Tag Archives: abcnews.com

AP, ABCNews.com Omit Convicted Killer’s Illegal Immigration Status, MS-13 Gang Membership

“Salvadoran Immigrant Ingmar Guandique Found Guilty of Murdering D.C. Intern Chandra Levy [12:45 p.m. ET]” That was the breaking news headline that was blasted to my inbox from ABCNews.com regarding today's murder conviction of the suspect in the 2001 murder of the former congressional intern for then-Rep. Gary Condit (D). In the Associated Press story by Matthew Barakat at the ABCNews.com website, there is no mention of the fact that Guandique is an illegal immigrant nor of the fact that he is involved in the ruthless gang Mara Salvatrucha , more commonly known as MS-13. This despite the fact that numerous news reports during Guandique's trial noted that he often wore turtleneck shirts in the courtroom to hide his gang tattoo. You can clearly see that gang tattoo in an April 2009 file photo ABCNews.com included in their breaking news story. See screencap below page break: read more

Original post:
AP, ABCNews.com Omit Convicted Killer’s Illegal Immigration Status, MS-13 Gang Membership

CNN Rips ‘Incoherent’ Obama: Even George W. Bush Had Clearer Message

When the media outlet disaffectionately called the “Clinton News Network” starts ridiculing you to such an extent that you are depicted as a worse communicator than George W. Bush, you know your popularity as a Democrat President is in trouble. Yet that’s what happened Tuesday when CNN published a piece prominently displayed on the front page of its website with the surprising headline: Critics Say Obama’s Message Becoming ‘Incoherent’  For the remaining fans of our 44th President, the article that followed wasn’t any better: President Obama’s comments on a plan to build a mosque in the shadow of ground zero are not only giving opponents an opportunity to attack him but also reveal a messaging problem from the White House, a communications expert said. “The danger here is an incoherent presidency,” said David Morey, vice chairman of the Core Strategy Group, who provided communications advice to Obama’s 2008 campaign. “Simpler is better, and rising above these issues and leading by controlling the dialogue is what the presidency is all about. So I think that’s the job they have to do more effectively as they have in the past [in the campaign].” “There is no question they are having messaging problems at the White House,” Morey said. “They’ve lost control of the dialogue, and they’ve gotten pulled down by the extremes on the left and right. They’ve just not had a coherent set of themes.” Shhh. Wait. It gets better: “Communicating as a law professor does not work as president. It’s not worked,” he said. “You’re drawing fine distinctions and speaking in long enough paragraphs that they can be misconstrued and taken out of context and frankly, handed to your opposition to exploit. And that’s clearly what’s going on here [with the Islamic center/mosque comments].” While many poked fun at former President George W. Bush for mispronouncing words and stumbling through sentences, observers note that he rarely had to backtrack on his answers because he employed a simple and direct messaging approach. Maybe even more surprising, author Ed Hornick provided poll numbers to demonstrate just how far Obama’s message is from the public’s view of this mosque: Nearly 70 percent of Americans oppose the mosque plan, according to a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll released last week. In terms of party affiliation, 54 percent of Democrats, 82 percent of Republicans and 70 percent of independents oppose the plan. Amazed? Well, there’s even more, for this piece wasn’t buried in the bowels of CNN.com.  Hardly, this was prominently featured on the front page: I guess it’s safe to say that regardless what the sycophants on the far-left and at MSNBC are claiming about this matter – or shills like Time’s Joe Klein ! – Obama really has jumped the shark by wading into this issue. 

Excerpt from:
CNN Rips ‘Incoherent’ Obama: Even George W. Bush Had Clearer Message

