Tag Archives: liz cheney

Liz Cheney: I Am Against Gay Marriage

Liz Cheney has made it clear: She is against gay marriage. Running for Senate in Wyoming, the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney made this stance evident yesterday in order to shoot down chatter that – due to the open sexuality of her sister, Mary – she was a gay marriage advocate. “I am strongly pro-life and I am not pro-gay marriage,” she said in a statement. “I believe the issue of marriage must be decided by the states, and by the people in the states, not by judges and not even by legislators, but by the people themselves.” In 2009, Dick Cheney surprised many he came out as a gay marriage supporter. Mary Cheney, meanwhile, married partner Heather Poe in Washington, D.C. last year. Liz Cheney is challenging Mike Enzi for his Wyoming Senate seat. He also opposes same-sex marriage.

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Liz Cheney: I Am Against Gay Marriage

For Discussion: Does President Obama Owe George Bush And His Administration An Apology??

Former Vice-President Dick Cheney and his daughter Liz seem to think so… Former Vice President Dick Cheney praised the Obama administration Sunday for using a drone strike to kill American-born Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, but said President Barack Obama should now reverse past criticism of former President George W. Bush’s actions against suspected terrorists. Al-Awlaki — an American whose fluency in English and technology made him one of the top terrorist recruiters in the world — was killed Friday in Yemen, according to U.S. and Yemeni government officials. The strike also killed Samir Khan, an American of Pakistani origin, and two others who were in the same vehicle as al-Awlaki, said the U.S. official, who was briefed by the CIA. Khan specialized in computer programming for al Qaeda and authored the terror network’s online magazine, Inspire. “I think it was a very good strike. I think it was justified,” Cheney told CNN’s Candy Crowley on “State of the Union.” But “I’m waiting for the administration to go back and correct something they said two years ago when they criticized us for ‘overreacting’ to the events of 9/11.” To further his argument Chaney and his daughter Liz go on to say: The Obama administration has “clearly … moved in the direction of taking robust action when they feel it is justified,” Cheney said. Cheney’s daughter, Liz Cheney, went a step further, saying Obama “in effect said that we had walked away from (America’s) ideals.” “I think he did tremendous damage,” Liz Cheney said. “I think he slandered the nation and I think he owes an apology to the American people.” What say you? Has Barack Obama proved to be a hypocrite? Source

See the rest here:
For Discussion: Does President Obama Owe George Bush And His Administration An Apology??

Bill Press: Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh and O’Reilly Are Cowards – Never Allow Opposing Views

Liberal radio host Bill Press on Friday called Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and Bill O’Reilly bullies and cowards for never bringing people on their programs that disagree with them. Most comically, Press made this pathetic and indefensible remark on MSNBC, the nation’s most biased cable news network that hires anchors who categorically refuse to allow any dissenting views on their shows. But Press was clearly missing the irony in the following position espoused on “The Ed Show” as was the host who seemed to very much agree (video follows with transcript and commentary):  BILL PRESS: I tell you the other thing, Ed, the fact that Glenn Beck likes Chris Christie? Of course he does. He’s a bully too. You’ve got people every night on this show that disagree with you, and you have a good dialogue. Have ever heard anybody or seen anybody who disagrees on Glenn Beck or Bill O’Reilly or Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity? No. They’re all bullies, they’re all cowards, they’re all alike. That’s why they like Christie. That a so-called “news” network would allow such a completely erroneous view to be expressed while cameras are rolling is offensive to say the least. This is especially true coming from MSNBC which during extended prime time from 5PM to 11PM presents viewers with six straight hours of far-left content with little if any opposing viewpoints. Now, in fairness to Schultz, he does bring conservatives on his television show unlike colleague Keith Olbermann. But as can be seen from the following, Ed can be quite rude to callers to his radio program that disagree with him: Want to talk about bullies, Bill? As for allowing folks on shows that disagree with them, Press was way off base. Hannity almost always has a liberal on his “Great American Panel.” Here’s Kirsten Powers going after Sean a few hours after Press made his pathetic accusation:   What was that you were saying, Bill? As for Limbaugh, he had a liberal caller on Wednesday: CALLER: Hey, thank you. I wanted to take exception with your charge that the liberal media is simply trying to make Palin or O’Donnell portrayed as evil individuals. I mean any candidate who has made as many outlandish and sometimes ridiculous statements as those two is going to be under such scrutiny, and a good deal of it has come from the right as well.  Again, what was that you were saying, Bill? As for Beck, he takes liberal callers virtually every day. One this past week vehemently disagreed with Glenn’s view concerning Tea Partiers dressing up at rallies. Which brings us to O’Reilly who potentially epitomizes a commentator not only willing to allow opposing viewpoints on his program but also reveling in it. Bill has had classic on-air arguments with Geraldo Rivera and Megyn Kelly just to name a few. As readers are fully aware, liberal comedian Jon Stewart was O’Reilly’s guest on Wednesday as was Democrat strategist Janet Fleming. O’Reilly could possibly be the television commentator that allows – maybe even encourages – the most dissension on his program.  Add it all up, and Press’s remarks Friday were 100 percent false. But that shouldn’t come as a surprise to NewsBusters readers. As our publisher Brent Bozell noted in May, Press is ” preposterous .” 

