Tag Archives: ed schultz

GOP Strategist Schools Ed Schultz and Former Air America Host

Republican strategist Ron Christie on Monday demonstrated why Keith Olbermann is smart to not have conservatives on his program, for most MSNBC hosts are just not up to the challenge. Appearing on the “Ed Show” to address some comments Newt Gingrich recently made about President Obama, Christie refuted former Air America host Jack Rice’s contention that Gingrich was being racist. “I disagree with what he had to say this past weekend, but to suggest that the former Speaker of the House is trying to say, ‘Oh the President of the United States is black and and I’m white’ I think is so far out of bounds and so untrue,” scolded Christie. “This has to stop.”  Minutes later, when the host asked his Republican guest what the “con” was that Gingrich accused Obama of perpetrating on the American people, Christie hit the ball so far out of the park that by the end of the segment, his liberal antagonists were left laughing in astonishment (video follows with transcript and commentary):   JACK RICE, FORMER AIR AMERICA HOST: You don`t have to be a racist and disagree with this president, but when you start bringing up the question of him being born in Mombassa, Kenya, again and again and again, when all of the facts are clear, it seems to me, there`s only one reason that you would do that, it`s synonymous with racism, it just is. RON CHRISTIE, REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST: I totally disagree with you. Look, I`ve known Speaker Gingrich for almost 20 years now. I know him to be a man of character and principle. I disagreed with what he say this past weekend, but to suggest that the former Speaker of the House is trying to say, oh the President of the United States is black and I’m white, I think is so far out of bounds and so untrue. This has to stop. You could disagree with the man on policy. (CROSSTALK) ED SCHULTZ, HOST: I`m curious. CHRISTIE: But has to stop. SCHULTZ: Gentlemen, I`m curious, Newt Gingrich calls President Obama a conman in an interview with “The National Review.” He says, “This is a person who is fundamentally out of touch with how the world works, who happened to have played a wonderful con, as a result, which he is now president.” What con? What are we talking about — what`s he talking about here, Ron? CHRISTIE: Well, the President of the United States said that he was going to change the tone of Washington and he was going to bring civility back. We’re at the most polarized I think we`ve been in the country. The President said that his stimulus package. SCHULTZ: That`s his fault? That`s President Obama`s fault. CHRISTIE: Yes, actually, I do think that it`s President Obama`s fault. SCHULTZ: Is that before or after the health care meeting? Come on now, Ron, you`re being a little tough on the president. He has reached out time and time again. CHRISTIE: Let me answer your question, Ed. SCHULTZ: All right, all right. CHRISTIE: The fact of the matter is a President of the United States can change the tone, the way that leaders on both sides of the aisle deal with civic disagreements. I think if you look at President Bush and what we did with No Child Left Behind, he brought Ted Kennedy, a very liberal former senator. He brought George Miller, a former liberal congressman. (CROSSTALK) SCHULTZ: I got what you`re saying. So, how should President Obama have responded to Senator DeMint`s comment over a year ago that if this is his waterloo, if we could break him? How was the president supposed to — he should have cut off all of the olive branches right there and he didn`t, you know. CHRISTIE: I would have ignored it. SCHULTZ: You would have ignored it but it was said on the right, Ron. It was said on the right, no doubt about it. CHRISTIE: So what, Ed? So, what? SCHULTZ: Are you talking about a dialogue in Washington? I want to know, where is the con? Where was the con? What was the big con that was committed by President Obama?  