Tag Archives: ed schultz

Ed Schultz Producer’s Advice to Obama on Handling CEOs: ‘Put a Gun to Their Head’

Agreed, certain people should not be allowed access to firearms. Here's an example of one of those people. On his radio show yesterday, Ed Schultz was talking with his producer, James “Holmy” Holm, about Obama meeting with 20 of the nation's top CEOs that day. Also mentioned in the discussion was corporations holding back on $1.9 trillion in capital reserves. Such is the context for this alarming remark by Holm ( audio here ) — read more

Originally posted here:
Ed Schultz Producer’s Advice to Obama on Handling CEOs: ‘Put a Gun to Their Head’

Ed Schultz Producer’s Advice to Obama on Handling CEOs: ‘Put a Gun to Their Head’

Agreed, certain people should not be allowed access to firearms. Here's an example of one of those people. On his radio show yesterday, Ed Schultz was talking with his producer, James “Holmy” Holm, about Obama meeting with 20 of the nation's top CEOs that day. Also mentioned in the discussion was corporations holding back on $1.9 trillion in capital reserves. Such is the context for this alarming remark by Holm ( audio here ) — read more

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Ed Schultz Producer’s Advice to Obama on Handling CEOs: ‘Put a Gun to Their Head’

Ed Schultz Challenges Dem Congresswoman on Bogus Claim

My hat's off to you, Ed. You've restored my faith in the possibility of liberals occasionally seeing the light. Here's an exchange between Schultz and Rep. Donna Edwards of Maryland on Schultz's radio show Thursday — read more

Excerpt from:
Ed Schultz Challenges Dem Congresswoman on Bogus Claim

Ed Schultz Accuses Fox Biz Analyst of Recommending Cannibalism for Unemployed People

Ed Schultz on Tuesday falsely accused Fox Business Network contributor Charles Payne of recommending people on unemployment lines eat each other to survive. Such ironically occurred on the “Psycho Talk” segment of the “Ed Show” (videos follow with partial transcripts and commentary): read more

Read the original post:
Ed Schultz Accuses Fox Biz Analyst of Recommending Cannibalism for Unemployed People

Schultz’s Strange Mind-Melt: Confuses Palin With . . . Michelle Obama

With the Thanksgiving weekend coming on, today somehow feels like Friday.

John King Bashes Obama for Calling Fox ‘Destructive’ and MSNBC ‘Invaluable’

CNN’s John King on Wednesday mocked Barack Obama for calling Fox News a “destructive” force in our society while at practically the same time a White House spokesman was saying MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow provide “an invaluable service” to the country. As NewsBusters reported Tuesday, the President bashed FNC in a just-published interview with Rolling Stone magazine shortly before his Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton was praising MSNBC during a gaggle held on Air Force One. With this in mind, on Wednesday’s “John King USA,” the host surprisingly derided the White House’s inconsistency (video follows with partial transcript and commentary):  JOHN KING, HOST: Sometimes you feel sad to be left out of a big debate. This is not one of those sometimes. In an interview with “Rolling Stone,” President Obama voiced the opinion that Fox News is a “destructive” force in our society. On the other hand, the left hand in this case, Obama spokesman Bill Burton said the President believes MSNBC commentators Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow provide “an invaluable service” to that same society and democracy. So, according to the President this is “destructive.” King then played clips from “The Glenn Beck Show” and “Hannity.” After they concluded, King said, “And, according to the White House, this is ‘an invaluable service.'” He then showed clips from “The Ed Show” and “Countdown.” After getting some opinions from his panel, he turned to CNN contributor Gloria Borger and asked, “What happened to this? This is the President of the United States, it’s May 1st, it’s the University of Michigan, he’s giving the commencement speech, and Professor Obama is trying to tell Americans of all political persuasions, ‘Listen to each other.'” BARACK OBAMA: For if we choose only to expose ourselves to opinions and viewpoints that are in line with our own, studies suggest that we become more polarized, more set in our ways. After the clip ended, King said to his guests, “I think he’s right. In that commencement speech, he’s right.” Indeed, but as NewsBusters reported at the time, Obama didn’t mean those words. Quite the contrary, what has come out of this White House in the past week is exactly how he feels, and that commencement address in May was just another in a never ending litany of campaign speeches Americans should take with a grain of salt. Somewhat surprisingly, King not only seems to be feeling that way, but he’s also willing to point out the hypocrisy on the air. Bravo, John. Bravo.

