Tag Archives: taxpayer

Problems With Broward County Ballots Could Bode Well For Gillum

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T he problematic design of Broward County’s ballots could have given prominence to the Florida gubernatorial race in which Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum could become the state’s first Black governor. SEE ALSO: Andrew Gillum Fires Back At Wannabe Dictator Donald Trump Controversy over the design brewed as a machine recount of statewide ballots was ordered on Saturday, which prompted Gillum to withdraw his earlier concession of defeat to GOP rival Ron DeSantis on election night. “Let me say clearly, I am replacing my words of concession with an uncompromising and unapologetic call that we count every single vote. I say this recognizing my fate in this may or may not change,” he said at a news conference. DeSantis led Gillum by fewer than 34,000 votes or a margin of .409 percent, which triggered an automatic machine recount under Florida law because the difference was less than half a percentage point, USA Today reported. Mayor Andrew Gillum: “Let me say clearly, I am replacing my words of concession with an uncompromised, and unapologetic call that we count every single vote.” Can we get an amen? pic.twitter.com/fUaeadGbiO — Ricky Davila (@TheRickyDavila) November 11, 2018 Broward County, a Democratic stronghold in South Florida, is at the epicenter of the tightly contested governor race, as well as the U.S. Senate competition between Democratic incumbent Sen. Bill Nelson and Gov. Rick Scott . One puzzling issue surrounds the fact that about 26,000 more voters chose a gubernatorial candidate but not a Senate candidate. The ballot design could explain what happened, NBC News reported. The list of Senate candidates appeared buried at the bottom left column of the ballot, under the list of instructions. Candidates for governor, however, were placed at the top of the center column in a prominent position. There could be tens of thousands of uncounted votes in Broward County, where Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes   is under scrutiny by Republicans . Broward was also at the center of Florida’s botched 2000 presidential election. Meanwhile, DeSantis has declared himself the winner, even though the race is too close to call. His campaign released a video on Saturday restating its view that DeSantis, who had the full support of President Donald Trump , won the race. Gillum dismissed his opponent’s claim to victory given the uncounted votes. “What I do know is that every single Floridian who took time to go out to cast their vote, to participate in this process deserve the comfort of knowing that in a democratic society and in this process, every vote will be counted,” Gillum said. SEE ALSO: Watch Racist White Women Harass An Andrew Gillum Supporter: ‘Go Back To Africa!’ Stacey Abrams Campaign Speaks Out On Trifling Brian Kemp Trying To Claim He Won Georgia   [ione_media_gallery src=”https://newsone.com” id=”3835568″ overlay=”true”]

Problems With Broward County Ballots Could Bode Well For Gillum

Elijah Cummings Vows Evenhanded Investigation Of Trump Instead Of Dragging The President

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M aryland’s Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings was expected to lead the powerful House Oversight Committee when his party takes leadership of the U.S. House of Representative in January, putting him in position to spearhead the chamber’s investigation of President Donald Trump ’s administration. SEE ALSO: Here’s Everyone Charged In The Trump Russia Investigation Cummings planned to use his subpoena powers evenhandedly. “I’m not going to be handing out subpoenas like somebody’s handing out candy on Halloween. If I have to use them, they will be used in a methodical way,” Cummings told host George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s “This Week,” adding that his focus is on the public interest. Rep. Elijah Cummings on investigating the Trump administration: “I'm not going to be handing out subpoenas like somebody's handing out candy on Halloween… if I have to use them they will be used in a methodical way and it must be in the public interest.” https://t.co/kEzanELn3I pic.twitter.com/5sxhZp2sJi — ABC News (@ABC) November 11, 2018 Democrats swept the Republicans out of power in the House on Election Day, gaining at least 30 more seats than the GOP did, as vote counts continued Sunday in several tight races. Republican leaders in the House and Senate were widely seen as protecting the president in Robert Mueller ’s ongoing investigation of the Trump campaign’s possible collusion with Russia to win the 2016 presidential election, as well as possible obstruction of justice. Trump warned Democrats on Wednesday that he’s ready to go to war with House Democrats is they stepped up efforts to investigate him. “If the Democrats think they are going to waste Taxpayer Money investigating us at the House level, then we will likewise be forced to consider investigating them for all of the leaks of Classified Information, and much else, at the Senate level. Two can play that game!” Trump tweeted . Cummings was not intimidated, noting that the investigation seeks to find out the truth. “Even in Trump country, they basically are saying that, ‘We want transparency, we want honesty, and we want integrity.’ But they want something else, George. They want accountability with regard to this president, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do if I’m blessed to have that opportunity,” the congressman said. SEE ALSO: Andrew Gillum Fires Back At Wannabe Dictator Donald Trump Bernie Sanders Backtracks After Saying White People Aren’t Necessarily Racist Who Felt Uncomfortable Voting For Stacey Abrams And Andrew Gillum [ione_media_gallery src=”https://newsone.com” id=”3835568″ overlay=”true”]

