Tag Archives: former-co-host

Donald Trump on Rosie O’Donnell Sucking: I Called It!

Donald Trump is not surprised, or sad, to say the least, about Rosie O’Donnell’s recent misfortunes. He says he’s known what a failure she is since the get-go. If you missed it, Oprah cancelled Rosie’s show last week – amid reports of chaos on what staffers called “hellish” set – to her former adversary’s delight. Trump went on Twitter this morning and wrote, “Rosie O’Donnell has failed again . Her ratings were abysmal and Oprah cancelled her on Friday night.” “When will media executives learn that Rosie just hasn’t got it.” Trump has been bashing Rosie for years, claiming the former co-host on The View was a “pig” and a “loser” after she called him a “snake-oil salesman.” In the case of OWN canning her, Rosie felt the writers, producers, stage managers and directors were all inept … and that didn’t sit well with the brass. The brass being Oprah, who hired all those people. Her attitude was the final straw. One word several high level staffers used to describe R.O. is “bully,” something the network ultimately had enough of. Burning question: What’s more offensive: Donald Trump Jr.’s hunting photos , or that gargoyle Rosie O’Donnell’s mere presence in any situation? [Photos: WENN.com]

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Donald Trump on Rosie O’Donnell Sucking: I Called It!

Noel Gallagher and Sara MacDonald married

The rocker, 44, tied the knot to his girlfriend of 11 years, Sara MacDonald, over the weekend, his rep confirms to us. The ceremony reportedly took place Saturday at the Lime Wood Hotel in New Forest, England, and this is Gallagher#39;s second marriage. Looks like Noel Gallagher has found his Wonderwall – the former Oasis frontman is married. Published reports say Russell Brand, Gallagher#39;s former co-host on British radio show TalkSPORT, served as best man at the ceremony, where MacDonald

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Noel Gallagher and Sara MacDonald married