Dr. Khalid was something else…
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Throwback: Sean Hannity vs Dr. Khalid Muhammad (Part 1-4) [Video]
Dr. Khalid was something else…
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Throwback: Sean Hannity vs Dr. Khalid Muhammad (Part 1-4) [Video]
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Dr. Khalid was something else…
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Throwback: Sean Hannity vs Dr. Khalid Muhammad (Part 1-4) [Video]
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“This is journalistic insanity,” NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell protested after watching a montage of liberal journalists misrepresenting the tax policy debate before Congress. “There is no tax cut going on here at all…. What we're talking about is preventing a tax increase, a tax increase which, by the way,
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“This is journalistic insanity,” NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell protested after watching a montage of liberal journalists misrepresenting the tax policy debate before Congress. “There is no tax cut going on here at all…. What we're talking about is preventing a tax increase, a tax increase which, by the way,
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Katie Couric's boosterism of “moderate Republican” Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) and NPR's cheap shot at former President George W. Bush's recovery from alcoholism were just two of the “Media Mash” topics NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell and Fox News host Sean Hannity addressed on the November 20 edition of “Hannity.” “When will you ever hear the word 'liberal' attached to a Republican?” Bozell asked, noting that Murkowski is in fact a liberal Republican. “In eight years, she was on [CBS] one time. In the last week, she's been on there twice,” the Media Research Center president noted after viewing a clip of CBS “Evening News” Katie Couric's November 15 interview with the Alaska senator. [Video of the full “Media Mash” segment is available after the page break] read more
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Bozell, Hannity Tackle Couric-Murkowski Interview, NPR Portraying Bush As Drunkard in Latest ‘Media Mash’
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Liberal radio host Bill Press on Friday called Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and Bill O’Reilly bullies and cowards for never bringing people on their programs that disagree with them. Most comically, Press made this pathetic and indefensible remark on MSNBC, the nation’s most biased cable news network that hires anchors who categorically refuse to allow any dissenting views on their shows. But Press was clearly missing the irony in the following position espoused on “The Ed Show” as was the host who seemed to very much agree (video follows with transcript and commentary): BILL PRESS: I tell you the other thing, Ed, the fact that Glenn Beck likes Chris Christie? Of course he does. He’s a bully too. You’ve got people every night on this show that disagree with you, and you have a good dialogue. Have ever heard anybody or seen anybody who disagrees on Glenn Beck or Bill O’Reilly or Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity? No. They’re all bullies, they’re all cowards, they’re all alike. That’s why they like Christie. That a so-called “news” network would allow such a completely erroneous view to be expressed while cameras are rolling is offensive to say the least. This is especially true coming from MSNBC which during extended prime time from 5PM to 11PM presents viewers with six straight hours of far-left content with little if any opposing viewpoints. Now, in fairness to Schultz, he does bring conservatives on his television show unlike colleague Keith Olbermann. But as can be seen from the following, Ed can be quite rude to callers to his radio program that disagree with him: Want to talk about bullies, Bill? As for allowing folks on shows that disagree with them, Press was way off base. Hannity almost always has a liberal on his “Great American Panel.” Here’s Kirsten Powers going after Sean a few hours after Press made his pathetic accusation: What was that you were saying, Bill? As for Limbaugh, he had a liberal caller on Wednesday: CALLER: Hey, thank you. I wanted to take exception with your charge that the liberal media is simply trying to make Palin or O’Donnell portrayed as evil individuals. I mean any candidate who has made as many outlandish and sometimes ridiculous statements as those two is going to be under such scrutiny, and a good deal of it has come from the right as well. Again, what was that you were saying, Bill? As for Beck, he takes liberal callers virtually every day. One this past week vehemently disagreed with Glenn’s view concerning Tea Partiers dressing up at rallies. Which brings us to O’Reilly who potentially epitomizes a commentator not only willing to allow opposing viewpoints on his program but also reveling in it. Bill has had classic on-air arguments with Geraldo Rivera and Megyn Kelly just to name a few. As readers are fully aware, liberal comedian Jon Stewart was O’Reilly’s guest on Wednesday as was Democrat strategist Janet Fleming. O’Reilly could possibly be the television commentator that allows – maybe even encourages – the most dissension on his program. Add it all up, and Press’s remarks Friday were 100 percent false. But that shouldn’t come as a surprise to NewsBusters readers. As our publisher Brent Bozell noted in May, Press is ” preposterous .”