Elijah Cummings Vows Evenhanded Investigation Of Trump Instead Of Dragging The President

MRC’s Bozell Demands Congress Investigate Smithsonian for Abhorrent Christmas Season Exhibit

Managing Editor's Note: The following is adapted from a news release issued earlier today: Alexandria, VA – As CNSNews.com reported yesterday, the taxpayer funded Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery is hosting an exhibit during this Christmas season featuring images of an ant-covered Jesus, male genitals, naked brothers kissing, men in chains, Ellen DeGeneres grabbing her breasts, and a painting the Smithsonian itself describes in the show's catalog as “homoerotic.” [Link to CNSNews.com story here . WARNING: Story contains graphic photographs of items on display in an exhibit at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Portrait Gallery.] NewsBusters publisher and Media Research Center (MRC) president Brent Bozell reacted: read more

MRC’s Bozell Demands Congress Investigate Smithsonian for Abhorrent Christmas Season Exhibit

Journos Slam Liberal ‘Pro-Israel’ Group for Lying About Soros Money

You know things are bad when a liberal organization loses the journalists. On Friday, the Washington Times reported that the dovish “pro-Israel” group J Street had taken hundreds of thousands of dollars from controversial liberal philanthropist George Soros, after the organization had denied for years that Soros was a donor. But instead of ‘fessing up immediately to its true funding sources, a panicked J Street public relations team kept misleading the media in the hours before the Washington Times story broke – and appeared to anger some formerly-sympathetic reporters along the way. “A set of half-truths, non-truths and ambiguities from J Street lead a reasonable person to conclude that the group tried to conceal that George Soros has been one of its largest donors for years, and to falsely claim that it had been ‘open’ about those donations over the past three years,” wrote The Atlantic reporter Chris Good on Friday, noting that J Street officials had lied to him earlier that day. Aware that the Washington Times story was about to be published, J Street had contacted The Atlantic’s Good on Friday morning and offered him an exclusive on the group’s growing “fundraising momentum.” A spokesperson for J Street told Good that the group accepted donations from Soros, and that it had always been open about this source of funding. Good initially wrote a favorable article on the organization’s uptick in donations, but after reading the Washington Times story he issued a massive correction and admitted that J Street had misled him that very morning. “J Street also seemed to distort the fact that it received a large contribution from a donor in Hong Kong. Some of this happened on the phone with me earlier today,” Good wrote. Veteran liberal reporter James Besser, who is one of the most influential and well-respected journalists in Jewish media, also had some harsh criticism for the organization. “I was one of the many journalists who asked [J Street] the question [about Soros funding] – and received in return something significantly less than the truth. Okay, it was a lie,” wrote Besser in a stinging rebuke of J Street in The Jewish Week. “[T]here’s no way this doesn’t sow mistrust among commentators and reporters who write and speak about J Street, and who were repeatedly misled by its officials. J Street sought to create a climate of trust with a press corps that was being spun heavily by its opponents; this news undoes a lot of that effort.” The Jewish Telegraphic Agency’s Washington bureau chief Ron Kampeas, who regularly covers J Street, also echoed Besser’s critique. “On J Street, Jim Besser said it,” wrote Kampeas on his blog. “Sometimes, you wanna write something, but someone else says it just right.” J Street publicly denied to the media for years that it received money from Soros, who is a vocal anti-Zionist and a controversial figure in the Jewish community. J Street calls itself a grassroots “pro-Israel, pro-peace” organization that is funded by small donors in the Jewish community, though opponents have long claimed the group was tied to Soros and criticized it as anti-Israel. “We got tagged as having [Soros’] support without the benefit of actually getting funded!” J Street’s director Jeremy Ben-Ami told Moment magazine last March. In May, 2009, the Associated Press reported that “Ben-Ami says liberal philanthropist George Soros attended a 2006 meeting where ideas for such a group were discussed but bowed out immediately, worried his involvement would draw criticism.” And in a Jerusalem Post interview with Ben-Ami in April, 2009, Ruthie Blum Leibowitz reported that one of J Street’s “initial ideological supporters, George Soros, apparently backed out because he thought his reputation as a bankroller for groups that blame Israel and the US for the world’s ills might not be helpful to this particular organization.” On J Street’s own website, a section clarifying “Myths and Facts” about the group claimed that “George Soros very publicly stated his decision not to be engaged in J Street when it was launched – precisely out of fear that his involvement would be used against the organization…J Street’s Executive Director has stated many times that he would in fact be very pleased to have funding from Mr. Soros and the offer remains open to him to be a funder should he wish to support the effort.” The section, which was written in 2008, implied that Soros was not a donor. In a Huffington Post column on Saturday, Ben-Ami admitted that his group has taken money from Soros since Fall 2008.