And you`re saying. CHRISTIE: The big con was perpetuated — Jack, let me say one thing. RICE: Yes. CHRISTIE: The big con that was perpetuated was this President and his economic team, unemployment when he came on office was 6.7 percent. He said, if he spent nearly a trillion dollars, he`ll keep it beneath eight percent, now it`s at 9.6 percent. That is a con, that`s disingenuous. SCHULTZ: That`s not a con. That`s a mis-projection. And the Bush people did it all of the time and you know it. Jack, you got final comment. RICE: Yes, you`re absolutely right. At the end of the day, you turned around and blame President Obama for this. Was it his fault too that people were marching up and down in Washington with pictures of President Obama, with mustaches? That was his problem too, that was his fault? CHRISTIE: They did it to Bush. RICE: Yes, he is the one who changed all this. CHRISTIE: Well, all I have to say is both sides need to cut it out. He`s an American citizen. Let`s finally get to work for the American people. That`s what we elected these people to do. SCHULTZ: All right. Let`s talk about the Pelosi ad. Here it is, this is her opponent putting up an ad claiming that she`s a wicked witch. Here it is. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) ANNOUNCER: I wish there was a political party they could vote for with a. UNIDENTIFIED MAN: More courage. UNIDENTIFIED GIRL: I don`t care about political parties. I just want a home that isn`t blown away by debt. UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: Hello, my pretty. I will say you from those evil republicans. But first, pay $18,000 for my downtown office and go into massive debt. The Wall Street bailouts and here are my monkeys to make you pay for it all. UNIDENTIFIED MAN: Step back, everyone. UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: Oh, I`m melting. UNIDENTIFIED GIRL: Thank you for saving us, who are you? UNIDENTIFIED MAN: I`m John Dennis, I`m running for Congress. (END VIDEO CLIP) SCHULTZ: Jack Rice, your thoughts on that. RICE: Thank you for saving us. Yes that`s right, it was President Obama`s fault that he didn`t change the tone in Washington. Yes, this is reminiscent of what we have seen in the past. Again, this is that standard personality attack, a character attack that we`ve seen, rather than saying OK, let`s dig down to the facts. Now if that`s what we`re talking about, notice that this ad does none of that. Instead, it goes back to the things we heard before and I guess they`re pulling them out again because the midterms are here and that`s what they do. SCHULTZ: Ron is that ad demeaning to women? CHRISTIE: Oh, I don`t think that ad is demeaning to women. I just think it`s kind of dumb. I mean, it`s funny but I think that you should be campaigning for what you are for rather for what you`re against. You should be laying out a positive vision. SCHULTZ: Wait a second. That`s what the republicans have been doing for the last three years is basically saying no. CHRISTIE: Give me a break. I`m so tired of all the effigies that President Bush that were burned. That we never heard about anything from the left. They did it to Dick Cheney, they did it to Dr. Condoleezza Rice. I`m saying, the president of the United States needs to lead by example. His going around in Ohio and saying, people threat him like a dog. That`s not presidential. People want to hear the president talk in very confident tones and he sounds like a very thin-skinned individual. SCHULTZ: Ron, you`re amazing, sir. CHRISTIE: I`m sorry. He is. (LAUGHTER) SCHULTZ: You definitely got it down, Ron. I`ll give you credit.   Marvelously played, Mr. Christie. In fairness to Schultz, unlike the cowardly Olbermann, he does bring on conservative guests. Christie is a frequent contributor to the “Ed Show,” and is normally an oasis in the middle of a liberal desert.  Maybe if all the MSNBC hosts were required to have at least one conservative guest on each evening, the network’s ratings would improve. On the other hand, as Christie demonstrated, all it takes is one intelligent, right-thinking person on the set to expose the fallacies being conveyed by most of the anchors on this pathetic network. 

