Tag Archives: government & press

AP, Seattle Times Blame GOP for Downing DREAM Act; In Truth, Five Democrats’ Votes Scuttled Cloture

Today liberal Senate Democrats failed to garner the 60-vote threshold to end debate on and move to a final passage vote for the DREAM Act. In covering the story, the news wire credited Republican opposition for “doom[ing]” the legislation, but the math doesn't work out when you look at the breakdown of the votes on the motion to end debate — also known as invoking cloture. [h/t reader Kevin Davis] read more

Continued here:
AP, Seattle Times Blame GOP for Downing DREAM Act; In Truth, Five Democrats’ Votes Scuttled Cloture

Halperin-Meacham: Obama’s No Ideological Liberal

All you need to know about the MSM: two of its stalwarts don't think Barack Obama is a real liberal . . . Time editor Mark Halperin, and Jon Meacham (until recently head Newsweek honcho) expressed–to the astonishment of Joe Scarborough–their fact-defying views on today's Morning Joe. View video after the jump. read more

Read the original here:
Halperin-Meacham: Obama’s No Ideological Liberal

Bozell, Hannity Tackle Media Misrepresentation of Tax Debate on December 9 ‘Media Mash’ Segment

“This is journalistic insanity,” NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell protested after watching a montage of liberal journalists misrepresenting the tax policy debate before Congress. “There is no tax cut going on here at all…. What we're talking about is preventing a tax increase, a tax increase which, by the way,

AP, SFGate.com Lament Senate GOP Stand on Priority of Tax Cuts for Lame Duck Session

“Senate GOP: Extend tax cuts or else,” reads the teaser headline for an Associated Press story at SFGate.com, the website for the San Francisco Chronicle. [Screen capture posted after page break] “Republicans send letter to Harry Red threatening to block virtually all legislation until expiring tax cuts for wealthy are extended,” an accompanying caption

MRC’s Bozell Demands Congress Investigate Smithsonian for Abhorrent Christmas Season Exhibit

Managing Editor's Note: The following is adapted from a news release issued earlier today: Alexandria, VA – As CNSNews.com reported yesterday, the taxpayer funded Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery is hosting an exhibit during this Christmas season featuring images of an ant-covered Jesus, male genitals, naked brothers kissing, men in chains, Ellen DeGeneres grabbing her breasts, and a painting the Smithsonian itself describes in the show's catalog as “homoerotic.” [Link to CNSNews.com story here . WARNING: Story contains graphic photographs of items on display in an exhibit at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Portrait Gallery.] NewsBusters publisher and Media Research Center (MRC) president Brent Bozell reacted: read more

MRC’s Bozell Demands Congress Investigate Smithsonian for Abhorrent Christmas Season Exhibit