Tag Archives: actually-real

Beyonce’s Best Pic Ever of the Day

Beyonce did this shoot for Interview, I didn’t bother looking for the rest of them, even though I know they will be half naked, and her as sexy as she can be, because she’s up on some midlife crisis hustle, where she feels she can compete with these younger girls…and I guess she can…because people are loving her shit, despite her being a mom, at least rumored to be a mom, there’s no proof that pregnancy was actually real….it could have been movie make-up…when I think it is unchristian…but I guess her fame and career in and of itself is not Christian, and she’s a horrible person, but I bet she thanks GOD and Jesus when she wins awards….it’s what these people do… All this to say, keep her fucking masked…it’s her best work.

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Beyonce’s Best Pic Ever of the Day

Best of Celebrity Tweets: Music Video Style!

Celebrities love to share their thoughts on Twitter. Isn’t that right, Amanda Bynes ? Kim Kardashian? This isn’t to say that said Tweets are pearls of wisdom, or even coherent. In many cases, they are of little use and may be more confusing than anything. With this in mind, a new YouTube video pays homage to some of the best Tweets from celebrities in music video form, because it was only a matter of time. Check it out below and sing along! Celebrity Tweets Music Video

See the article here:
Best of Celebrity Tweets: Music Video Style!

Jimmy Kimmel Asks Coachella Attendees About Bands That Do Not Exist

Jimmy Kimmel took his recurring “Lie Witness News” segment to Coachella last weekend, in an effort to get the perspective of festival-goers on various bands. Ones that do not actually exist. Jimmy Kimmel ‘Lie Witness News’ at Coachella “Music fans love knowing about bands no one else has heard of,” he dryly noted, then decided to take this idea to an entirely different, absurd level. “So we sent a camera crew to Coachella, and we asked people walking into the venue what they thought about a bunch of bands whose names we made up.” Among the awesome band names Kimmel and his correspondent invented: Dr. Shlomo & G.I. Clinic, The Chelsea Clintons and Get The F**k Out of My Pool. Two Door Cinema Club is actually real, however, to make it even more confusing.

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Jimmy Kimmel Asks Coachella Attendees About Bands That Do Not Exist

Kim Kardashian Pregnant Announcement: Watch Now!

Forget the rumors, tabloid headlines and conjecture: this Kim Kardashian pregnant news is actually real! She has become the second member of her family to get knocked up outside wedlock, as Kardashian is expecting her first child with rapper Kanye West. The musician shocked both Kim and other audience members last night when he made the announcement on stage in Atlantic City. Watch him give a shout-out to his baby mama now: Kim Kardashian Pregnant: The Announcement As for the family’s reaction? As you might expect, it’s both excited and available to all via Twitter… Khloe Kardashian : Keeping secrets is hard with so many family members! Especially when you are so freaking excited!!!!! LOVE is everything. Lamar Odom: I’m excited for Kanye [West] and my sister! There’s nothing like bringing life into this world! Let’s keep Gods blessings coming! Kourtney Kardashian : Been wanting to shout from the rooftops with joy and now I can! Another angel to welcome to our family. Overwhelmed with excitement! Kendall Jenner: whos excited about the KIMYE babbyyy?! 😀 weeee.

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Kim Kardashian Pregnant Announcement: Watch Now!