Tag Archives: atlas shrugged part 1

Atlas Shrugged Part II is Hiring! No Résumés Required!

Remember the snoozy, clip-art-looking ad campaign for the low-budget Atlas Shrugged Part I ? Those days are over, if the producers — and maybe you or any designers you know — have anything to say about it : ART DIRECTOR Full-time position working on the Atlas Shrugged Movie Marketing team (may work remotely). Must be proficient in Photoshop and Illustrator and posses depth of knowledge in Web related Graphics and design. HTML, CSS, and Usability huge pluses. Experience with Adobe Premiere helpful. Responsibilities to include evolving the foundational Atlas brand, creating collateral and assets for print & web. DO NOT send resume. Not very Objectivist of them! Oh, and there’s a paid internship opening, too, for the enterprising youngster with the best “brief 3 paragraph essay answering the question ‘Who is Ayn Rand?'” In any case, please disregard that two more new jobs were just created on Obama’s watch. Thanks! [ Atlas Shrugged Blog ]

See the rest here:
Atlas Shrugged Part II is Hiring! No Résumés Required!

It’s Never Too Soon to Handicap the Razzies

Weinsteinian Oscar speculation is fine and all, but what about the Razzies? “[A]s a Razzie pro,” writes Dan Kois , “I’d say this: Don’t sleep on Atlas Shrugged: Part I . It has a tiny profile, earning only $4.6 million at the box office, but it got a lot of highbrow press coverage for its awfulness. And unlike all these other movies, Atlas won’t confuse voters come nomination day. I think it might be this year’s The Hottie and the Nottie — a real Little Movie That Can’t!” And a breath of fresh Razzie air to boot! For your consideration, indeed. [ Grantland ]

Read the rest here:
It’s Never Too Soon to Handicap the Razzies

Oh My Galt! Atlas Shrugged, Part 1 Trailer Enters The Marketplace

Wake your sophomore year-self up and meet everyone in the dorm common room, because I have a got a treat for you. After being hastily cobbled together before the producers lost the rights, Atlas Shrugged, Part 1 has released its first trailer. And sweet, suffering Bolshevism, is it a doozy.

The rest is here:
Oh My Galt! Atlas Shrugged, Part 1 Trailer Enters The Marketplace