John King Bashes Obama for Calling Fox ‘Destructive’ and MSNBC ‘Invaluable’

Likely Voters Steer Clear of MSNBC, Don’t Like or Don’t Know Prime Time Talkers

According to a recent poll, likely voters get their political news primarily from cable television. Among cable channels, 42 percent, a plurality, watch Fox News for its political coverage. Only 12 percent said they watched MSNBC. What’s more, most likely voters don’t like or have never heard of MSNBC’s prime time talent. The poll , conducted by Politico and George Washington University, used a sample split evenly between political parties – even slightly favoring Democrats in some areas : 41 percent of respondents identified as Republicans, while 42 percent said they were Democrats. Forty-four percent said they usually vote for Republicans, while 46 percent answered Democrats. Forty-eight percent voted for Obama, while only 45 percent voted for McCain. Even among this group, Fox News is by far the most popular cable outlet. CNN comes in at second, with 30 percent. A sorry MSNBC brings up the rear. Among cable news personalities, FNC’s Bill O’Reilly – consistently the highest-rated cable news talker – is the most popular. Forty-nine percent of respondents said they thought O’Reilly has a positive impact on the American political conversation. Thirty-two percent said he has a negative impact. Interestingly, respondents – again, split evenly among the two parties – thought all three of Fox’s evening opinion commentators (O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, and Sean Hannity) have a net positive impact on the national debate. All three have a positive spread in the category. Also of note, for none of the three did majorities answer “never heard of”. MSNBC’s hosts are a different story. Only 23 percent said Keith Olbermann has a positive impact on the debate, while 25 said he has a negative one. A plurality, 42 percent, had never heard of him But at least it was only a plurality. Majorities said they have never heard of Ed Schultz or Rachel Maddow – 70 percent and 55 percent, respectively. The positive impact/negative impact responses were split down the middle for both. In other words, the vast majority of likely voters either do not like MSNBC’s prime time talkers, or have never heard of them (with the notable exception of Chris Matthews, whose name was not included in the poll). “How did it get to this state?” wonders Ed Morrissey . After all, NBC had a long history in television news, starting decades before CNN and even longer than Fox. Its partnership with Microsoft should have given the cable news network a distinct advantage in the New Media world. Their roster of news anchors, present and future, should have immediately challenged CNN for primacy and marginalized Fox, who may have had cash but relatively fewer newsgathering resources in the US when it launched. Under the direction of GE’s Jeff Immelt, though, NBC’s cable network went for the full-insane demographic. Fox took CNN’s talking-head format and simply reversed the bias, although Fox rightly argues that it presents more opposing viewpoints than CNN did as part of their establishment talent and not just occasional guests and party spinmeisters. NBC decided to emulate Air America with its cable lineup instead, perhaps seeing some opportunity in the last Bush term to capitalize on his unpopularity and become a center of opposition opinion. Rather than accomplish that, the decision by NBC and its parent GE has not just destroyed MSNBC’s credibility but also NBC’s as well. With the exception of Joe Scarborough, who is hard to pigeonhole but certainly isn’t a hard-Left hysteric, the entire lineup is exactly what one would find on the failed libtalker radio network. It’s no coincidence that two of its featured hosts come straight out of Air America, Rachel Maddow and Ed Schultz. Maddow has, at least, produced a watchable show, albeit with a hard-Left tilt that clearly is out of touch with the mainstream, but Schultz is barely coherent. Top that off with a daily “news” broadcast from Keith Olbermann that almost literally consists of a Two Minute Hate (Olbermann’s WPIW lists), and it’s a recipe for the kind of disaster that only political hacks could love. The wonder is that GE and NBC apparently seem content to alienate 88% of the viewing audience with its trainwreck theater.

