Jaime King must be hiding her track marks from when she was a heroin addict with her photographer boyfriend who ended up dying from the heroin…back when she was a model…rockin’ that skinny heroin chic of the late 90s…because she is that old… She’s also hiding her stomach, because she’s likely got a mangled stomach, probably from c-section scars or just from making babies, as babies destroy a motherfucker’s body..including pussy…and sex appeal and it’s just part of the many reasons you shouldn’t breed..along with kids are ungrateful parasites that mooch off you in every way, that don’t care about you or value you, because you’re expected to be nice to them…. Either way, she’s a terrible actress, totally insincere, but she’s made it work for her…even if you can’t name anything she’s been in, you probably remember her tits in fashion shoots back in the days of internet celebrity nudity gallery sites…that got me into this bullshit in the first place.. She looks so old and beat up…because I guess she is…things end…it happens…nothing is forever…but at least it happened…at least that’s probably what she’s thinking as she’s at the Four Seasons…all rich and fancy…and easily forgotten. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Jaime King’s Got the Worst Bathing Suit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Jaime King’s Got the Worst Bathing Suit of the Day