Tag Archives: radio-equalizer

Paul Slams Obama, GOP Spending Plans: ‘I Think It’s Out of Control’


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Author: Robert Costa Sen. Rand Paul (R., Ky.) criticized both parties today for their spending proposals. “It’s interesting when we talk about cuts, everybody seems to be giddy around here, saying this is the first time we have talked about cuts,” he mused. “Well, it is better and it sounds good, but guess what? We’re not even really cutting spending. What we’re talking about is cutting the rate of… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Corner Discovery Date : 09/03/2011 21:09 Number of articles : 3

Paul Slams Obama, GOP Spending Plans: ‘I Think It’s Out of Control’

Lib Radio Host Ed Schultz Admits Using ‘Fake Callers’ Coached by Congressional Dems


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In trying to get his progressive talk radio show off the ground at the start, host Ed Schultz candidly admitted Wednesday to using fake callers to fill air time. In addition, Schultz admits congressional Democrats helped coach callers on what to say: h/t Radio Equalizer Schultz’s shocking admissions comes as a George Soros-funded publication baselessly accuses conservative radio titans Rush Limbaugh,… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 10/03/2011 01:04 Number of articles : 2

Lib Radio Host Ed Schultz Admits Using ‘Fake Callers’ Coached by Congressional Dems

Alleged Comedian Lizz Winstead Fantasizes It Would Be ‘Awesome!’ to Electrocute Glenn Beck

Give the woman credit — liberals are seldom this candid about their impulse toward totalitarianism. Usually it takes a bit of prodding before you’ll hear that voice of the guard in the gulag. Lizz Winstead, co-founder of The Daily Show and alumna of the late, hardly lamented Air America Radio, revealed her pathological side while appearing on Ed Schultz’s radio show yesterday, as described by Brian Maloney over at The Radio Equalizer — WINSTEAD: Ed, I’ve always wished that somebody would invent, maybe you and I could go into business and do this, if somebody would invent, you know those shock collars that you put on the dog? (Schultz laughs) That when they bark they get jarred? If we could make one that actually fact-checked and we just put it around Glenn Beck’s neck and when he spoke (pause), or just fake tears, if it could detect when tears were actually crocodile tears, and then you just get electrocuted by the water and jarred, like, that would be awesome! Force him to wear it. “Always” wished for that, have you, Lizz? Two words come to mind — Nurse Ratched . Any relation?

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Alleged Comedian Lizz Winstead Fantasizes It Would Be ‘Awesome!’ to Electrocute Glenn Beck

Psycho Talk: Jealous Ed Schultz Claims He Could Easily Rally 300k on National Mall

There’s not really much you can say about this claim, beyond “suuuuure.” Ed Schultz, who attracts just over a quarter of Glenn Beck’s viewership (700,000 vs. 2.6 million viewers), claimed he could out-rally the Fox News host, whose “Restoring Honor” event attracted an estimated 300,000 people to the National Mall on Saturday. “I guarantee you, I could do more than 300,000!” claimed the man who just last week found out he didn’t make the cut for an MSNBC promo. “It ain’t a big deal!” Schultz also claimed that the crowd size at Beck’s rally has absolutely no bearing on Democrats’ prospects in November. Wishful thinking on both counts, it seems. Audio and transcript via Brian Maloney at the Radio Equalizer: Hold it right there! Before we get to her answer, I could get every union head in this country, I could organize every progressive group in this country, the main bloggers. This could be The Ed March. Folks, 300,000 people on the heels of six months’ promotion, that ain’t no big shakes! This is no sign that there’s going to be any big turn of events when it comes to the ballot box and there will be no Democrats in the congress. This is no tea leaf about, “well gosh, they’re coming in November.” Six months’ promotion, NBC News says 300,000 people. I bet I could do that! I bet I could do that with this radio show and my TV show and six months’ production, six months’ promotion, if I had the budget I could equal that march. I know I could! I know I could! I know that I could get Leo Gerard, i could get the Service Employees International Union, I could get AFSCME, I could get all these–I guarantee you, I could do more than 300,000! It ain’t a big deal!