Read more:
Likely Voters Steer Clear of MSNBC, Don’t Like or Don’t Know Prime Time Talkers

Bill Press: Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh and O’Reilly Are Cowards – Never Allow Opposing Views

Liberal radio host Bill Press on Friday called Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and Bill O’Reilly bullies and cowards for never bringing people on their programs that disagree with them. Most comically, Press made this pathetic and indefensible remark on MSNBC, the nation’s most biased cable news network that hires anchors who categorically refuse to allow any dissenting views on their shows. But Press was clearly missing the irony in the following position espoused on “The Ed Show” as was the host who seemed to very much agree (video follows with transcript and commentary):  BILL PRESS: I tell you the other thing, Ed, the fact that Glenn Beck likes Chris Christie? Of course he does. He’s a bully too. You’ve got people every night on this show that disagree with you, and you have a good dialogue. Have ever heard anybody or seen anybody who disagrees on Glenn Beck or Bill O’Reilly or Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity? No. They’re all bullies, they’re all cowards, they’re all alike. That’s why they like Christie. That a so-called “news” network would allow such a completely erroneous view to be expressed while cameras are rolling is offensive to say the least. This is especially true coming from MSNBC which during extended prime time from 5PM to 11PM presents viewers with six straight hours of far-left content with little if any opposing viewpoints. Now, in fairness to Schultz, he does bring conservatives on his television show unlike colleague Keith Olbermann. But as can be seen from the following, Ed can be quite rude to callers to his radio program that disagree with him: Want to talk about bullies, Bill? As for allowing folks on shows that disagree with them, Press was way off base. Hannity almost always has a liberal on his “Great American Panel.” Here’s Kirsten Powers going after Sean a few hours after Press made his pathetic accusation:   What was that you were saying, Bill? As for Limbaugh, he had a liberal caller on Wednesday: CALLER: Hey, thank you. I wanted to take exception with your charge that the liberal media is simply trying to make Palin or O’Donnell portrayed as evil individuals. I mean any candidate who has made as many outlandish and sometimes ridiculous statements as those two is going to be under such scrutiny, and a good deal of it has come from the right as well.  Again, what was that you were saying, Bill? As for Beck, he takes liberal callers virtually every day. One this past week vehemently disagreed with Glenn’s view concerning Tea Partiers dressing up at rallies. Which brings us to O’Reilly who potentially epitomizes a commentator not only willing to allow opposing viewpoints on his program but also reveling in it. Bill has had classic on-air arguments with Geraldo Rivera and Megyn Kelly just to name a few. As readers are fully aware, liberal comedian Jon Stewart was O’Reilly’s guest on Wednesday as was Democrat strategist Janet Fleming. O’Reilly could possibly be the television commentator that allows – maybe even encourages – the most dissension on his program.  Add it all up, and Press’s remarks Friday were 100 percent false. But that shouldn’t come as a surprise to NewsBusters readers. As our publisher Brent Bozell noted in May, Press is ” preposterous .” 

Continued here:
Bill Press: Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh and O’Reilly Are Cowards – Never Allow Opposing Views