In Light of NAACP Condemnation, Media Brings Back Tea Party Fraud

Memo to media members wishing to invite the Tea Party Founder on your show, or use him as a source for your biased reports:  He isn’t exactly who you think he is. Since the NAACP voted to condemn extremist elements in the Tea Party, news networks, sites, and liberal blogs have rushed to include ‘Tea Party Founder’, Dale Robertson, in their reports.  Problem being, Dale Robertson as Tea Party anything has frequently and thoroughly been, um … ‘refudiated’.    Despite this, the media has a history of holding Robertson up as a shining example of Tea Party racism.  Why?  Robertson once demonstrated a level of ignorance that boggles the mind by holding a sign reading “Congress = Slaveowner, Taxpayer = (N-Word)”, at a Houston Tea Party Society (TPS) event. The reality however, is that Robertson has predominantly self-described, if any, links to the Tea Party movement, while legitimate factions of the movement have had to repeatedly distance themselves from the man.  Robertson was expelled from the event at which he was holding the aforementioned sign on the very same day.  He was formally denounced in a statement released by the Houston TPS.  He was called ‘no friend’ of the Tea Party at Pajamas Media, and mocked at RedState.  He was shown to be for his infamous sign , before he was against it. So logically, the media has decided to help further the cause of the NAACP by bringing Robertson back out of the shadows.  Since word of the the NAACP resolution got out, Robertson’s name has appeared at… The Huffington Post CBS’ Face the Nation ABC News Beyond Chron , San Francisco’s alternative newspaper The Kansas City Star The Daily Kos A blog called The Stir , which also offers a handy list of ‘phrases to drop’ to counter the Tea Party defense. An Op-Ed at the Daily Caller And Mediaite It should be noted that Mediate refers to the fact that the Houston TPS still has the offending image of Robertson on their web site, in an apparent attempt to demonstrate their tolerance for his bigotry.  But it fails to include the context that yes, while the image is on their site, it is there as a reference to explain just who this guy is, and why they have had to deal with him.  They actually link to the image with the following statement: “Yes, at our very first tea party event in February of 2009, this piece of work strolled in with his awful sign, attracting the lone media camera and sentencing us to an eternity of disassociation.  We dealt with him on that day, expelling him from the event.” Then of course, there’s the NAACP themselves.  They have Robertson’s photo featured on their page announcing the condemnation of extremist elements in the Tea Party.  They were also kind enough to include photos which show the kind of fringe group that could only be protesting a President because he’s black, and because they’re racist.  For instance, a racist picture of the President being portrayed as Hitler.  No not this one …

ABC’s Z. Byron Wolf Confused: Why Don’t Americans Support Awesome Dems?

The folks at ABC News are confused. Democrats are passing all this awesome legislation, they posit, so why are Americans acting so hostile and looking to hand Congress to the GOP? The key problems, ABC’s Z. Byron Wolf deduces , are that Democrats simply have not embraced liberalism enough and Americans have failed to perceive just how great the Democratic agenda has been. “The imminent passage of a tough new Wall Street Reform bill,” wrote Wolf, pictured right, on ABC’s website, “will cap off a wildly productive two years for Democrats in Washington – they will have passed two pieces of sweeping legislation and an enormous $800 billion stimulus bill to deal with the ailing economy.” Wolf goes on to wonder why those three pieces of legislation haven’t benefited Democrats’ electoral prospects. Let’s see: 6% of Americans believe the stimulus bill created jobs, a strong majority favors repealing the health care bill, and almost 80% of Americans polled have little or no confidence that the financial reform bill will achieve its stated objectives. Is Wolf still confused? He goes on to write that Democrats’ problems stem from the fact that they just have not embraced liberalism to a great enough degree. “Rather than energize the electoral base that helped put Democrats in control of Congress in 2006 — and President Obama in the White House in 2008,” Wolf writes, “the accomplishments have often frustrated activists, who see compromised ideals and watered-down bills instead of legislative victories.” If this is supposed to be an explanation for Democrats’ poor prospects in November, it falls well short. First of all, the districts where Dems are vulnerable are by and large ones they picked up in 2006 and 2008 from sitting Republicans that couldn’t shake the tarnished Republican name. Now that Bush is a memory, red state Dems need to court moderate Republicans, not cater to the far left. Furthermore, the number of Americans who identify themelves as “conservative” is at its highest point since 1994 , when Republicans walloped Dems in the midterm elections. Forty-nine percent of the nation believes that Democrats are too liberal, up 10 points from 2008. Only 10 percent believe they are too conservative. A shift to the left is not going to be a winning strategy. Wolf continues: While Republicans  have, since President Bush left office, instituted an almost myopic, party-wide focus on spending and debt, Democrats  have struggled to rally behind their versions of health reform and Wall Street  reform. They could barely find enough votes to pass the bills. And despite millions of jobs Democrats say were created by the $862 billon stimulus bill, the unemployment rate remains high, and is not expected to come down any time soon. “I think the public doesn’t quite perceive (the accomplishments) because they don’t see much change in their everyday lives. They’re still having trouble finding work,” said Donald Wolfensberger, director of the Congress Project at the Woodrow Wilson Center. Got it? Obama and congressional Democrats have made fantastic accomplishments, but the American people are too dumb, distracted, or removed to perceive it. These three defenses of the Democratic Party in the face of intense public opposition — that they have been politically successful, that they have not embraced the far-left elements of the party, and that Americans are generally unable to perceive just how awesome they are — are tired leftist talking points. And with liberal pundits and politicos parroting them nonstop, is it any wonder Americans are ready for some house (and Senate) cleaning?

The rest is here:
ABC’s Z. Byron Wolf Confused: Why Don’t Americans Support Awesome Dems?