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Psycho Talk: Jealous Ed Schultz Claims He Could Easily Rally 300k on National Mall

Ed Schultz Wonders If Obama Is ‘Still Alive’

Perry Cobama? One of the great comedy bits from the classic SCTV show was a skit satirizing an ultra relaxed and disengaged Perry Como singing “Still Alive” in a most lackadaisical manner. And now we have MSNBC host Ed Schultz wondering aloud on his radio show if Barack Obama is “Still Alive.” Here is a transcript of Schultz commenting on Obama’s detachment to the extent that Big Ed isn’t even sure he wants to run for president again:

Matthews: Republicans Putting Pins in Kagan Like She’s a Voodoo Doll

From the morning to the evening Chris Matthews, during MSNBC’s coverage of Elena Kagan’s hearing on Monday, berated what he saw as GOP mistreatment of Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, calling their performance at times, a “brutal assault” and even evoking strange imagery of Kagan having pins stuck in her by Republicans. Early in the day the MSNBC host complained that Republican Senator Jeff Sessions engaged in “a brutal assault on this nomination” by calling her “pro-terrorist” and “anti-military.” Matthews also claimed today’s hearing reminded him of how Anita Hill was treated by Republicans during Clarence Thomas’ hearings as he asked Democratic Senator Dick Durbin: Some Republicans paid a heavy price for being tough with Anita Hill when she came to testify in the Clarence Thomas hearings. Have we gotten past that era of sensitivity about a bunch of guys going after a single woman here just bashing her?…Can these guys like Jeff Sessions just go at her like this without any fear of rebuke? Then finally, in the evening, on Hardball, Matthews charged the GOP had turned Kagan “into a voodoo doll , and they keep putting pins in her, as a way of getting at President Obama.” The following exchanges are from live MSNBC coverage (as transcribed by MRC intern Matthew Hadro) of the Kagan hearings and the June 28 edition of Hardball: CHRIS MATTHEWS: Andrea Mitchell, I’ve got to get your reaction. Very tough opening statement by Jeff Sessions. ANDREA MITCHELL: Well, he has laid the Republican line against her. And it was tough, and he is the ranking Republican. He said earlier today that he would not even rule out a filibuster, which has not happened, as Ron Brownstein pointed out earlier, when the same party controlled the Senate in a Supreme Court case. This is a very tough, particularly on the issue of the military, on the terror law. He went through all the top talking points from the Republicans. And she’s going to have a tough time defending that. MATTHEWS: …she’s anti-military, pro-terrorist, pro-illegal immigrant, and a socialist. It’s pretty tough. And by the way, I’ll go back to it – infelicitous reference – but she is being used as Barack Obama… EUGENE ROBINSON, WASHINGTON POST: This is throwing stuff against the wall, seeing- (Crosstalk) ROBINSON: -trying to create an atmosphere and an image that goes beyond her that also envelops the President and the whole administration. He’s trying to say this is an elite, Ivy League, out-of-touch- MATTHEWS: Well, it’s a strong cultural shot at her, and she does represent, if you will, academic excellence of the highest degree, coming from the best schools, dean of Harvard Law, it’s hard to get above that, to a person out in the country, from Alabama, like Jeff Sessions represents, that is probably a pretty rich target. … MATTHEWS: Now take a look at, what I think so far has been the toughest attack on this nomination. This is Sen. Jeff Sessions, the ranking Republican. He is from Alabama. He was especially tough, as I said, in his opening statements. Let’s look at a montage of his toughest shots at the nominee. (Clip) SEN. JEFF SESSIONS: Ms. Kagan has less real legal experience of any nominee in at least 50 years, and it’s not just that the nominee has not been a judge. She has barely practiced law, and not with the intensity and duration from which I think a real legal understanding occurs. Her actions punished the military, and demeaned our soldiers as they were courageously fighting for our country in two wars overseas. Ms. Kagan has associated herself with well-known activist judges who have used their power to re-define the meaning of words of our Constitution and laws in ways that, not surprisingly, have the result of advancing that judge’s preferred social policies and agendas. (End Clip) MATTHEWS: Joining us right now is Sen. Dick Durbin, Democrat of Illinois. He’s the Senate Majority Whip. Senator Durbin, if you listen to Jeff Sessions, your colleague, it’s a brutal assault on this nomination. She’s pro-terrorist in a sense, she’s anti-military, she’s a socialist, she’s for expansion of the government. He just about hit her on every cultural, political, ideological issue you can, and basically said he is definitely voting against her. He may lead a filibuster, based on his tone. SEN. DICK DURBIN: I can just tell you, my Alabama colleague did not surprise me. He dismissed Elena Kagan out of hand and didn’t really get into the whole question of her role in Supreme Court. And then came the bill of particulars for the election in November. This was the Republican National Committee bill of particulars, all of the things they want to accuse the Obama administration of. Socialism, secular humanism, you name it, went through the long litany. You get an idea of what this hearing is going to be all about. MATTHEWS: Well, do you think it’s really a hearing or is it something else? Is this going to be like a political convention on the right? SEN. DURBIN: Well I’m afraid it looks, from Senator Session’s statement, that there are going to be political overtones. And it’s not surprising, Chris, let’s be honest. If the shoe were on the other foot, and a nominee came along, we would be making points on our side of the aisle, too. But in fairness to Elena Kagan, At the end of the day, you have to look at what she has done, how she’s been cleared by this committee to be Solicitor General of the United States, her own achievements, and where she stands. MATTHEWS: You know, back not too many years ago, some Republicans paid a heavy price for being tough with Anita Hill when she came to testify in the Clarence Thomas hearings. Have we gotten past that era of sensitivity about a bunch of guys going after a single woman here just bashing her? SEN. DURBIN: Well I think so. But I tell you, the record shows – MATTHEWS: Wait a minute. You think we have gotten past we’re that insensitive? Can these guys like Jeff Sessions just go at her like this without any fear of rebuke? SEN. DURBIN: I think it’s fine. Jeff has raised issues, and that’s important. I may disagree with the issues. But it is not personal. I don’t see it reaching the level that would cause that kind of a backlash. And I think we’re learning. Just remember, this is our fourth time in history to entertain a woman as a Supreme Court justice – four times, out of 111, this is the fourth. And I think there were lessons learned in the past. We do know that women nominees tend to get tougher questions. Think of what Sonia Sotomayor went through over one phrase, “Wise Latina.” You would think that the woman had declared that she was a traitor, treason on the United States. And instead they made that one phrase the focal point, they just went overboard on it. … MATTHEWS DURING HARDBALL: This is, this is pretty rough stuff. I’ve been saying this morning, watching the hearing. It’s almost to use an old, crude phrase. They’ve turned this nominee into a voodoo doll, and they keep putting pins in her, as a way of getting at President Obama.

