Tag Archives: fossil-fuels

Study Claim: Up To 20% Of US Coal-Fired Generating Capacity May Be "Retired" Over Coming Decade

Boardman 550 megawatt, coal-fired power plant at Carty Reservoir, Oregon USA. Constructed in 1977, the Boardman plant is slated to be closed down by 2020 (43 year operating life). Image credit: Wikipedia A recently published study by the Brattle Group makes the claim that USEPA promulgated final regulations for controlling air emissions of SO2, NOx, particulates, and mercury, plus requirements for better control of therm… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Study Claim: Up To 20% Of US Coal-Fired Generating Capacity May Be "Retired" Over Coming Decade

"Rocket Trike" Cleanly Travels From Colorado to D.C.

Photo: Kim Ream Tom Weis is not the kind of guy to back down a challenge. In fact, just last week he finished the type of feat few would ever attempt — riding a recumbent tricycle , called the ‘Rocket Trike’, some 2,500 miles across the United States, from Boulder, Colorado to Washington D.C., without consuming a drop of fossil fuels . For Weis, the biggest challenge facing America is to get everyone on board with a 100 percent

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"Rocket Trike" Cleanly Travels From Colorado to D.C.

Two South Africans Make Mecca Pilgrimage by Bike

Cyclists Nathim Cairncross and Imtiyaz Ahmad Haron at Mecca. Photo: Cape 2 Mecca Cycle . Every year, some 2 million Muslims descend upon Mecca to fulfill the Islamic tenet that every able-bodied believer must make the pilgrimage to the religion’s holiest spot at least once in their lives. These days, most people travel by plane to the historical location in what is today Saudi Arabia, causing concern about the environmental impact of the hajj , as the pilgrimage… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Two South Africans Make Mecca Pilgrimage by Bike

Extolling the Benefits of Local Holiday Shopping

Photo: Wellington We have heard time and time again about the importance of shopping locally but with the holiday season just around the corner it becomes more important than ever. But dollar for dollar what does choosing a local retailer mean for your community? When push comes to shove, it’s a lot more than wasting fossil fuels on goods flown in. Local shopping puts dollars into your comm… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Extolling the Benefits of Local Holiday Shopping

The Strangest Sustainability Analogy Ever? Stop Watching Spongebob (Video)

Image credit: CosmicRevolutionKS When I interviewed my friend Tim Toben of Greenbridge and Pickards Mountain Ecoinstitute , he suggested it was important that we all “tell the story about the transformation from a world powered by fossil fuels to a world powered by renewable energy — in poetry, music, art, dance.” That’s easier said than done. But one young man has been doing just that—and the result is rather strange, but oddly compelling. Apparently we… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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The Strangest Sustainability Analogy Ever? Stop Watching Spongebob (Video)

Prehistoric Humans Caused Climate Changes, Too?

Image via elisson1 It’s almost quaint to think that our ancient ancestors, living some 10,000 years ago, may have altered the planet’s climate, just like us. Though unlike today, a time when our thirst of fossil fuels is heating up the planet , a new study suggests that our distant relatives’ hunger for mammoth meat could have played a hand in ancient climate change, long before the wheel was even invented…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Prehistoric Humans Caused Climate Changes, Too?