ABC News Uses Michelle Obama’s NAACP Speech to Accuse Tea Party of Racism

ABC News on Monday used Michelle Obama’s NAACP speech to highlight a vote that organization is expected to take condemning what it believes is racism within the Tea Party. The news network prominently featured at its website a story with the headline “Michelle Obama Rouses NAACP Before Vote Condemning ‘Racist’ Elements of Tea Party.” The problem is the First Lady didn’t talk about the Tea Party at her address to the NAACP Monday. She didn’t even mention the group. NOT ONCE. She was there to talk about child obesity. Yet ABCNews.com chose to make its entire report on her speech about alleged racism in the Tea Party (photo courtesy AP, h/t NBer motherbelt): First Lady Michelle Obama brought renewed energy to the NAACP today, delivering the keynote speech at the annual convention one day before the nation’s largest civil rights group is expected to condemn what it calls racist elements in the Tea Party movement. The nation’s largest and oldest civil rights organization will vote on the resolution Tuesday during its annual convention in Kansas City, Mo. In her speech, the first lady focused on the issue of childhood obesity and her “Let’s Move” initiative, but outside of her remarks, anti-Tea Party activism has been a key focus of the gathering, which conservative leaders say is driven solely by a political agenda. Tea Party members have used “racial epithets,” have verbally abused black members of Congress and threatened them, and protestors have engaged in “explicitly racist behavior” and “displayed signs and posters intended to degrade people of color generally and President Barack Obama specifically,” according to the proposed resolution. “We’re deeply concerned about elements that are trying to move the country back, trying to reverse progress that we’ve made,” NAACP spokeswoman Leila McDowell told ABC News. “We are asking that the law-abiding members of the Tea Party repudiate those racist elements, that they recognize the historic and present racist elements that are within the Tea Party movement.” Next, the article promoted a rally being orchestrated against the movement: The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, in coordination with 170 other groups, including labor unions, is planning a protest march in Washington, D.C., Oct. 2 as the next step in building momentum against the Tea Party. The “One Nation” march is designed as an antithesis to the Tea Party, and it’s about “pulling America together and back to work,” McDowell said. “We see it as a threat to democracy. We see it as a threat to human rights. We certainly see it as a threat to civil rights,” McDowell said, adding that the resolution will likely pass when it’s voted upon Tuesday. Supporters of the Tea Party movement have frequently faced charges of racism. After listing some of the allegations of racism in the movement, and giving some print space to members that disagree with the accusations, author Huma Khan concluded: The first lady’s speech focused on childhood obesity and her “Let’s Move” initiative designed to promote healthy living and eating for children. NAACP leaders have individually taken on the Tea Party in the past, but the organization is now trying to build a bigger momentum against the Tea Party, which has emerged as a strong grassroots, albeit fragmented, force across the country. “We have to close the enthusiasm gap,” NAACP president Ben Jealous said in an interview with the Associated Press Friday. “The danger of the Tea Party is that people see them and think about periods in history when groups like them were much more powerful than they are now, and so a lot of what we spend energy doing is explaining to people what reality is, and that the reality is that the majority from 2008 still exists.” That’s correct. Her speech DID focus on child obesity. But ABC News chose to focus its report on her speech on allegations of racism within the Tea Party. Not only that, the article was prominently featured at the top of the front page of the news organization’s website Tuesday: How disgraceful! 

Original post:
ABC News Uses Michelle Obama’s NAACP Speech to Accuse Tea Party of Racism

ABC Reporter Hassled on Gulf Coast Beach While Covering Oil Spill

In today’s “Silence of the Cams” segment, an ABC reporter was hassled Thursday for trying to cover the Gulf Coast oil spill from an Alabama beach. According to an article published at ABCNews.com, “Reporting is often about access, but journalists along the Gulf Coast covering the BP oil spill have had some trouble getting it.” The piece continued, “As BP faces more pressure from the government and from its own shareholders unhappy with the company’s falling stock price, it seems to be clamping down on who can talk to reporters” (video follows with more quotes from the article and commentary): Despite company statements that anyone on cleanup crews can share their views, ABC’s Matt Gutman reports that’s not necessarily the case. Today during a “World News” Conversation, he saw firsthand how a BP manager took pains to keep workers away from the press. While preparing for a video chat on his laptop from a public beach in Alabama, Gutman was hassled by the manager of a nearby crew, asking Gutman why he was on the beach. In reality, BP officials likely have learned how to avoid media access by watching the Obama administration handle the press since Inauguration Day. In the end, there are consequences when journalists abdicate their responsibility to advance a political agenda. Maybe if they wouldn’t have assisted candidate Obama’s rise to the White House and then basically reported anything his administration wanted in the opening months of his presidency they wouldn’t be treated with such disregard by a British company. On the other hand, one has to wonder whether or not the White House minds what BP is doing. Think about it: if the Administration wanted greater press access to the beaches and the cleanup, it could just DEMAND BP allow it. After all, these ARE American beaches — or so I’ve been told. 

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ABC Reporter Hassled on Gulf Coast Beach While Covering Oil Spill