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GOP Strategist Schools Ed Schultz and Former Air America Host

Schultz Guest Suspects Palin-Gingrich ‘Fingerprints All Over’ Koran Burning

Fire doesn’t melt steel–and a Florida pastor apparently isn’t capable of burning a Koran without a plot by Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich behind him . . . On The Ed Show this evening, guest Karen Hunter, responding to a leading question from host Schultz, went deep conspiracy theory, saying she “wouldn’t be surprised at all” if the “fingerprints” of Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich were “all over” Pastor Terry Jones’ plan to fire up some Korans. Really.  Can’t you just see it? “Terry?  Sarah and Newt again.  Did the FedEx arrive with the dozen Korans and the pint of Zippo lighter fluid? Good.” Fortunately, Heidi Harris was there to restore some sanity, pointing out that Palin and Newt had come out against the Koran burning and describing Jones as a “totally separate entity.” Note: Hunter suffers under the double burden of being a Pulitzer Prize winner and a Hunter College professor.

The rest is here:
Schultz Guest Suspects Palin-Gingrich ‘Fingerprints All Over’ Koran Burning

Ed Schultz to Speak at Hastily Arranged DC Rally He Claims Not in Response to Glenn Beck’s Rally

Remember the Seinfeld episode where George Costanza pretended to be an architect? Seinfeld thought it was a bad idea, suggesting Constanza would do better as a fake marine biologist, leading Constanza to complain, “You know I’ve always wanted to pretend that I was an architect.” Ed Schultz, liberal radio host and MSNBC flamethrower, is done pretending to be an architect. Schultz garnered plenty of attention last week with his huff-and-puff claim he could outdraw the estimated 300,000 people who attended Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor rally in Washington on Aug. 28. What made Schultz’s boast so insipid was his insistence that he not actually organize or take part in a rally to exceed Beck’s draw, if only in spirit. Schultz’s suggestion alone would suffice. No need to actually draft a blueprint or break a sweat. Perhaps the Labor Day weekend knocked some reality into Schultz. According to Brian Maloney at The Radio Equalizer , Schultz has decided to appear at the “One Nation Working Together” rally on the mall in Washington on Oct. 2, exactly one month before the midterms. Here’s Schultz talking about this on his radio show yesterday (audio available at Radio Equalizer) — The march is on, Oct. 2. Will you march with me?  And thousands upon thousands. Oh, we’ll get three hundred grand. We’ll get 300,000, absolutely. We’ll show you conservatives out there when big Eddie starts cranking on something we don’t back down until it gets done. It’s happening on Oct. 2. I appreciate all of you going to our website at wegoted.com, there’s a consortium of groups that are coming together. You see, the Republicans, they want you to quit. They want you to think that there’s a tsunami coming. What tsunami? Ain’t no tsunamis coming! Nothing’s lost until you give up! If you give up, then they have a chance. I don’t buy the polls, I don’t believe it, I believe America is smarter than this, and I think Americans don’t want to go back. … Many of you are out of work. Many of you can’t make it to the rally but a lot of you will. We have been inundated with all kinds of communication from wonderful listeners and viewers and I will be a featured speaker. There will be other speakers and there will be some groups that are going to be obviously helping out with all of this, just like FreedomWorks and the billionaires and the six months of promotion helped out the Beckster. And I want to get something very clear right now. If Beck had not done his rally, this would have happened, OK? This is about the country. This is about making sure that information is where it has to be, with the American people. And now it’s about passion, now it’s about emotion. And by the way, there will be some old and there will be some white people at the Oct. 2 rally on the mall in Washington, D.C. They just won’t be angry. And they won’t be motivated by hate and they won’t be race-baited. Schultz asserts that “if Beck had not done his rally, this would have happened” anyway. Maybe so, and I’ll temporarily set aside my well-deserved skepticism of anything claimed by Schultz. But the whiff of desperation wafting from Schultz’s reversal makes me wonder if Beck hasn’t put the fear of God in him.

Originally posted here:
Ed Schultz to Speak at Hastily Arranged DC Rally He Claims Not in Response to Glenn Beck’s Rally

Alleged Comedian Lizz Winstead Fantasizes It Would Be ‘Awesome!’ to Electrocute Glenn Beck

Give the woman credit — liberals are seldom this candid about their impulse toward totalitarianism. Usually it takes a bit of prodding before you’ll hear that voice of the guard in the gulag. Lizz Winstead, co-founder of The Daily Show and alumna of the late, hardly lamented Air America Radio, revealed her pathological side while appearing on Ed Schultz’s radio show yesterday, as described by Brian Maloney over at The Radio Equalizer — WINSTEAD: Ed, I’ve always wished that somebody would invent, maybe you and I could go into business and do this, if somebody would invent, you know those shock collars that you put on the dog? (Schultz laughs) That when they bark they get jarred? If we could make one that actually fact-checked and we just put it around Glenn Beck’s neck and when he spoke (pause), or just fake tears, if it could detect when tears were actually crocodile tears, and then you just get electrocuted by the water and jarred, like, that would be awesome! Force him to wear it. “Always” wished for that, have you, Lizz? Two words come to mind — Nurse Ratched . Any relation?

