Tag Archives: little-movie

Throwback Thursday: Watch The First Time We Met Ron Burgundy

About 10 years ago, MTV News visited the set of a little movie called ‘Anchorman.’ By Kase Wickman

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Throwback Thursday: Watch The First Time We Met Ron Burgundy

The $11 Question: How The Worst Movie EVER! Scored the Worst Opening Ever

The little movie that couldn’t has become the little movie that still probably won’t but will have fun trying: Since Tuesday, when we brought you the story of The Worst Movie EVER ! and its unprecedented $11 opening weekend , a groundswell of lookie-loos from around the world have made the trailer a mini-hit on YouTube and initiated something of a cult following on Facebook. It still has a ways to go before reaching The Room levels of notoriety , but for now, anyway, it can still claim one critical distinction: Nobody has any idea who its one ticket-buying viewer is.

See the article here:
The $11 Question: How The Worst Movie EVER! Scored the Worst Opening Ever

It’s Never Too Soon to Handicap the Razzies

Weinsteinian Oscar speculation is fine and all, but what about the Razzies? “[A]s a Razzie pro,” writes Dan Kois , “I’d say this: Don’t sleep on Atlas Shrugged: Part I . It has a tiny profile, earning only $4.6 million at the box office, but it got a lot of highbrow press coverage for its awfulness. And unlike all these other movies, Atlas won’t confuse voters come nomination day. I think it might be this year’s The Hottie and the Nottie — a real Little Movie That Can’t!” And a breath of fresh Razzie air to boot! For your consideration, indeed. [ Grantland ]

Read the rest here:
It’s Never Too Soon to Handicap the Razzies

Corey Haim: Five Essential Film Roles

The sudden death of 1980s icon Corey Haim is enough to make us want to go home sick, dust off the old VCR player (remember those?) and have a little movie marathon. Alas, some of us have…

Continued here:
Corey Haim: Five Essential Film Roles

The Official Remember Me Movie Trailer

In case you haven’t heard, Robert Pattinson is starring in a little movie called New Moon . He’s also scheduled to play a key role in Eclipse , the third film in the Twilight Saga, due out on June 30, 2010

Originally posted here:
The Official Remember Me Movie Trailer

Lutz & McCord’s Not-So-Private Rendezvous

AnnaLynne McCord and Kellan Lutz better get in as much time together as they can these days because as we all know Mr. Lutz is pretty darn busy promoting that quiet little movie, New…

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Lutz & McCord’s Not-So-Private Rendezvous