Tag Archives: flatliners remake

The $11 Question: How The Worst Movie EVER! Scored the Worst Opening Ever

The little movie that couldn’t has become the little movie that still probably won’t but will have fun trying: Since Tuesday, when we brought you the story of The Worst Movie EVER ! and its unprecedented $11 opening weekend , a groundswell of lookie-loos from around the world have made the trailer a mini-hit on YouTube and initiated something of a cult following on Facebook. It still has a ways to go before reaching The Room levels of notoriety , but for now, anyway, it can still claim one critical distinction: Nobody has any idea who its one ticket-buying viewer is.

See the article here:
The $11 Question: How The Worst Movie EVER! Scored the Worst Opening Ever

Sony Brings Flatliners Back From the Dead With Source Code Screenwriter

Because Hollywood never met a property it didn’t want to resuscitate, Sony has commissioned Source Code screenwriter Ben Ripley to pen its remake of Flatliners . The Joel Schumacher-directed 1990 film starred Julia Roberts (and her awesome hair), Kevin Bacon, Kiefer Sutherland and Billy Baldwin as medical students toying with near-death experiences to increasingly dangerous outcomes. Sorta like movie executives continuing to mine former VHS faves for redux treatment! [ Deadline ]

More here:
Sony Brings Flatliners Back From the Dead With Source Code Screenwriter