Floyd Mayweather Takes Rmarni Ellis To Sit Courtside Remember when we told you that Floyd Mayweather had found a bangin’ lil 19-year-old from a small town in England to add to his harem? Well young Rmarni has been living it up tremendously since hopping a private jet out of her hometown, and doesn’t appear to be slowing down anytime soon. Floyd has reportedly jetted the little one from New York, to Las Vegas, and now to LA…all while treating her to lavish dinners, fancy gifts, courtside seats , and spins in his luxury rides in between. Rmarni apparently brought her bangin’ older sister along for the ride… And Floyd seems to be enjoying BOTH of their company very much: And they’re enjoying living it up American style — Despite the fact that Floyd has taken this young girl from a $9 hour job in a small town straight to private jets and courtside seats in a foreign country…her mother refuses to believe that she’s busting it open for Pretty Boy Floyd out of pure gratitude. She instead insists that Rmarni has a lil broke boyfriend back home that she’s much more concerned with… Via MailOnline : However, despite her all-expenses paid two-week trip with the boxing champion, Ramarni’s mother insists the pair are not romantically involved – and that her daughter already has a boyfriend. Mandy Ball said it is ‘daft’ to think her daughter is dating the 38-year-old boxer, appearing to back up claims that the New Look shop assistant is dating AA car mechanic Andre Brown, also 19. She said: ‘She’s only 19 and she’s got a boyfriend. I have spoken to her since she landed and she says she is having a whale of a time. ‘Floyd asked her if she wanted a holiday in America and why would she refuse? It’s the trip of a lifetime.’ Riiiiiiigggght. We’re sure Floyd is just taking this bangin’ lil exotical joint and her equally bad sister on an educational field trip across the country in his private jet just out of the goodness of his heart… Instagram
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Floyd Mayweather Takes His 19-Year-Old Bae To Sit Courtside With Jay & Bey…But What Do Her Parents Have To Say??