I don’t know who actually buys calendars anymore these days — mechanics and teenage boys, I guess? But after checking out Rhian Sugden ‘s 2016 calendar, I’m definitely glad hotties like Rhian are still making them. Anyway, I couldn’t post all 12 pictures because of the nudity so I guess that answers my first question too. Because I’m guessing at least half you perverts put in your advance orders as soon as you finished reading that last sentence, so enjoy the sneak preview.
“How can I lose 10 lbs in five days?” That’s the number one question I get asked as a pro FitGirl. And the second question I am always asked is, “What should I eat before and after I work out?” Well since the first question is totally against my RAD girl beliefs,I am glad to […]
Why'd Justin Bieber Instagram a photo of Selena Gomez at Vanity Fair's Oscar party? Why'd he call her an elegant princess? Well, that's obvious, but our first question still stands! Originally posted here: So… Justin Bieber Instagrammed Photos Of 'Elegant Princess …
Delonte West comes clean… During an interview with Dallas News, Delonte West finally spoke on the rumor that he chopped down LeBron James’ mother in 2010: “It’s affected me,” West says. “Everywhere I go, first question, ‘Don’t tell me you did that.’ ” “That” would be the rumor that during the 2010 playoffs, West had a sexual encounter with Cleveland Cavaliers teammate LeBron James’ mother, Gloria. West says he wants to permanently squash the rumor not just for his sake, but mostly for James and his mother, who West says expressed nothing but kindness during his three seasons in Cleveland. In fact, West says Gloria James reminded him of his single mother, Delphina Addison, who raised Delonte and his siblings to be “happy-poor, just enjoy life and the blessings that God has given us. “If we want to continue to grow as a human race, what are we teaching our kids if we try to make humor and fun out of stuff like that?” West says of the rumor. “Number one, something like that never happened. I don’t know where they got that from. “For a strong black woman like that, for people to try to tear her down, that’s terrible. That’s terrible in so many ways.” Well, we finally got that cleared up. Do you believe it? Or do you think he’s covering up from a dark truth? Sound off! Pics via Wenn Source
It’s a boy for Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett! Their son, Hank Randall Baskett IV, was delivered via C-section at 12:37 a.m. on Friday in Indiana, where Baskett is a wide receiver for the Indianapolis Colts
It started out like an ordinary radio interview with Chris Brown, with the singer describing his just-released album, Graffiti , and his new movie, Takers .