Excerpt from:
Journos Slam Liberal ‘Pro-Israel’ Group for Lying About Soros Money

NY Times Op-Ed Writer’s Muddled Logic: Money Not Paid in Taxes a Gift from Government

It’s a really skewed view of the relationship between citizens and the government – that anything you earn and get to keep by not paying to the government in the form of taxes is a show of benevolence from the government. But that’s apparently the view of Richard H. Thaler, professor at the University of Chicago . In the Sept. 26 New York Times , Thaler, declares that tax cuts are a gift in his op-ed “What the Rich Don’t Need.” “WANT to give affluent households a present worth $700 billion over the next decade?” Thaler wrote. “In a period of high unemployment and fiscal austerity, this idea may seem laughable. Amazingly, though, it is getting traction in Washington . I am referring, of course, to the current debate about whether to extend all, or just some, of the tax cuts of President George W. Bush – cuts that are due to expire at year-end. They’re expiring because the only way they could be enacted initially was by pretending that they were temporary.” Video Below Fold This caught the eye of CNBC’s Joe Kernen, the co-host of “Squawk Box.” On the Sept. 27 broadcast of his show, Kernen pointed out the flaw in that logic. “Over the weekend, I was reading in The New York Times – it was one of their professors that writes. I forget the guy’s name. I always disagree with him,” Kernen said. “[H]e talks about it as a $700-billion gift to the rich. And I just have a problem when they look at – OK, so they’re using the Clinton tax levels as the standard of where we are. And anything diverges from that is a gift, even though it’s money you earned. It’s a gift back to you.” Kernen questioned why the talking point used by tax cut opponents is always based on what tax levels were during the Clinton presidency and why it is a view that a certain percentage of what taxpayers keep is gift to the them. “Let’s go back to pre-, before Reagan began was around, when it was 70 percent. Anything less than 70 percent, is it a gift to the taxpayer?” he continued. “[D]oes it start at ‘you pay 100 percent to us and anything we let you keep after that is a gift’ or does it start at ‘0 percent and anything you charge me prove that you need to spend that.’ Why don’t you do it that way? Prove that you need anything above zero percent. Show me you’re not going to waste it and then prove you can do it.” Fill-in co-host Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, author of the forthcoming book “You Know I’m Right: More Prosperity, Less Government” summed it up succinctly by explaining what the intended relationship of government and the citizens is. “They work for us,” Caruso-Cabrera said. “We don’t work for them.”

NY Times Op-Ed Writer’s Muddled Logic: Money Not Paid in Taxes a Gift from Government

Completely Bizarre: NPR Speculates If Historic Cardinal Is Gay, Admitting There’s No Evidence

Mollie Hemingway at the religion-news analysis blog Get Religion caught how the taxpayer-funded liberals at National Public Radio cover momentous events for the Roman Catholic Church: by speculating that a historic Cardinal might have been a homosexual, even though they admit there’s no proof: On the final day of his United Kingdom trip, Pope Benedict XVI formally beatified English theologian and apologist Cardinal John Henry Newman. Let’s look at some of the stories about Newman. NPR’s excellent religion reporter Barbara Bradley Hagerty had a piece speculating that Newman was gay. I thought it a completely bizarre approach for the main story the news outlet chose to report on the man. The piece itself acknowledges, eventually, that there’s no actual evidence for the claim. But that comes after the large point headline asks: “Was Cardinal John Henry Newman Gay?” There’s lots of passive voice and two sources — one who has been accused of writing false things about historical figures before — saying that the close friendship Newman had with a man makes it not unreasonable to speculate about his homosexuality. He concedes there’s no evidence of a sexual relationship. This isn’t new. The fact is that there has been a great deal of speculation, in recent years, about the close friendship Newman shared with Ambrose St. John. Now, my main question about this story is the simple angle. Why this angle over all the others? There are so many interesting things to explore about Newman, his writings, his life, his legacy. NPR chose, instead, to speculate about his sexual orientation. Personally, I find it bizarre that so-called historians would read minds and guess that two Catholic priests who’ve taken a vow of celibacy living together — and helping each other through all the mundane details of daily life — adds up to great odds of a sexual relationship. Isn’t NPR here committing exactly what liberals hate if it was applied to Barack Obama, speculating that he could be secretly Muslim? Could Hagerty do that story, admitting she doesn’t have any proof? Or would that be seen as more National Enquirer than NPR?