Joe Scarborough Rips Liberal MSNBC Colleagues Schultz and Olbermann On-Air

Does he want to lose his job at MSNBC the way Donny Deutsch did ? Joe Scarborough seems to have a devil-may-care attitude towards criticizing his outspoken colleagues, liberal blowhards Ed Schultz and Keith Olbermann. Simply refer to past episodes here , here , here and here . While not mentioning them by name on today’s “Morning Joe,” Scarborough featured outlandish barbs from his colleagues Schultz and Olbermann as examples of what not to do in trying to “keep calm and carry on,” as the show was trying to preach to its viewers. For the second straight day, MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” ran a segment titled “Keep Calm and Carry On” – Scarborough’s favored slogan of late, he even features in his profile picture on his Twitter account – dedicated to throwing water on the political fire created by the fringe Left and Right and promoting more calm, moderate, bipartisan candidates and positions. Tuesday’s segment featured a game show format where Joe and co-host Mika Brzezinski asked questions with obvious answers – for instance, does such-and-such rabid quotation by such-and-such talk show blowhard merit the label “Keep Calm and Carry On?” Scarborough’s second question began thus: “If you’re a liberal radio and TV talk show host, and your goal is to keep calm and carry on, do you say of a Republican politician who’s just had a life-threatening heart attack, quote, ‘We ought to rip his heart out, and kick it around, and stuff it back in his chest’?” That question referred to Ed Schultz’s nasty rant from this past February, where he derided conservatives for complaining that Dick Cheney’s recovery from his heart attack was being used as a political football for health care. “You’re damn right Dick Cheney’s heart is a political football,” Schultz ranted. “We ought to rip it out and kick it around and stuff it back in him. I’m glad he didn’t tip over. He is the new poster child for health care in this country.” Two questions later, Scarborough again used an MSNBC colleague’s words as an example of hate-speech. “If you’re a liberal cable host, and you want to keep calm and carry on, do you accuse the President of the United States, who happens to be a Republican, of being a fascist, and a liar, who urinates on the Constitution?” he asked columnist Mike Barnacle. That question referred back to Olbermann’s August, 2008 smear of President Bush’s administration as “urinating on the Constitution.” It seems quite fascinating that out of all the hate speech from liberal talk show hosts on radio and television, Scarborough chose to feature barbs from two of his colleagues. Then again, MSNBC isn’t exactly a harbor of calm and collected debate. A partial transcript of the segment, which aired on September 21 at 6:43 a.m. EDT, is as follows: JOE SCARBOROUGH: Calling out the “Professional Left” and the far-Right, a campaign of ours to kind of calm everybody down, because we find – and we found out in New Hampshire this past weekend, we’ve seen it everywhere from Maine down to South Alabama, to Florida, to Alabama, to West – Americans are tired of all the screaming and shouting, so we’re trying to encourage sort of the chattering classes – to keep calm, and carry on. A noble gesture, is it not? JON MEACHAM: Absolutely. I would expect nothing less. (…) SCARBOROUGH: Question: If you’re a liberal radio and TV talk show host, and your goal is to keep calm and carry on, do you say of a Republican politician who’s just had a life-threatening heart attack, quote, “We ought to rip his heart out, and kick it around, and stuff it back in his chest.” MIKA BRZEZINSKI: That’s a no-brainer, Willie. WILLIE GEIST: Life-threatening, or did it cost him his life? SCARBOROUGH: Life-threatening. He’s still alive – these guys aren’t very good at this. BRZEZINSKI: It’s a new game. GEIST: Yes. SCARBOROUGH: No. GEIST: You said “threatening.” SCARBOROUGH: “Life-threatening.” No, I’m sorry. (…) SCARBOROUGH: Question: For the t-shirt. If you’re a liberal cable host, and you want to keep calm and carry on, do you accuse the President of the United States, who happens to be a Republican, of being a fascist, and a liar, who urinates on the Constitution? Now Mike, I would suggest that “urinates on the Constitution,” as well as “liar” and “fascist,” would be a clue for you. MIKE BARNACLE: It is, it is, and I don’t need a lifeline for this one. Yes. (Pause) C’mon, give me the t-shirt. That was the right answer, wasn’t it? It happens all the time! SCARBOROUGH: It does happen all the time. We have, actually, some re-educating to do. BRZEZINSKI: We do.

See the original post:
Joe Scarborough Rips Liberal MSNBC Colleagues Schultz and Olbermann On-Air