Tag Archives: from-the-lower

Sarah Palin responds to questions about Teabaggers whilst standing in a Wasilla Winter Wonderland and giving the ghost of Ronald Reagan a handjob.

To paraphrase Reagan a little “There both EASY candidates, and SIMPLE candidates, and I stand before you as both”. Nice to know that if you are NOT a Teabagger you don’t believe in freedom. So I guess freedom from joining a particular movement is not an AMERICAN freedom. Good to know. I should probably write that down. Can I borrow your hand Sarah? “Take over the Republican party Tea Partiers!” Because you know nothing says “democracy” like a hostile take over of a political organization. I do like one of her often repeated statements however “Hey bottom line, we win, you lose.” Perhaps somebody needs to remind her that in the last election Obama won, and she and her and her creepy old uncle lost. And the reason they lost is because when the Republican were in power they damn near destroyed the very foundation of our country. And THAT by the way is what the Teabaggers are really pissed off about, which they could see if they could stop focusing for a minute on the fact that President Obama is a black guy. Does anybody else think that Plain looks a little high strung and agitated? Gee I wonder what could possibly be bothering her? By the way there is really not that much of a delay between the question and the answer when being interviewed in Alaska from the lower forty eight. However if Palin has not had time to write the answers on her hands it takes her an extra few seconds to decide which memorized conservative talking point to vomit forth. “Less taxes!” “Freedom!” “Smaller government!” And if she can’t come up with anything she just licks her botox deadened lips and whispers “Reagan”. That is political porn to the viewers of Fox News.

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Sarah Palin responds to questions about Teabaggers whilst standing in a Wasilla Winter Wonderland and giving the ghost of Ronald Reagan a handjob.