Tag Archives: flashes-ellen

Breaking News! Christina Aguilera Is Hot Again

I’m not sure what kind of deal with the Devil Christina Aguilera had to strike to get this skinny and hot again, but whatever it was, it’s worth it. She’d been getting so huge I hadn’t done a post on her in months, but now here she is at the NBC TCA Summer Press Tour looking like her old self again. And best of all? She dropped all that weight, but didn’t lose a pound between her belly button and neck. Now that’s the Christina I used to know and love picture doing filthy things with. » view all 35 photos Related Articles: Christina Aguilera Flashes Ellen The Goods Christina Aguilera’s Greatest Tits, I Mean Hits Promo Pics Christina Aguilera Breasts Can’t Save That Old Lady Outfit Christina Aguilera Ruins A See Through Moment Photos: WENN.com

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Breaking News! Christina Aguilera Is Hot Again

Alice Eve Bikini Pictures

It must be a good day for hot blondes in bikinis, because we’ve also got British actress Alice Eve for you guys. You probably remember Alice from the movie She’s Out of My League or Men in Black 3 . But if you ask me, I think these bikini pictures have a chance to be her true breakout performance. They’re simply magnificent. Bravo. Encore. Related Articles: Christina Aguilera Flashes Ellen The Goods Christina Aguilera’s Greatest Tits, I Mean Hits Promo Pics Christina Aguilera Breasts Can’t Save That Old Lady Outfit Christina Aguilera Ruins A See Through Moment Photos: PacificCoastNews

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Alice Eve Bikini Pictures

Christina Aguilera Is Not Only Chunky, She’s Now Ugly

We’ve got even more pictures from the American Music Awards, they’re the gift that keeps on giving. That is, assuming you were hoping to see Christina Aguilera doing her best to pretend that she still looks hot and skinny. I know I’ve been rough on Christina lately, but I call ‘em like I see ‘em. And all I see here is some formerly hot chick with a fake tan hogging the red carpet. Next! » view all 29 photos Related Articles: Christina Aguilera Flashes Ellen The Goods Christina Aguilera’s Greatest Tits, I Mean Hits Promo Pics Christina Aguilera Breasts Can’t Save That Old Lady Outfit Christina Aguilera Ruins A See Through Moment Photos: WENN.com

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Christina Aguilera Is Not Only Chunky, She’s Now Ugly

Christina Aguilera Is The New Jessica Simpson

Just when I thought Christina Aguilera had started to lose some of that post-divorce weight she put on, now this? I know she was getting big before, but she looks downright huge in these pictures from the 2012 NCLR ALMA Awards. What happened? She’s even bigger than Jessica Simpson now. Whatever it is, Christina needs to get this under control. And fast. All these fluctuations are bad for my health. » view all 35 photos Related Articles: Christina Aguilera Flashes Ellen The Goods Christina Aguilera’s Greatest Tits, I Mean Hits Promo Pics Christina Aguilera Breasts Can’t Save That Old Lady Outfit Christina Aguilera Ruins A See Through Moment Photos: WENN.com

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Christina Aguilera Is The New Jessica Simpson

Christina Aguilera’s Wobbly Cleavage

It looks to me like Christina Aguilera has started to lose a little of that post divorce weight she put on. It’s about time. As much as I loved her new big fat chick boobies, I much prefer my hotties on the slender side. Here she is looking like she’s having a little trouble focusing on putting one foot in front of the other while out on the town. I like it. Drunk girls with big breasts stuffed into a tight little dress are kind of my thing. Nicely done.

Dakota Fanning Needs To Work On Her Hotness

I was kind of hoping now that Dakota Fanning is over eighteen she might, you know, slut things up a little bit in some sexy and provocative outfits….. I was wrong. Here she is looking like she’s on her way to a baptism in the 1950′s. Not what I had in mind. #antiboner

Christina Aguilera’s Booty Is Sick!

I knew this moment was going to come sooner or later, Christina Aguilera has been packing on the pounds for months and months now, I’ve been dreading it and trying to prepare myself for it… But nothing could have prepared me for this. Here she is with her massive posterior stretching out an unfortunate pair of pants while out with the kid over the weekend. I think I just burped up a little of last night’s dinner. This is just not good for anyone. She’s got an ass like a football player. Yikes.

XXX-Large-Tina Shows Off The Caboose

It would seem that all my once favorite popstars have been getting all fat and gross lately, mostly because they’re pregnant and that’s how it works, but what’s Christina Aguilera’s excuse. Here she is showing off her extra large booty on the red carpet last night. I wouldn’t even call this a booty anymore, this is an extra large ass. Sick. There’s ‘Bootylicious’ and then there’s ‘BootydisgustingIpukedinmymouthalittle’… I’d categorize this under the latter. Not good. Don’t even get me started on her rotten face. more pictures of Christina Aguilera here

Christina Aguilera Is XXX-Large

Christina Aguilera has been trying to convince us that she’s not getting fat for months now, you’re not fooling anybody lady, but it seems that stuffing her rolls into multiple layers of heavy duty Spanx just isn’t going to cut it anymore. Here she is at the Michael Jackson tribute concert over the weekend looking absolutely disgusting. That wig’s not covering up enough of her fat face. She looks like a blonde Snooki, oh god, I just threw up a bit. I’ve seen this look before…. On a tranny who offered me an HJ in a parking lot once. Sick!