Read more from the original source:
Completely Bizarre: NPR Speculates If Historic Cardinal Is Gay, Admitting There’s No Evidence

Real Or Fake: A Game Of What Obama Is Spending Your Taxpayer Money On

Real Or Fake: A Game Of What Obama Is Spending Your Taxpayer Money On Spending Fail Map http://www.bankruptingamerica.org/spending-fail-map/ added by: CarlosBobthe3rd

Fed Leads America “To The Brink Of Collapse”

When even the New York Times and CNN are admitting that the United States faces not only a double-dip recession but potentially a new great depression, any alarm bells that have not been rung should now be sounding loudly. Following in the footsteps of the New York Times’ Paul Krugman, who in June wrote that the United States had entered a third depression similar to the Long Depression of the 19th century, CNN Money carried an article yesterday brazenly entitled, Is this finally the economic collapse?. The piece, written by Keith R. McCullough, points out that the Fed’s announcement that it will start buying Treasury debt, is a “crossing the Rubicon” moment and “could lead the country to the brink of collapse”. “Crossing the 90% debt/GDP threshold is the equivalent of crossing the proverbial Rubicon of economic growth. It’s a point from which it’s almost impossible to return,” states the article, adding that the market has not responded to quantitative easing so to engage in more of the same would be completely futile. “With 40.8 million Americans on food stamps (record high) and 45% of the unemployed having been seeking employment for 27 weeks or more (record high), what’s left if (or when) QE2 doesn’t kick start GDP growth? Should we start begging for QE3? Should we cancel the bomb of the National Association of Realtors’ existing home sales report, scheduled for public release on August 24th? Or should we bite the bullet and accept that current economic policy dictates 0% returns-on-savings, even as Washington continues to lever-up our future to the point of economic collapse?” writes McCullough. The Dow Jones slipped by 265 points yesterday as both the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve indicated that, as we predicted all along, the happy clappers who blithely talked of “robust recovery” were in fact completely wrong and now that the futile and transitory life-support machine of quantitative easing has been turned off, the picture looks almost as bad as when the crisis began in 2008. Predictions on GDP growth seem to be shrinking by the day as Ben Bernanke greases the skids for QE2 – a fresh round of printing money out of thin air, destroying the long term value of the dollar which has already had 9 consecutive down weeks since June but ensuring the central bankers that run the United States continue to reap lucrative interest payments on the spiraling national debt. The U.S. government, via the taxpayer, paid out nearly $20 billion in interest on debt last month alone, as the Federal Reserve enjoys record profits, only 20 per cent of which is returned to the Treasury…. Continued at: http://www.prisonplanet.com/fed-leads-america-to-the-brink-of-collapse.html added by: Dagum

