Tag Archives: fitness-program

Alessandra Ambrosio Has No Nipples for Vogue Brazil of the Day

The real miracle on Boxing day that is Alessandra Ambrosio, is the fact that she has two kids and still manages to look this good…I like to call her fitness program million dollar modeling contracts she wouldn’t let little lecherous parasite children get in the way of…just because she wanted to have kids early on because she’s brazilian and they don’t do abortions..but I wouldn’t say she’s come out of these pregnancies unscathed, I’m sure her vagina has taken serious abuse, and according to this Vogue Brazil feature for January…it looks like her nipples did to…possibly chewed right off breast feeding…or maybe she never had nipples to begin with…or maybe…just maybe…the fashion magazine felt that nipples were too pornographic to show off a bathing suit…like they were Victoria’s Secret so they played got and erased the shit, leaving her a barbie doll of a woman…and like all Barbie dolls…I’d totally put my ass while I jerk off… Merry Christmas to all…and to all a good night…even though christmas was yesterday…I’m slow…it happens…

Alessandra Ambrosio Has No Nipples for Vogue Brazil of the Day

Izabel Goulart’s Fitness Porn of the Day

Izabel Goulart’s Fitness is pornographic…and she knows it, she’s putting it up on Instagram, pretending it is for girls to better themselves, to learn from her, to live a healthy life, but there isn’t a fitness program in watching her do one move. There isn’t weight loss in this, there is just skimpy shorts and ass, and you know masturbating to it is far less illegal than masturbating to it if you were at an actual fitness club. I approve of this World Cup Soccer Brazilian message she’s sending me via short shorts and ass.

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Izabel Goulart’s Fitness Porn of the Day

The Side-Eye: Tyler Perry Puts The Media On Blast!!

Tyler’s still spinning interviews towards his friendship with Whitney as he tries to push through bad movie reviews …again. According to Essence: Tyler Perry has been vocal about his longtime friendship with the late Whitney Houston, and he recently revealed in an interview on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight that he was disgusted with how the media handled her death. “It was so blatantly disrespectful,” he said of the paparazzi who tried to take pictures of the R&B singer in her death. “I understand she was a superstar, but she didn’t deserve to be treated that way in the media toward the end.” Perry, who supplied the plane for Houston’s funeral, described how he tried to keep her body protected from the public’s eye. “We tried to send a hearse as a decoy. They found out we had the body in a van and there were paparazzi 50 deep following the van. I had to move the plane into the hangar, close the door and bring the van in,” he said. But even during this process, Perry said one of the hired drivers tried to take pictures of them putting her body on the plane. “It was just beyond disrespectful for her family and everyone else,” he said. 
 Stop telling everybody that you “supplied the plane” for Whit’s funeral. Real friends don’t brag. SMH Images via WENN

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The Side-Eye: Tyler Perry Puts The Media On Blast!!

Fiddy Releases Promo For His New Workout Plan [Video]

Wonder how many folks will buy into his fitness regime ? With his slogan “you’ll see your body improve by 50 percent”, how could you not be intrigued? We’ll give 50 credit where credit is due; he’s got a fit body but is that all it takes to sell a fitness program to the masses?? We’re sure we all know somebody who’ll have the DVD set once it’s released. Images via youtube/WENN

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Fiddy Releases Promo For His New Workout Plan [Video]

Alexis Wright Client List Released By Police

The names of 21 people accused of purchasing sex from Maine Zumba instructor Alexis Wright have been released, and “The List” is hitting her small town hard. Police released Alexis Wright’s client list – or part of it anyway – earlier today. The 29-year-old had been operating a prostitution ring out of her Kennebunk, Me., Zumba studio along with her partner, 57-year-old Mark Strong Sr., officials say. Wright also recorded her dalliances with clients – 100 hours’ worth of video. A judge determined the identities of those involved in the case would be made public. Wright’s list does not include any of the ages and addresses of those named. “The principle that court proceedings are public is essential to public confidence,” the judge explained. “If persons charged with crimes could withhold their identities, the public would not be able to monitor proceedings to observe whether justice has been done,” he added. The controversial release of Wright’s clients’ identities is central to the public’s ability “to observe whether certain defendants may have received favored treatment.” According to Strong’s lawyer Dan Lilley, the full list includes 150 names. They all will be made public at a later date. Lilly claims that people Alexis Wright has serviced include lawyers, accountants and even a local TV personality. Wright, 29, pleaded not guilty in Portland to 106 counts of prostitution, violation of privacy, tax evasion and other charges for allegedly providing sex for money. She opened her Pura Vida fitness studio in 2010 teaching Zumba, a Latin-inspired fitness program that combines aerobics and dance, about 25 miles south of Portland. Soon after, she was suspected of running a prostitution ring. Police began investigating after hearing reports of cars coming to the studio and the office at all hours of the day and night and men going in for a half-hour or hour at a time. The landlord who rented the office space to Wright told investigators one of his tenants sometimes heard “moaning and groaning” coming from Wright’s office. When the landlord checked the office himself, he found a massage table and a video camera on a tripod. He also found an online porn clip of Wright filmed there. He called the police, who busted Wright and Strong.

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Alexis Wright Client List Released By Police