The German fairytale Snow White gets a retro reinterpretation in Pablo Berge r’s enchanting Blancanieves . Set in 1920s Spain and shot as a black-and-white silent film, the ivory-skinned beauty in this update (lush-lipped Macarena García ) doesn’t just do housework for a pack of idiosyncratic little dudes. She follows her beloved father’s footsteps into the corrida to become a revered matador. There are dwarves, however, a wicked stepmother ( Maribel Verdú , from Pan’s Labyrinth ) and a poison apple, although, as you can see from the clip, Blancanieves doesn’t fall for the evil trick right off the bat. Snow White, The Matador Click here to view the embedded video. Follow Frank DiGiacomo on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .
Sad news today out of the world of country music: Glen Campbell has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. The singer and wife Kim opened up about his condition in an interview with People this week, saying Campbell intends to follow through on a series of live performances this fall in promotion of the album “Ghost on the Canvas,” which comes out August 30. Glen Campbell in Concert “Glen is still an awesome guitar player and singer,” says Kim. “But if he flubs a lyric or gets confused on stage, I wouldn’t want people to think, ‘What’s the matter with him? Is he drunk?'” Campbell, 75, is a Grammy winner whose biggest hit, “Rhinestone Cowboy,” topped the charts in 1975. As he plans a farewell tour, he says: “I still love making music. And I still love performing for my fans. I’d like to thank them for sticking with me through thick and thin.”
A toxicology report indicates that Jackass star Ryan Dunn was drunk when he crashed his Porsche on a Pennsylvania highway and died Monday morning. Not only that, he was driving extremely fast, possibly up to 140 m.p.h. Dunn, 34, died along with his friend Zachary Hartwell, 30, from West Chester, Pa. Both men suffered ” blunt and thermal trauma ” in the crash, which effectively turned Dunn’s car into a fireball, according to the autopsy report. Authorities say the toxicology results put Ryan Dunn’s blood alcohol concentration at 0.196 percent. The Pennsylvania legal state limit is just 0.08. Before the crash that took their lives, the two men had been in a bar in West Chester. Dunn had even Tweeted a photo of them drinking. “The initial crash reconstruction investigation determined that Mr. Dunn’s vehicle was traveling between 132-140 mph at the time of the collision,” the West Goshen Police Chief, Michael Carroll, said in a statement. It’s all very tragic. It also reinforces Roger Ebert’s point – however poorly timed and worded it may have been – about drunk driving (and speeding). [Photo:]
Many (if not most) trial observers believe that accused murderer Casey Anthony is indeed guilty of killing her two-year-old daughter Caylee. Some of the physical evidence against her is less than overwhelming, however, according to a Casey Anthony defense witness testifying today. The air in Casey Anthony’s car trunk contained chemicals associated with human decomposition, but didn’t conclusively prove a body was there. Dr. Michael Sigman, a professor at the University of Central Florida, said Casey’s trunk showed traces of gasoline, chloroform and other chemicals. However, those readings were all low, and said chemicals also are linked to onions, cabbages and Clorox, among other things. So … it’s tough to say. As a result, Sigman told attorney Cheney Mason, “I cannot conclusively determine that there had been human remains in the trunk of the car.” This comes after prosecutors strongly suggested there were. Prosecutors in the murder trial in Orlando had called several experts who concluded that based on the air samples, a strand of hair, insect activity and the reaction of cadaver dogs that a body was in fact in the Florida mom’s car. Among several other witnesses who took the stand at the trial today was Madeline Montgomery, a forensic toxicologist for the FBI. She testified that she found no evidence of drugs – including calming medications Xanax and Valium – in hair presumed to be Caylee Anthony’s. But she also acknowledged she could not test the hair for chloroform, which was one of the ways prosecutors say Caylee was murdered . Casey Anthony, 25, faces the death penalty if convicted. What do you think? Is she …
Chris Brown sweet-talked his way out of a parking ticket yesterday … but the way he talked to cameramen may have been anything but. It’s not clear from the video below if it was Chris or his bodyguard who said it, but according to TMZ , Brown accused several cameramen of alerting some parking enforcement personnel that his car was illegally parked, ranting: “Y’all n**gas is weak. You all call them to try and film me? Y’ALL N**GAS IS GAY!” Chris Brown Drops Gay Slur? Did Brown utter that quote? Again, it’s hard to tell from the clip above. But if he did, he can expect calls for him to apologize pretty fast. For what it’s worth, in December, C-Breezy got into a Twitter feud with Raz B and made several homophobic comments in the process. On an unrelated note, he did not get a ticket at least.
Chris Brown sweet-talked his way out of a parking ticket yesterday … but the way he talked to cameramen may have been anything but. It’s not clear from the video below if it was Chris or his bodyguard who said it, but according to TMZ , Brown accused several cameramen of alerting some parking enforcement personnel that his car was illegally parked, ranting: “Y’all n**gas is weak. You all call them to try and film me? Y’ALL N**GAS IS GAY!” Chris Brown Drops Gay Slur? Did Brown utter that quote? Again, it’s hard to tell from the clip above. But if he did, he can expect calls for him to apologize pretty fast. For what it’s worth, in December, C-Breezy got into a Twitter feud with Raz B and made several homophobic comments in the process. On an unrelated note, he did not get a ticket at least.