Jennifer Aniston may be too old to be posing in her lingerie, especially for a magazine like the Hollywood Reporter, that’s not even designed for people to jerk off to, but instead to cover bullshit hollywood things, like why Jennifer Aniston wasn’t nominated for an Oscar, which I can safely say is probably because she’s Rachel from Friends in every single movie she’s ever done, sometimes more comedic, sometimes more sad, but always Rachel from friends, and as Rachel from Friends, she’s become rich and relevant, and this whole trying to break down her image, and be recognized for the actor that she is, is really just her being an egotistical, trying to prove to herself that she’s legit, and I feel like she’s already won, she’s too old to continue this, and the tits are still good enough….maybe it’s time to retire them….and bow out like Ross from friends did… Either way, here’s her erotica…she’s too old to bed starring in…that’s weird.
Originally posted here:
Jennifer Aniston’s Hollywood Reporter Porn of the day