Continued here:
Bill Press: Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh and O’Reilly Are Cowards – Never Allow Opposing Views

Libtalker Mike Malloy Tells Liz Cheney ‘Go Plan Your Father’s Funeral’

As the Media Research Center reported last month, there are some truly sick, hate-mongering liberal radio hosts in America today, and one of the most disgusting is Mike Malloy. On Friday, this vile miscreant with a microphone said on the air that Liz Cheney should be planning her father’s funeral rather than offering her opinions to the American people. This comes three months after Malloy told his listeners that he hoped former Vice President Dick Cheney would die in the hospital.  On this day, the subject was Liz’s comment concerning a Barack Obama quote about America being able to absorb a terrorist attack referenced in Bob Woodward’s new book (video follows with partial transcript and commentary, h/t Right Scoop ): MIKE MALLOY: Back to Cheney, whose father is directly responsible for every single death in Iraq since the invasion and occupation that he championed in 2003. He’s responsible, and that’s not just Americans and the wounding of Americans, but the deaths and wounding of, of countless hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. He is responsible for the deaths in Afghanistan, Cheney is. He is responsible for the deaths in New York City, at the Pentagon, and the plane crash in Pennsylvania. Dick Cheney is one of the bloodiest sons of bitches ever to have held power and office in this government in terms of deaths that were a direct result of his incompetence and his lies. Dick Cheney. Malloy then read Liz’s response to Obama’s “we can absorb a terrorist attack” remark: “Americans expect our President to do everything possible to defend the nation from attack. We expect him to use every tool at his disposal to find, defeat, capture and kill terrorists. We expect him to deter attacks by making clear to our adversaries that an attack on the United States will carry devastating consequences. Instead, President Obama is reported to have said, ‘We can absorb a terrorist attack.’ This comment suggests an alarming fatalism on the part of President Obama and his administration. Once again the President seems either unwilling or unable to do what it takes to keep this nation safe. The President owes the American people an explanation.” Malloy then went after Liz: MALLOY: Her father and her father’s puppet George at the very least allowed, at the very worst engineered the worst attack on this country since the War of 1812, and she has the audacity to make this kind of a statement. “Americans expect our President to do everything possible to defend the nation from attack.” Where was your father after he deliberately authorized a stand-down, on a day and a time when he knew there was going to be an effort made to attack this country? I don’t know why I give this psychopathic misdirected woman, you ought to be there planning your father’s funeral, Liz, because I’m sure all the nation’s bigwigs, especially the Republicans are going to fall all over themselves to worship in front of his coffin. That’s what you ought to be doing instead of making your filthy, insane, gratuitous statements about what the American people expects their president or an administration to do to protect us from terrorist attack. Shame on you, Liz Cheney. Go plan your father’s funeral. Just do that. Do at least one thing in your useless life that will have some meaning. Go plan his funeral. What the hell is happening to this nation? How did we come to a point that someone actually gets paid to make such vile statements over the airwaves? Regardless of the answers, I’m speechless and need desperately to go take a shower hoping with all my heart I can scrub this filth from my memory.