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Alleged Comedian Lizz Winstead Fantasizes It Would Be ‘Awesome!’ to Electrocute Glenn Beck

Bill Press: On Election Night Boehner Office Will Be ‘Morgue,’ Pelosi’s A ‘Party’

Gallup might be seeing an historic spread in the Republicans’ favor, and even Mark Halperin is predicting GOP gains of as many as 60 seats. But amidst all the Dem panic and gnashing of teeth, the Pelosi party can still count on one true believer: Bill Press. Former California Dem chairman Press has predicted that when results come in on Election Night, GOP leader John Boehner’s office will be a “morgue,” while Pelosi’s place while Pelosi’s place is “where the party’s going to be.” Press proferred his hyper-optimistic prediction on this evening’s Ed Show, reacting to the report that Ohio talk radio host Bill Cunningham will be broadcasting from Boehner’s office on Election Night.  For good measure, Press—ironically no fan of the First Amendment, apparently—expressed disappointment that it was legal for Cunningham to do so. Let’s make sure Press’s prediction is duly noted.  See you on November 2nd, Bill. ED SCHULTZ: Bill Cunningham, radio talk show host out of Ohio, who’s a severe righty, is saying that he is going to be broadcasting from The Tan Man’s–John Boehner’s–office on Election Night. BILL PRESS: Well first of all, I checked. It is legal , in the House, for members can allow broadcasters to broadcast from their offices, I’m sorry, I’m sorry to say . . . But I’ve got to tell you, Ed, so it’s legal to be there, but if I were Bill Cunningham I’d stay home. Because once the results come in, it’s going to be like a morgue in Boehner’s office. You and I, you and I ought to broadcast, Ed, you and I ought to broadcast from Nancy Pelosi’s balcony.  That’s where the party’s going to be. Check the mirthful reaction of GOP strategist John Feehery. Even Ed had to chuckle at Press’s prediction.  

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Bill Press: On Election Night Boehner Office Will Be ‘Morgue,’ Pelosi’s A ‘Party’

Beck ‘On Crack, Taking Stupid Pills’ Say Mika, Joe

When Joe Scarborough wondered out loud “how many times can you set your hair on fire?” before viewers stop being shocked, you might have thought he was talking about Keith Olbermann, the man whose scenery-chewing soliloquies inspired an instant-classic Saturday Night Live skit . But no, Joe was speaking of Glenn Beck.  Perhaps the shot Scarborough took at Ed Schultz a couple weeks ago exhausted his monthly quota of internecine MSNBC insults. On today’s Morning Joe, Joe and Mika Brzezinski took turns ripping Beck’s promotion of the rally at the Lincoln Memorial he’s staging Saturday on the anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.  Riffing off a Colbert Show segment showing clips of Beck, Mika claimed he sounded like a drama student “on crack.”  Scarborough, suggesting Mika might have gone too far, surmised Beck might merely have taken “stupid pills.” JOE SCARBOROUGH: Hey, I don’t get it. MIKA BRZEZINSKI: I don’t either. SCARBOROUGH:  How many times can you set your hair on fire before you stop having your viewers being shocked? BRZEZINSKI: It’s like the boy who cried wolf in drama form, on crack. SCARBOROUGH: On crack?  That’s awfully harsh. I don’t know if I’d go that far. BRZEZINSKI: It’s just silly: how many times can you set your hair on fire? SCARBOROUGH: On crack? Maybe he’s taking stupid pills.   I don’t think it’s crack. BRZEZINSKI: That’s better: you’re so smart.

