Tag Archives: finish-the-job

SMH: Wealthy Black Family’s $4 Million Mansion Firebombed By Racist Neighbors

Black Family’s Home Firebombed By Racists Racists targeted a rich Black family’s LA Mansion over the weekend, in an effort to drive them out of their affluent white neighborhood. Via DailyMail : A Los Angeles family whose house was firebombed early Wednesday, causing $200,000 worth of damage, said they considered moving away, convinced they were the targets of a hate crime. But Ronald and Malissia Clinton have chosen to stay after being inundated with support from the local community in Manhattan Beach. The couple believe there is no other reason for the attack – where a gasoline-filled tire was set alight, blowing out the front of their house at 2.30am – other than the fact they’re black. “I don’t have proof, I don’t have any type of motive, but I do have a gut,” Mr Clinton told My Fox LA. “And I tell you- my gut tells me this was racially motivated. And it was somebody that had the intent to harm, injure or even kill us.” Mr Clinton, a pharmacist, was sleep when the attack occurred. He said he woke to the sound of at least two explosions. His wife, a corporate lawyer, was away on business. He quickly got his three children up, grabbed the family dog and ran outside. He then used a garden hose to douse the flames at the front of the house until firefighters arrived to finish the job. The house was bought in 2013 for $3.5 million. The fire department confirmed the incident was arson. Sad that the family had to deal with such hate. Thankfully, no one was hurt and hopefully the culprit will be caught soon. MyFox LA

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SMH: Wealthy Black Family’s $4 Million Mansion Firebombed By Racist Neighbors

Amazing Face of the Day

I haven’t followed the Chris Brown story. I was actually surprised at least one person asked me why I didn’t cover the Chris Brown anger management story. I wrote him off when he didn’t finish the job on Rihanna when he had the chance to take her out, something I am sure 98 percent of Bajans would be happy to see cuz she’s hated on her home turf, and 100 percent of me would be happy to see, strictly cuz she’s a fucking cunt and I see through the act…. I don’t believe in violence towards women, even if it was self defense from her crazy ass that I am still convinced choked herself out to fuck with the dude cuz he cheated on her, but I figure why do something half assed. If you’re 45 percent of the way through something, you might as well finish what you are doing…. But I started a new Feature called Amazing Face and whatever Chris Brown is doing grinding up on this manly faced bitch in a bikini, his face is doing something kind of amazing…making it the Amazing Face of the Day…Make sense? FOLLOW ME

The rest is here:
Amazing Face of the Day

Katy Perry Hides Her Hipster Cleavage

Here’s hipster dufus Katy Perry out the other night on the red carpet supporting her douchefriend at the premiere of his new movie Get Him To The Greek . She looks alright I guess, a little like a prostitute sent back here from the future to save mankind from boredom with her sweet hipster cleavage . Sadly it didn’t work, now they’re going to have to send another hotter futuristic prostitute to finish the job. Can you tell I just watched a few of the Terminator movies? more pictures of Katy Perry here