Tag Archives: past-the-fact

Random Hot Instagram Ass Workout of the Day

It turns out that not all instagram workout videos are created equal. This one is what I like to call fitness porn…because there is nothing practical in watching this…other than the boner or sex thought it may give you…but as far as I’m conceded those aren’t so practical…especially not when you work at a daycare. Not that I work at a daycare, but that would be the worst place to experience this video, it could get you arrested… I don’t know who the “model” is, but I assure you, she knows EXACTLY what she’s doing here…she just knows the instagram grey area…Don’t show spread asshole, that’s porn, but do fitness in a thong and it is just encouraging healthy living..intense…

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Random Hot Instagram Ass Workout of the Day

Jessica Simpson in Car Erotica of the Day

Jessica Simpson was trying to avoid the paparazzi the other day, so she decided to take advantage of the erotic pose of her in dress with her tits busting out, and pose for her husband and baby daddy, we like to call “Lottery Winner”… I guess a slimmed down Jessica Simpson is still hot enough to look at when busting out of her dress, if you can see past the fact that her dumb as shit brain you all laughed at is worth over a billion dollars thanks to middle of the road fashions at K-Mart…making her smarter than any of you…which is something that people have killed themselves for less depressing and disappointing facts…. In fascinating “Simpson” news…Ashlee Simpson has no ass …which is convenient because it mateches her career. Life in the shadow of her half retard sister..To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

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Jessica Simpson in Car Erotica of the Day

Amanda Seyfried on Set of the Day

I used to like Amanda Seyfriend…but despite her Disney career being supported by a nude movie career in CHLOE and LOVELACE …that I thought was spectacular…. I just can’t see past the fact that she lets Justin Long, no matter how long he is, inside her… If anything it makes me hate her and her tainted pussy.. I always judge a girl by the cock she fills the void in her soul with…and unfortunately for Seyfriend…she’s failed us all. To See The Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

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Amanda Seyfried on Set of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens in some Panty Photoshoot of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens is modelling in her underwear….and I can’t see past the fact that she looks like a hairy little monkey…even when half naked…I am happy that she’s taken the time to shave herself down, unlike the time when she took nude pics when she was 17 for the internet… It’s nice to see how much she’s grown and progressed as a useless Disney Starlet into this….whatever this may be… Who cares.

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Vanessa Hudgens in some Panty Photoshoot of the Day

Miranda Kerr Forgot To Wear Her Bra

Supermodels aren’t exactly known for their massive breasts, other than maybe Kate Upton of course, so getting shots of one of them without a bra isn’t exactly mind blowing. Here’s Miranda Kerr walking the streets in her thin supermodel jumpsuit on what looks like a chilly July day. Obviously I prefer a woman with much larger, faker breasts, what can I say, but Miranda is so damn sexy that I think I can look past the fact that her breasts are like twenty percent nipples.

Jay-Z Refuses To Let Rihanna See His Daughter Blue Ivy!

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It seems Jay-Z is not willing to look past the fact that Rihanna has given Chris Brown, the man who violently beat her, a second chance.  There have been rumors floating around that Jay-Z and Beyonce do not wish to have Rihanna interacting with their daughter Blue Ivy, now that she has rebuilt her once crumbled bridge, with Chris Brown.  Those close to the situation have said that neither Jay or Beyonce, will not let her see Blue Ivy, so long as she chooses to have a relationship, romantic or otherwise, with Chris Brown. According to an unnamed friend: “Jay-Z’s not only Rihanna’s mentor, he’s also like her big brother.  He got Beyoncé to tell Rihanna he doesn’t want her around the baby if she takes Chris back.  He wants Blue to have positive role models, not someone who’d take back a man who hit her.”

Jay-Z Refuses To Let Rihanna See His Daughter Blue Ivy!

Katy Perry Is Ugly With Make-Up, Here She Is Without It of the Day

I have always said that Katy Perry is fucking disgusting. People would send me hate, but I could never see past the fact that she looks like a skinny Rosie O’Donnell and that’s not saying much, cuz someone 30 pounds overweight in serious industrial strength spanx could pass as a skinny Rosie O’Donnell, hell even Roseanne Barr could pass as a skinny Rosie O’Donnell…. I have always said that even with all her movie make-up, there is nothing hot about her other than her tits. So seeing this disgusting picture of her without make-up came as no real surprise to me, cuz this is what I always see when I see her, even when her tits are “out to here”…. She can’t even sing or dance, her songs are irritating as shit and her tits bore me, cuz so many bitches have great tits, we don’t need to make milionaires out of them, and we don’t need to make them think they are worth more than the tits they are packing, especially when the rest of them looks like it belongs in a barn…. Good thing Russell Brand is gay, cuz if he wasn’t, marrying shit like this could really fuck with your head…. Happy New Year.

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Katy Perry Is Ugly With Make-Up, Here She Is Without It of the Day

Katy Perry Is Ugly With Make-Up, Here She Is Without It of the Day

I have always said that Katy Perry is fucking disgusting. People would send me hate, but I could never see past the fact that she looks like a skinny Rosie O’Donnell and that’s not saying much, cuz someone 30 pounds overweight in serious industrial strength spanx could pass as a skinny Rosie O’Donnell, hell even Roseanne Barr could pass as a skinny Rosie O’Donnell…. I have always said that even with all her movie make-up, there is nothing hot about her other than her tits. So seeing this disgusting picture of her without make-up came as no real surprise to me, cuz this is what I always see when I see her, even when her tits are “out to here”…. She can’t even sing or dance, her songs are irritating as shit and her tits bore me, cuz so many bitches have great tits, we don’t need to make milionaires out of them, and we don’t need to make them think they are worth more than the tits they are packing, especially when the rest of them looks like it belongs in a barn…. Good thing Russell Brand is gay, cuz if he wasn’t, marrying shit like this could really fuck with your head…. Happy New Year.

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Katy Perry Is Ugly With Make-Up, Here She Is Without It of the Day