See original here:
Beck ‘On Crack, Taking Stupid Pills’ Say Mika, Joe

Schultz: Republicans Want To Politically ‘Assassinate’ Pres. Obama’s Agenda

How far have we come from the era of “Dissent Is Patriotic” stickers on the bumpers of your local lefties during the Bush administration?  A host on the second-highest rated cable news network has equated political dissent with . . . assassination.   On his MSNBC show this evening, Ed Schultz stated: “Now I’m putting my cards on the table tonight as I do every night. The Republican party is on a mission to politically assassinate the president’s agenda across the board.  They want to shoot down everything.” Note how Schultz reinforces the assassination theme by adding that Republicans want to “shoot down” everything.  Does political speech get much more vile than this?  Do Schultz’s MSNBC bosses approve this kind of reckless rhetoric?

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Schultz: Republicans Want To Politically ‘Assassinate’ Pres. Obama’s Agenda

Ed Schultz Meltdown: Harry Reid ‘Ball-less’ – Won’t Shove GOP Bastards Into Ditch

The desperation on the Left — as they realize November is going to be very bad for Democrats likely ending that “Hopey Changey Thingy” — is beginning to come to a boil. On Wednesday, liberal talker Ed Schultz had a full on meltdown during his radio program as he screamed, “To hell with the Republicans! They’re anti-American!” But that was just the start, for moments later, he called Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) “ball-less” once again shouting, “You won’t do the nuke option for the American people and shove the Republicans into the ditch! Shove those bastards right into the dirthole!” Apparently still speaking to Reid, Schultz said, “And if I’m too excited or too passionate for you, I’m giving you the finger right now! Because I don’t give a damn” (audio follows with transcript and commentary, h/t Twitter’s @secularstupiddd):  ED SCHULTZ: Do you think here in late July of 2010, after the 2008 election, almost two years, do you think the Democrats can finally get their freaking heads screwed on right and realize that the lefties put you in office to do something? To hell with the Republicans! They’re anti-American! They’re psycho talkers! They don’t care! How much focus has there been in the mainstream media about jobs being shipped overseas? Well, it’s happening on The Ed Show. I don’t know about anybody else’s on any other network or anywhere else. That’s the story! That’s where Americans are right now! Look, Democrats, I’m your best friend. I’ve been across the country. I take thousands of emails. Our team works 16 hours a day. We do a TV and we do a radio show. I’m trying to tell you what the hell’s going on! But you sit back, and Harry, you are ball-less! You won’t do the nuke option for the American people and shove the Republicans into the ditch! Shove those bastards right into the dirthole! This is about power! It’s about winning! It’s about saving American lives! That’s what this is about! And if I’m too excited or too passionate for you, I’m giving you the finger right now! Because I don’t give a damn! And oh by the way, the stimulus package isn’t working. That’s what O’Reilly and Ingraham, those two Nazis, are saying over on Fox News. Clearly, the panic on the Left is beginning to build. With less than four months to go before Election Day, and polls showing America’s anger at Obama and the Democrats growing by the hour, folks like Schultz know that their dream of a socialist United States is starting to crash and burn. As Brian Maloney wrote Thursday: All week, the big question has been whether Democrats are truly imploding, or simply projecting that image to reduce electoral expectations and create complacent Republicans. As on-air rants become more desperately hysterical than ever, liberal talkers are clearly building a case for the former. These guys are truly losing it. Indeed. Question is how bad will this get? As we near November, and the dream really starts turning into a nightmare, how much more unhinged will these libtalkers get? Stay tuned. 

