Tag Archives: former-pastor

Rev. Jeremiah Wright: Barack Obama Has Done Nothing For Black Community (Video)


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Ouch. Barack Obama’s former pastor and mentor Jeremiah Wright told author Ed Klein of The Amateur that Barack Obama has done nothing for the black community. Wright also said Obama was selected. Klein played the audio today on the Sean … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 17/05/2012 02:28 Number of articles : 2

Rev. Jeremiah Wright: Barack Obama Has Done Nothing For Black Community (Video)

Jessica Simpson and Billy Corgan: Actually Dating!

After rumors swirled earlier this week that they were dating, friends confirm that Jessica Simpson and Billy Corgan are in fact an item – and taking things slow. “They’re getting to know each other,” says a source . “He’s a nice guy.” Friday, Jessica Simpson and Billy Corgan were spotted together in New York City

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Jessica Simpson and Billy Corgan: Actually Dating!

Rev. Wright — Oprah Can’t Help Poor People

Filed under: Oprah , Barack Obama , Politix , Exclusives Oprah may appear to be all-powerful — but according to Reverend Jeremiah Wright, she doesn’t have as much pull as we thought.Barack Obama’s former pastor was in D.C. yesterday, where he went on the Oprah offensive, saying she’s only “an entertainer, … Permalink

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Rev. Wright — Oprah Can’t Help Poor People