Tag Archives: fitness-because

Elle Fanning Fitness of the Day

The highlight of Elle Fanning in her fitness gear – rocking the sports bra – because at 18 she knows she’s gotta maintain that fit body in order to maintain a career in Hollywood, which isn’t entirely true – proven with all the fat chicks and backlash the world gets for celebrating health and fitness because America is obese and want obese people on TV to make them feel better about being obese allowing them to consume more and keep the economy afloat like a the cattle they outweigh…and that we all are….disposable – just give us a huge percentage of your money so that we can keep the scam going… So the highlight is the old man lookin’ on, not the sports bra on the fit 18 year old, amd if it wasn’t Elle Fanning – from Hollywood royal stage parents, I’d assume the old man was her boyfriend financing her dumb life… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Elle Fanning Fitness of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Elle Fanning Fitness of the Day

Sasha Cohen’s Got a Great Ass of the Day

Olympic figure skater Sasha Cohen as at some dude named Victor Weir-Voronov’s pool party this past weekend, and like most pool parties, she got into a bikini, only at this party, she decided to pose for a group shot like a fucking boss, you know at the right angle to show off her fit round ass an ass she clearly knew she had, because most girls in bikinis who aren’t so confident about their ass posing, usually have a sarong or towel or oversized t-shirt to compensate, even when their asses aren’t half bad. All this to say, this is just another example of athletic girls in to fitness because it is their livelihood, squatting their way into an ass I’d like to chip my tooth on. Seriously, I love fit booty, and this one blows my fucking mind, unlike trying to masturbate to figure skating back when it was on the only channel I had, because along with tennis and swimming, the camel toe and panty flash is there, but so hard to time right your orgasm to right…

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Sasha Cohen’s Got a Great Ass of the Day

Grandma Rape Story of the Day

Some grandmother in detroit is accusing her grandson of raping her. She is 47 years old, so it is safe to say that she’s a piece of fucking trash, because to have a grandson old enough to rape you, means he comes from a lineage of sluts who get knocked up at 16, so instead of complaining, she should just accept her fuckin’ fate, because it is the life she made for herself, and appreciate the dick inside her that she loves so much because dick got her in this mess to begin with and if anything try to get knocked up, because bitch still hasn’t hit menopause and trashy families love incest. Wht it all comes down to is that this give a whole new meaning to “My grandma’s got the best tasting cookie”…..

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Grandma Rape Story of the Day

Kate Gosselin’s Lesbian Ass in her Gym Clothes of the Day

Like all good single people, Kate Gosselin is heading home from the gym in spandex shorts because I guess she’s tryin to get the last of her freak baby making uterus fat toned the fuck up to land top quality pussy at the lesbian bars, which almost surprises me because I thought lesbians were more accepting of fat chicks. I mean based on her show and the way she bossed Jon around like a fucking drill sergeant, I feel like she’s the kind of dyke who likes to wear the pants and have the big biceps no one wants to fuck with. You know the one with the strap on dildo strapped on at all fucking time….

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Kate Gosselin’s Lesbian Ass in her Gym Clothes of the Day