See original here:
Ed Schultz Meltdown: Harry Reid ‘Ball-less’ – Won’t Shove GOP Bastards Into Ditch

The Hill’s Brent Budowsky Compares GOP to South Africa’s Apartheid Regime

Why did the chicken cross the road? Racism, according to the liberal. Isn’t it obvious? Same reason that Republicans and conservatives oppose Obama, the liberal quickly adds. Here’s the latest example of this threadbare line of criticism, from Brent Budowsky, a columnist for The Hill’s Pundits Blog and former congressional staffer. Appearing on Ed Schultz’s radio show Tuesday, Budowsky offered an over-the-top analogy ( click here for audio) — BUDOWSKY: These Republicans today, Ed, are more right wing and obstructionist than the segregationist, racist senators during the days of the civil rights. Even those racist senators that filibustered civil rights, they also supported jobs and Medicare and some other things. You know, we’re up against a party on the Republicans that is so far off the right end, they’re acting like South Africa during the days of apartheid. … aside from not supporting segregation, forced resettlement of millions, state-sponsored violence toward dissenters, government theft of property, laws against mixed marriages —  in other words, aside from those monstrosities and many others that defined apartheid. Other than that, just like ’em.  Among the “racist senators” who filibustered civil rights? Recently deceased Democrat Robert Byrd. Later in the same show, Budowsky provided this gem to Schultz’s listeners ( audio here ) — BUDOWSKY: There is over a trillion and a half dollars sitting in corporate bank accounts being hoarded right now. Once we can liberate that money , and I say you raise taxes for the guys screwing us and you cut taxes for the guys helping us create jobs, but once that money is liberated , it’s a trillion and a half-plus dollars sitting in corporate accounts right now, we’re going to have a quarter, remember where you heard it, it may not be for a year or two, of 7 percent growth. As if transferring more than a trillion dollars to the government won’t liberate it of its potential to create more wealth. Wasn’t this type of alleged liberation a core belief of the Bolsheviks?  Budowsky’s comments reminded me of a remark he made on Schultz’s radio show in March during the contentious final weeks before the House voted on the health bill ( audio here ) — BUDOWSKY: I mean, you look at the Republicans, they attacked Jack Kennedy in Dallas with hate ads when he went there in November 22nd, ’63. They attacked Bill Clinton, they attacked Hillary Clinton, they attacked Al Gore, they attacked Nancy Pelosi, they attacked Charlie Rangel, they attacked ACORN. Those guys on the other side sure do know how to hate. Agreed, Mr. Budowsky — Republicans in Dallas greeted Kennedy with “hate ads.” Just before a left-winger killed him.