See the rest here:
Libtalker Mike Malloy Tells Liz Cheney ‘Go Plan Your Father’s Funeral’

Juan Williams: Missouri’s Anti-ObamaCare Ballot Irrelevant – Only Old White People Voted For It

Juan Williams on Sunday said the passage of Missouri’s anti-ObamaCare ballot initiative last week is irrelevant because only older white people voted for it. Discussing the issue on “Fox News Sunday,” the liberal FNC contributor said, “As far as the Missouri vote, you get 70 percent inside an echo chamber of older white people, no not in St. Louis not in Kansas City, saying, ‘Oh yeah, we don’t like a requirement that everybody has to have healthcare even though the hospitals in Missouri say it’s gonna drive up our costs.'” Host Chris Wallace seemed somewhat stunned by this and asked, “What happened to respect for democracy?” When Williams elaborated saying that he believes this will eventually be decided by the courts, Liz Cheney rightly scolded her colleague, “I think it is stunning you and the White House are unwilling to heed the votes of the people in Missouri” (video follows with transcript and commentary): LIZ CHENEY: You’ve also got Robert Gibbs this week when asked about what does it mean that 71 percent of the people in Missouri said they don’t want any mandate for health insurance, he said, quote, “It means nothing.” Now when you’ve got a White House that is that unwilling to listen to what the people out there are saying, I think that you know, it causes some real concern about whether or not they are actually going to be responsive to the voters. But, I think, frankly it gives the voters much bigger impetus come November to elect some folks who will listen to him. CHRIS MATTHEWS, HOST: Juan? JUAN WILLIAMS: I like George W. Bush, but the decider? I think, he’s the one that coined that phrase. He said he was the decider when he was president, so I guess President Obama can be the decider now that he is president. Isn’t that the deal? CHENEY: I don’t think Bush ever said he got to decide who had the keys to the scar. WILLIAMS: Look, I think this is, and as far as the Missouri vote, you get 70 percent inside an echo chamber of older white people, no not in St. Louis not in Kansas City, saying, “Oh yeah, we don’t like a requirement that everybody has to have healthcare even though the hospitals in Missouri say it’s gonna drive up our costs, everyone is just going to run to the emergency rooms when they have their accidents.” WALLACE: What happened to respect for democracy? WILLIAMS: I have tremendous respect for democracy, but as Ted Olson… WALLACE: The proposition was on the ballot… WILLIAMS: Yes. WALLACE: …and 71 percent voted in favor of it. WILLIAMS: That’s who’s energized. The unions didn’t participate and they didn’t get out there… WALLACE: Well, that’s their problem, isn’t it? WILLIAMS: Right, so because everybody knows, as Ted Olson told you in an earlier segment on the gay rights issue, the courts, the courts have said that federal law trumps state law in this area, or they will decide if it’s to be the case. WALLACE: That has to do with immigration, we are talking about healthcare. WILLIAMS: That is exactly right, Chris, on the issue, does, can a state say that we will not require our citizens to buy health insurance? That issue is right now being taken up by several attorney generals around the country in seperate states, and, they will eventually end up in the courts. I hate to inform you of this, you should know this as our anchor. (Laughter) CHENEY: It is a real constitutional issue whether or not the federal government has the right to force people to buy insurance, and I think it is stunning you and the White House are unwilling to heed the votes of the people in Missouri. Isn’t it wonderful how much race is now brought into every discussion about politics? I thought Barack Obama was going to change all that.

Original post:
Juan Williams: Missouri’s Anti-ObamaCare Ballot Irrelevant – Only Old White People Voted For It