Community has gotten to the point where every critic on the Internet will bend over backward to give the show glowing praise. As Emily Nussbaum just wrote on Twitter, “I laughed at literally every line of that episode of Community . Exhaustingly excellent.” Well, that’s one way to put it. Another way would be to say that while funny, “Conspiracy Theories and Soft Defenses” was a pale imitation of an Arrested Development episode, with a B-story that might as well have been left to an online deleted scene. Annie might have had a gun, but Community fired some blanks last night.

See the rest here:
‘A World Without Dioramas’: Community Recapped
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged awards, colin-firth, donald-glover, fired-some, literally-every, pale-imitation, the-baggage, theories