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Matthews: Republicans Putting Pins in Kagan Like She’s a Voodoo Doll

Lib Talker Malloy Happy Cheney’s In Hospital, Hopes ‘Miserable Bastard’ Dies

Is there any limit to the hatred liberal talk radio host Mike Malloy is willing to express on the air about conservatives? Have we as a nation really degraded to a point that it’s acceptable to verbalize over the airwaves one’s hope that a fellow American dies? Such questions naturally arise when one hears the kind of unhinged invective that came out of Malloy’s mouth on Friday after it was announced that former Vice President Dick Cheney was back in the hospital with heart troubles. As a courtesy to our readers, the audio and partial transcript of this abomination have been intentionally placed after the break due to the despicable nature of their content (h/t Radio Equalizer ): MIKE MALLOY: Cheney has had five heart attacks, and history of heart trouble. Well, I guess they’re one and the same. The cause of his latest health problem is not clear. I think I know, but (long pause) he’s done too much cannibalism, drunk too many cups of blood! Cheney’s in the hospital. Ah, the first good news all day. Malloy then read an e-mail from a caller asking, “What will it make him to lie still and actually die? He has more lives than a cat. I’m beginning to believe he really does need a stake through the heart.” After finishing this disgusting letter and laughing, Malloy continued: MALLOY: No, I’m not going to feel anything but intense gratitude that this miserable bastard has stepped off this earthly coil! Really! And I’m sure on a much lesser scale when I die, there will probably be some of you right-wing flip tops who will feel the same way – I frankly don’t give a damn! But no – Cheney is responsible. Cheney is a murderer. He’s a killer. He’s a torturer. He is evil personified! He is a walking mass of horror and when he’s gone, this planet will be cleaner! Honestly, what causes all this hatred from folks on the left? Conservative talkers might dislike President Obama and Vice President Biden, but they don’t go on the air hoping our political leaders die. Makes you wonder when the Department of Homeland Security is going to issue a warning about all this hate-speech on the left inciting acts of violence from domestic terrorists, although I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for that report.  Now please excuse me – I have to wash my hands and keyboard of this detritus.  