Continued here:
Bill Press: Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh and O’Reilly Are Cowards – Never Allow Opposing Views
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“This is probably one of the few times we’re going to disagree here.” — Sean Hannity to Karl Rove regarding Christine O’Donnell. I’ll say. Even after Fox News called the Delaware GOP senatorial primary for Christine O’Donnell tonight, Karl Rove continued to rip the winner, questioning everything from O’Donnell’s “rectitude” to her “character.” Concluded the pessimistic Rove: “this is not a race we’re going to be able to win.” Sean defended O’Donnell staunchly, but was met with a litany of Roveian criticism of Christine, including these comments: “Her checkered background.” “I’ve met her. I wasn’t frankly impressed.” “Serious questions about how does she make her living, why did she mislead voters?” “[O’Donnell doesn’t] evince the characteristics of rectitude and truthfulness and sincerity and character that voters are looking for.” “A lot of nutty things she’s been saying that just simply don’t add up.” “This is not a race we’re going to be able to win.” “Serious character problems.” “Somebody who says conservative things, but doesn’t have the character that the people of Delaware want.”
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After Delaware Race Called, Rove Continues To Rip O’Donnell
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MRC President and NewsBusters founder Brent Bozell appeared on Friday night’s Hannity and knocked a soft Obama interview by George Stephanopoulos and Harry Smith ‘s contention on CBS that the stimulus bill wasn’t “big enough.” He quipped, “Obama needs the media to pull his chestnuts out of the fire.” Tackling the media’s most egregious examples of liberal bias, Bozell joked, “Just a couple hundred billion dollars more.” He added, “Only a liberal Democrat like Harry Smith believes that a spending bill of $862 billion isn’t big enough.” The Media Mash segment also featured a clip of Stephanopoulos deriding House Republican leader John Boehner for his “deep tan.” Bozell wondered why reporters, on the eve of the 2006 elections, didn’t ask Nancy Pelosi “where she got her botox?” Other topics discussed, Richard Engel’s musing on the Today show that Saddam Hussein was becoming “more moderate” before the Iraq war.
Continued here:
MRC-TV: Brent Bozell on Hannity: ‘Obama Needs the Media to Pull His Chestnuts Out of the Fire’
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Sarah Palin on Wednesday went after impotent, limp, gutless reporters that quote anonymous sources to attack her. Chatting with conservative talk radio host Sean Hannity about a number of subjects, the former Alaska governor was asked how she handles all the negative press she gets. “I hear there’s some pretty ugly stuff right now coming out and what we predict, we always see a pattern,” Palin said. In her view, much of it now stems from the success of political candidates she’s supportng. “I don’t read some of it because…impotent, limp and gutless reporters take anonymous sources and cite them as being factual references” (YouTube audio follows with partial transcript, relevant section at 4:00, h/t Right Scoop ): SEAN HANNITY, HOST: I love when you say, “Lamestream media.” It cracks me up. You know, one of the things, I don’t think there’s ever a time that they don’t distort what you say or what you’re involved in or what’s going on in your life. I mean, this has pretty much become par for the course for you. I mean, do you just let it roll off you like water from a duck’s back? Does any of this ever bother you? SARAH PALIN: I hear there’s some pretty ugly stuff right now coming out and what we predict, we always see a pattern. We’ve got some victories under the belt. Things are, things are going well, and then, then there is that public slam of us. So, we always expect what’s coming. I don’t read some of it because I know that those that are impotent and limp and gutless, and then they go on, they’re anonymous, they’re sources that are anonymous, and impotent, limp and gutless reporters take anonymous sources and cite them as being factual references. You know, it just slays me because it’s so absolutely clear what the state of yellow journalism is today that they would take these anonymous sources as fact. So, when a story especially is filled with those and we know it’s bogus and we’re not going to read it.
Sarah Palin Bashes ‘Impotent, Limp, Gutless Reporters’ That Use Anonymous Sources to Attack Her
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