The Hill’s Brent Budowsky Compares GOP to South Africa’s Apartheid Regime

Left-Wing Talk Show Host Ed Schultz Lashes Out at MRC/NB Summer Intern

On his June 24 radio show, left-wing host Ed Schultz went on a rant against NewsBusters’ Matt Hadro, who earlier that day wrote a pretty inoffensive piece documenting how Schultz credited President Obama’s $862 billion stimulus package with more than doubling the size of his North Dakota construction firm. Schultz bizarrely (and incorrectly) tried to ridicule the Media Research Center summer intern as a spoiled rich kid. (Audio excerpt here .) Did Mommy and Daddy pay your way to go to school? Are you a little conservative boy that gets all the tax breaks of the top 2 percent rich? Have you ever gotten your hands dirty doing a job, Matt? [employs falsetto voice] ‘Oh, Matty, it’s time for milk and cookies! It’s 4:00, come home now! And here’s some more money. Oh, I think it’s so cute that you’re working for those wonderful conservatives over at Newsbusters. Oh, Matty!’ I’ll bet you that’s exactly who that kid is. What triggered Schultz’s wrath was Hadro’s matter-of-fact reporting of what the talk radio host said on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal on Wednesday: “We’ve gone from eight employees to 20 employees in the past year, because of the stimulus package,” he said of his construction company. “We’ve put some people back to work. There is some growth.” Schultz is evidently quite thin-skinned, since Hadro’s piece included no criticism of the host, his construction company, or the stimulus, but merely recounted what he said on C-SPAN. But the topic obviously struck a nerve, since Schultz lashed out at NewsBusters as “so negative” and “so hateful” in its depiction of him: Tell me, what’s negative about expanding a company?! What’s negative about giving someone a job?! These people are so negative on America, and so hateful of Obama and anybody who has any type of success whatsoever, the mission is to put ’em in light, in bad light, any way they possibly can. Here’s a longer transcript of Schultz’s June 24 fulmination: ED SCHULTZ: Hell, the righties, they’re even upset when we do create jobs. What’s the big deal? Those of you who follow the radio show, I wouldn’t call it a running feud because they’re not worth it, but I do love to point out every time I make NewsBusters, which is Brent Bozell’s right-wing, psycho-analysis, conservative think-tank. They like to, well, they just write a bunch of stuff about me, no matter what it is. (…) I’m on C-SPAN yesterday and I live my life a little bit on the air. It is a fact that this President has done so much for small business, more than anybody else that I can see in recent terms. And our company has gone from eight employees to 18, 20, 22, depending on what’s going on, what the project is! It’s American! It’s risk-taking! It’s what I talk about! And you jerks over at NewsBusters, you never call me, which shows that you’re not journalists. Never have you ever interviewed me. But this is how these conservative psychopaths operate. Tell me, what’s negative about expanding a company?! What’s negative about giving someone a job?! These people are so negative on America and so hateful of Obama and anybody who has any type of success whatsoever, the mission is to put ‘em in light, in bad light, any way they possibly can. So the story reads, “While defending the Obama administration as a champion for small business owners, MSNBC host Ed Schultz revealed that his construction company more than doubled its number of employees in the past year – thanks to the stimulus bill.” Oh! Obama wrote me a check. Is that what it was? Is that the idiot implication there? Anybody who knows anything about jobs in construction knows that you have to bid! But, I think what we’re going to do is, we’re going to check out who Matt Hadro is and we’re going to find out how much money he makes. We’re going to find out if he’s ever written a check for someone else who’s done work for him. We’re going to find out if he is a risk taker! In fact, I’m going to see if I can find out a little bit more about Brent Bozell. What has he ever done other than suck the hind tit off conservatives who want to fuel money right into his conservative think tank. He’s a leech. I’m out there supporting the boys, hiring kids, paying ’em union wages, getting ’em health care, doin’ what I gotta do, growing the company. But because I’m on MSNBC and because I champion for small businesses, they try to cook up some kind of a story like there’s, well, (sarcastically), what’s going on here? Continuing to read it — it’s actually kind of funny, because there’s no new information there. There’s nothing there, other than what I said on C-SPAN. Absolutely nothing there. And I love it. I love the publicity. And I love pointing out who these jerks are, and how poor they are when it comes to research. And Matt Hadro, I’m going to make you a star, buddy. I want to make you a star. I want you to show some spine and be a guest on the Ed Schultz radio show. Hell, I’ll even put you on TV. I can do that too. And let’s debate the stimulus package. And let’s find out what you’re all about. Did mommy and daddy pay your way to go to school? Are you a little conservative boy that gets all the tax breaks of the top 2 percent rich? Have you ever gotten your hands dirty doing a job, Matt? [Pretending to be Matt’s mother] ‘Oh Matty, it’s time for milk and cookies, it’s four o’clock, come home now. And here’s some more money. Oh, I think it’s so cute that you’re working for those wonderful conservatives over at Newsbusters. Oh, Matty!’ I’ll bet you that’s exactly who that kid is. (Laughing) And Matt, I will pay your airfare from wherever the hell you are, at no expense to NewsBusters, I will put you on a plane. Well, better yet, I’ll put you on my plane. And I will take you to our construction site. And I will show you and let you interview the guys who were jobless until they came to work for E. A. Schultz Construction. You know what I’ll even do, Matt? I’ll even open up our books. I’ll show you what we’ve bid on, I’ll show you what we’ve won, I’ll show you what we’ve lost. In fact, if you have a hair on your ass, maybe you’d like to work. Do some real work instead of playing with that computer and throwing up a bunch of hate and half truths and accusations. You see, Matt, I believe in the working people. You don’t. You wanted to vilify our efforts. You want to vilify our investment. You want to put us in a bad light because we are, proudly, a liberal construction company! That actually pays people!

See the article here:
Left-Wing Talk Show Host Ed Schultz Lashes Out at MRC/NB Summer Intern