Tag Archives: fourth-flick

Sequels Never End: Are You Ready For ‘Toy Story 4′ And ‘Green Lantern 2′?

So we’re basically agreed that Hollyweird doesn’t have any more original ideas anymore, right? So they’re going to go ahead and just keep making sequels until nobody ever makes a new movie any more. Despite the fact that Green Lantern cost $300 million to make and it only earned $53 million in its first weekend, Warner Bros. are down to crank out sequel. We hope they decide to make a sequel that doesn’t…um…fall short of critics’ expectations like the first one did. Meanwhile, the good folks over at Pixar are making yet another Toy Story movie. That’s right, Woody, Buzz Lightyear and the crew just won’t die. Expect your kids to be tugging on your leg to watch the fourth flick when it drops. Will you be planning on seeing any of these movies when they come out? Let us know.

Sequels Never End: Are You Ready For ‘Toy Story 4′ And ‘Green Lantern 2′?

Matt Damon Might Be Back For More ‘Bourne?’

Matt Damon has said he doesn’t believe he’s ‘done’ with the Bourne films. Damon, 39, has played the role of “Jason Bourne” in three previous movies and said he is definitely open for a fourth flick – but not without director Paul Greengrass .

The rest is here:
Matt Damon Might Be Back For More ‘Bourne?’