I figure if you’re going to make basic internet videos, you know redoing something that your friend’s mom was doing last year…you might as well make it a little more “epic” or hardcore… I mean that’s kinda the whole point of the fucking internet as far as I’m concerned…always moving forward into deeper and darker places… I guess this guy is on the same page as me because when he does the cinnamon challenge…a played out youtube prank…he has his friend pepper spray him…in what may be one of the dumbest acts around…and that may have have resulted in his death…which would probably be deserved because despite being funny as shit…you have to be a real idiot to pull this off…
I haven’t followed the Chris Brown story. I was actually surprised at least one person asked me why I didn’t cover the Chris Brown anger management story. I wrote him off when he didn’t finish the job on Rihanna when he had the chance to take her out, something I am sure 98 percent of Bajans would be happy to see cuz she’s hated on her home turf, and 100 percent of me would be happy to see, strictly cuz she’s a fucking cunt and I see through the act…. I don’t believe in violence towards women, even if it was self defense from her crazy ass that I am still convinced choked herself out to fuck with the dude cuz he cheated on her, but I figure why do something half assed. If you’re 45 percent of the way through something, you might as well finish what you are doing…. But I started a new Feature called Amazing Face and whatever Chris Brown is doing grinding up on this manly faced bitch in a bikini, his face is doing something kind of amazing…making it the Amazing Face of the Day…Make sense? FOLLOW ME
I’ve probably said this before, but I’ll say it again. Tori Black is probably the best looking pornstar out there. She’s the kind of girl who could have chosen any path, whether being the next Megan Fox, or Alba or whatever, but instead she chose getting fucked on camera. I’m not entirely sure if that was a good thing or not, I mean sure being able to cross reference a bitch with her dick choking ability is a nice feature, but there’s this level of mystery that comes with not being a pornstar that makes a bitch far more interesting to me….. Even in all my laziness as a pervert, I prefer wondering how a bitch fucks than seeing it in produced cheesy internet videos….making me one of the few dudes who hates porn bitches….and prefers thinking a bitch is wholesome and not getting paid for her fuck…cuz being in porn is too easy, trashy and most of the time boring….give me an amateur or a sex tape, even a staged sex tape any fucking day….it’s the same reason I prefer going to real bars over stripclubs, cuz at least when I see up a bitch’s skirt at a real club, it has what seems like some meaning, value, etc. Either way, here’s Tori Blacki in some Mainstream Horror movie called Half Moon that I’ve never heard of…naked…even though you can just google to see her really REALLY naked…if you know what I mean…making this mainstream career an obvious one… Here’s the premise – guess who she plays: “Half Moon” tells the story of a city gripped with fear because of a man killing prostitutes.” This is some real low grade shit…my god…..this can’t be called mainstream, sure it’s not porn, but it is definitely fucking smut…. FOLLOW ME