her as sexy as she can be, because she’s up on some midlife crisis hustle, where she feels she can compete with these younger girls…and I guess she can…because people are loving her shit, despite her being a mom, at least rumored to be a mom, there’s no proof that pregnancy was actually real….it could have been movie make-up…when I think it is unchristian…but I guess her fame and career in and of itself is not Christian, and she’s a horrible person, but I bet she thanks GOD and Jesus when she wins awards….it’s what these people do… All this to say, keep her fucking masked…it’s her best work.

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Beyonce’s Best Pic Ever of the Day

Tara Reid in a Bikini of the Day

I guess I’ve made fun of Tara Reid over the last decade, where she fell out of the hollywood scene, to become a perpetual spring breaker, because I guess the whole thing was kind of funny to watch. A girl, who at one time was an it girl, not really in every movie, but still one that people jerked off to, throwing it away, to rage like a Sorority girl on some kind of herpes mission…it was weird…but not as weird as when her franken-tit were exposed, which could have been her turning point, you know because it was humilating to her, since botched tit jobs you decide to flash on the red carpet can be traumatic… I am sure I’ve called her a zombie, skeletor, corpse…I may have even done a death watch…but the fact is at 40, she still looks good, even if she’s in movie make-up, malnourished and even sickly from the alocholism….at least she’s not fat, weathered, and disgusting… Meaning like Sharknado, I am happy for her comeback…especially when it is half naked like this… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Tara Reid in a Bikini of the Day

Katy Perry Is Ugly With Make-Up, Here She Is Without It of the Day

I have always said that Katy Perry is fucking disgusting. People would send me hate, but I could never see past the fact that she looks like a skinny Rosie O’Donnell and that’s not saying much, cuz someone 30 pounds overweight in serious industrial strength spanx could pass as a skinny Rosie O’Donnell, hell even Roseanne Barr could pass as a skinny Rosie O’Donnell…. I have always said that even with all her movie make-up, there is nothing hot about her other than her tits. So seeing this disgusting picture of her without make-up came as no real surprise to me, cuz this is what I always see when I see her, even when her tits are “out to here”…. She can’t even sing or dance, her songs are irritating as shit and her tits bore me, cuz so many bitches have great tits, we don’t need to make milionaires out of them, and we don’t need to make them think they are worth more than the tits they are packing, especially when the rest of them looks like it belongs in a barn…. Good thing Russell Brand is gay, cuz if he wasn’t, marrying shit like this could really fuck with your head…. Happy New Year.

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Katy Perry Is Ugly With Make-Up, Here She Is Without It of the Day

Katy Perry Is Ugly With Make-Up, Here She Is Without It of the Day

I have always said that Katy Perry is fucking disgusting. People would send me hate, but I could never see past the fact that she looks like a skinny Rosie O’Donnell and that’s not saying much, cuz someone 30 pounds overweight in serious industrial strength spanx could pass as a skinny Rosie O’Donnell, hell even Roseanne Barr could pass as a skinny Rosie O’Donnell…. I have always said that even with all her movie make-up, there is nothing hot about her other than her tits. So seeing this disgusting picture of her without make-up came as no real surprise to me, cuz this is what I always see when I see her, even when her tits are “out to here”…. She can’t even sing or dance, her songs are irritating as shit and her tits bore me, cuz so many bitches have great tits, we don’t need to make milionaires out of them, and we don’t need to make them think they are worth more than the tits they are packing, especially when the rest of them looks like it belongs in a barn…. Good thing Russell Brand is gay, cuz if he wasn’t, marrying shit like this could really fuck with your head…. Happy New Year.

See the rest here:
Katy Perry Is Ugly With Make-Up, Here She Is Without It of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens is a Mess of the Day

I like to keep track of all girls who get naked and put their pictures on the internet….So here’s Vanessa Hudgens lookin like a bit of a mess. She’s got the tag still on her dress, the band aid on her leg, and the whole thing is amazing to me…not so much because she’s sloppy, but more because I know she takes nude pictures of herself and sends them to her boyfriends, something I wouldn’t require from a girl if I was in the dating scene now, and something I appreciate when boyfriends get bitter and make shit up and definitely something I don’t ask for from my wife, because we don’t need proof that shit actually exists and isn’t just bad movie make-up or a cartoon of a fat girl….but when young girls do it, especially when they are on shows designed for kids, it is totally amazing….that’s why we care what this bitch is doing… Pics via Fame

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Vanessa Hudgens is a Mess of the Day

Janice Dickinson’s Thinks She’s The Original Supermodel of the Day

I read somewhere that Janice Dickinson claims she is the original supermodel, meaning before her there was no other supermodel and since her there have been thousands of supermodels. I know it is a lie, because if she really believed that she was a fuckin’ supermodel, she’d put a little more pressure on herself than to go out lookin like this haggard piece of dog shit that just got run over by a bus. I mean the only thing super on her is the fact that she’s got a set of fake tits and that’s only super in the ghetto stripclub where drug addiction makes saving up 5,000 dollars impossible, where as Dickinson’s tits are just a dime a fuckin dozen where she’s from and I guess I shouldn’t be bothering posting on her but there’s not backing down now.

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Janice Dickinson’s Thinks She’s The Original Supermodel of the Day

I See Dead People / Mischa Barton of the Day

Lookin’ Good Sweetheart. I shouldn’t be hating on these pictures of Mischa Barton because for the longest time I’ve said she looked her best as the dead kid under the bed with stomach flu from the move Sixth Sense, and now she’s finally goin’ back to her roots, only instead of movie make-up, this shit is real fuckin’ deal unhealthiness and it is really sexy. I guess it’s the same reason I went hunting through the Emergency Room at every hospital trying to find people with Swine Flu or terminal illness to be there last lover like I’m the fuckin’ make a wish foundation, or how my friend applied for a job at the morgue to wash dead people, because of all the pussy he figured he’d getto see that wouldn’t say no, only she’s not dead yet, just going through a bit of a rough patch that may leave her dead while lookin’ like death and the whole thing is far too gothic for me, bitch needs to invest in some blush, or a spray tan, maybe even a vacation cuz this is almost to the point of scary.

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I See Dead People / Mischa Barton of the Day