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Lib Talker Malloy Happy Cheney’s In Hospital, Hopes ‘Miserable Bastard’ Dies

Ed Schultz Hates Country Star Lee Greenwood’s Patriotic Song ‘God Bless the USA’

Brian Maloney at Radio Equalizer found Ed Schultz on his radio show Tuesday mocked country star Lee Greenwood and his patriotic song “God Bless the USA,” which he suggested was an anthem for American imperialism. Remember when every time we invaded an oil-rich country or any time there was any kind of confrontation, we were subjected to — ad nauseam , I might add — [mock sings, really badly] “God bless the USA.” That Lee Greenwood song…I mean, Every single event! Every time we were marching to the flowers put at our feet in Iraq, it was more Lee Greenwood! [mock singing again] “God bless the USA!” Man, we need an oil spill song is what we need! We need to get somebody — [laughs at himself] Some idea, somewhere, some songwriter out there’s gotta come up with something, to remind us, just like Lee Greenwood reminded us that it was the right thing to do to love America and invade everybody. We need some song out there to remind us that, [sings] “It’s BP!” Greenwood’s song, written in 1983, expresses a love for our flag standing for freedom and for American soldiers: “I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free / And I won’t forget the men who died who gave that right to me.” Ed Schultz finds that too sickening to sit through. That’s not the worst attack on Greenwood. Snopes dismissed the smear that Greenwood was a Vietnam-era draft dodger. He was deferred because he was a father at 17.

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Ed Schultz Hates Country Star Lee Greenwood’s Patriotic Song ‘God Bless the USA’

Rosie O’Donnell Wants BP’s Assets Seized: ‘We Broke the Freakin’ Womb of Mother Earth’

On her satellite radio show on Monday, Rosie O’Donnell accused BP of “willful homicide, willful mass murder” and demanded BP be nationalized immediately: “I say seize their assets. Right now. Seize their assets today. Take over the [company]. I don’t care [how]. Issue an executive order…Call it socialism, call it communism, call it anything you want. Let’s watch Rush Limbaugh explode on TV…Seize the assets. Take over BP.” From there, she ripped on piggish Americans in general: “We’re all culpable in America. We all fill up our gas-guzzler cars. We all don’t have solar power on our window[s]. We have been sold the drugs by the dealer, which is our own government, of oil, and we’ve been shootin’ up and we’re addicted to it…It’s making all of us sick, just as if we were shootin’ heroin…This time, we’ve screwed with Mother Earth. We broke the freakin’ womb of Mother Earth…We split it open, and she’s hemorrhaging.” O’Donnell’s executive producer Janette Barber offered a solution: “Let’s pay $20 a gallon rather than kill thousands of innocent people, ’cause that’s what we’re talking about.”    Radio Equalizer caught an earlier “Red Rosie” update when O’Donnell favored a government takeover of BP, a chat with Broadway actor Euan Morton:  MORTON: This is a ridiculous idea, ’cause we don’t live in a utopian, what’s the word, communist society, but wouldn’t you just love to have the federal government and I know people talk about big government and all the rest of it, it’s just nonsense, I’d love to have the federal government take over the oil companies, use the money to give our children free education, and then in the future we can educate our children to start doing things like solar power, wind power– O’DONNELL: Exactly.  MORTON: I don’t know why it’s not being done, it’s plainly obvious. It’s screaing out for someone. This is a Biblical age we are living in. The problems are massive. Volcanoes stopping flights. These are huge problems that we’re now facing. Rather than having it pour into the ocean for 41 days, another two months to drill another well to top it off, we have to have a way of making the kind of sea change that we need to make in the self-proclaimed leader of the free world– O’DONNELL: James Carville said the best thing. He said Obama needs to come down here and tell BP, “I’m your daddy, I am takin’ it over,” but they haven’t been able to do it. [Image from circushour.com]

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Rosie O’Donnell Wants BP’s Assets Seized: ‘We Broke the Freakin’ Womb of Mother Earth’