Tag Archives: follow-the-full

A Week in the Field with Vanguard: From Jakarta to Atlanta

Most of the Vanguard team is still out in the field this week. Follow along with them on Twitter, and keep reading for recent highlights and photos from their trips, still in progress: Correspondent Christof Putzel is in Indonesia with producers Alex Simmons and Jeff Plunkett, working on a piece for early 2011. @ChristofP Walking by a candlelight vigil in Jakarta where hundreds are praying for the victims of multiple suicide bombings. [Pictured above.] @JKPlunkett When driving in Indonesia you can pay a man called a “pak ogah” to stop traffic for you when you need to make a u-turn. #crazyassjobs @a_simmons I keep setting off all the metal detectors in Indonesia and yet no one seems to notice. @JKPlunkett The best looking calves I've ever seen on a statue. [Pictured above.] @ChristofP My week: Burning Man-> Los Angeles-> Tucson, AZ-> Nagales, Mexico-> Los Angeles-> Bangkok, Thailand-> Jakarta, Indonesia. Life is good. @a_simmons Did not expect to see Indonesian hipsters riding fixed gear bikes all over Jakarta. @JKPlunkett But I don't want to wear my helmet, Mom! [Pictured above.] @a_simmons Lunch options in Jakarta include Wendys, Tony Romas, Outback, McDonalds, A&W, Carls Junior, KFC, etc. Meanwhile, executive producer/correspondent Adam Yamaguchi and producer Darren Foster are in Atlanta, finishing up a piece for this fall: @AdamYamaguchi The interstate– efficient way to move drugs. [Pictured above.] @darren_foster And chopper is efficient way to see interstate Follow the full Vanguard team on Twitter. added by: shana

Soccer in Morocco – Vanguard in the field

Interview w/ W. African soccer player in Morocco who's trying to make it to Europe. At a pick up soccer game for West Africans in Morocco for a Vanguard story due to premiere around World Cup. More to come… Rare sighting: @darren_foster using a tripod! Ready to guess our next story yet? Follow the full Vanguard team using our Twitter list. added by: MarianaVanZeller