Keith Olbermann Revises History to Praise Clinton and Bash Gingrich

Keith Olbermann on Monday revised history to praise former President Bill Clinton and bash former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. In the opening segment of MSNBC’s “Countdown,” the host railed against a proposal by Republicans to once again reintroduce the balanced budget amendment. Olbermann pointed out to his tiny audience that this was “also pushed by then Speaker Newt Gingrich as part of the 1994 Contract With America.” With total disregard for historical facts, the “Countdown” host continued, “Gingrich failed to pass it, President Clinton raised taxes, balanced the budget, created 22 million jobs” (video follows with transcript and commentary): KEITH OLBERMANN: Sick of Democrats accusing them of having nothing to improve the economy but ideas from the Bush era, Republicans are planning to introduce instead a bold new initiative from the Gingrich era. Our fifth story tonight, it’s called the balanced budget amendment, but it’s real objective is to protect the rich from tax cuts, and without those tax cuts, Republicans will not tell us how they would balance the budget, even if they do give us a few hints, as you’ll see. It was Republican Senator Jim Demint telling the newspaper The Hill that when Congress returns after the August recess, he and his colleagues, including John McCain and Lindsey Graham, will introduce a resolution to amend the U. S. Constitution. The balanced budget amendment, also pushed by then Speaker Newt Gingrich as part of the 1994 Contract With America, would prevent the federal government from spending more than it takes in. But, and there is the rub, it also has a clause barring any tax increases without a two-thirds vote in each chamber of Congress. Gingrich failed to pass it, President Clinton raised taxes, balanced the budget, created 22 million jobs. Really? Well, first of all, Clinton’s tax hikes were part of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993. Gingrich didn’t become Speaker until January 1995. Nice try, Keith. But it gets worse, for what Olbermann conveniently omitted – like so many media members are currently doing to misinform the public about the difference between Republican and Democrat tax policies – was that Gingrich and the Republican Congress forced Clinton to sign the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 which cut taxes. This was when the economy really took off as the GDP grew by 4.4 percent in 1997, 4.5 percent in 1998, 4.8 percent in 1999, and 4.1 percent in 2000. During this period, employers added over 12 million workers to their payrolls. As for the budget being balanced, this also occurred after the 1997 tax cuts in years 1998 through 2001. With this in mind, one seriously has to wonder whether the folks at General Electric and NBC consider this kind of shoddy reporting acceptable on their cable news network. Consider that just a few minutes later, a regular guest on MSNBC, Arianna Huffington, showed an absolutely staggering ignorance of business, taxes, and economics. Two hours earlier, MSNBC host Ed Schultz completely misrepresented the causes of the government shutdown in November 1995. Exit question: would any other corporation in America tolerate such negligence from high-profile employees without at least a reprimand? 

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Keith Olbermann Revises History to Praise Clinton and Bash Gingrich

In Light of NAACP Condemnation, Media Brings Back Tea Party Fraud

Memo to media members wishing to invite the Tea Party Founder on your show, or use him as a source for your biased reports:  He isn’t exactly who you think he is. Since the NAACP voted to condemn extremist elements in the Tea Party, news networks, sites, and liberal blogs have rushed to include ‘Tea Party Founder’, Dale Robertson, in their reports.  Problem being, Dale Robertson as Tea Party anything has frequently and thoroughly been, um … ‘refudiated’.    Despite this, the media has a history of holding Robertson up as a shining example of Tea Party racism.  Why?  Robertson once demonstrated a level of ignorance that boggles the mind by holding a sign reading “Congress = Slaveowner, Taxpayer = (N-Word)”, at a Houston Tea Party Society (TPS) event. The reality however, is that Robertson has predominantly self-described, if any, links to the Tea Party movement, while legitimate factions of the movement have had to repeatedly distance themselves from the man.  Robertson was expelled from the event at which he was holding the aforementioned sign on the very same day.  He was formally denounced in a statement released by the Houston TPS.  He was called ‘no friend’ of the Tea Party at Pajamas Media, and mocked at RedState.  He was shown to be for his infamous sign , before he was against it. So logically, the media has decided to help further the cause of the NAACP by bringing Robertson back out of the shadows.  Since word of the the NAACP resolution got out, Robertson’s name has appeared at… The Huffington Post CBS’ Face the Nation ABC News Beyond Chron , San Francisco’s alternative newspaper The Kansas City Star The Daily Kos A blog called The Stir , which also offers a handy list of ‘phrases to drop’ to counter the Tea Party defense. An Op-Ed at the Daily Caller And Mediaite It should be noted that Mediate refers to the fact that the Houston TPS still has the offending image of Robertson on their web site, in an apparent attempt to demonstrate their tolerance for his bigotry.  But it fails to include the context that yes, while the image is on their site, it is there as a reference to explain just who this guy is, and why they have had to deal with him.  They actually link to the image with the following statement: “Yes, at our very first tea party event in February of 2009, this piece of work strolled in with his awful sign, attracting the lone media camera and sentencing us to an eternity of disassociation.  We dealt with him on that day, expelling him from the event.” Then of course, there’s the NAACP themselves.  They have Robertson’s photo featured on their page announcing the condemnation of extremist elements in the Tea Party.  They were also kind enough to include photos which show the kind of fringe group that could only be protesting a President because he’s black, and because they’re racist.  For instance, a racist picture of the President being portrayed as Hitler.  No not this one …