Tag Archives: brian-maloney

Bill Press: Obama’s Poll Numbers Down Because Americans Are Spoiled Children

Liberal talk radio host Bill Press says President Obama’s poll numbers are down because Americans are spoiled, impatient children that want everything solved yesterday. After describing to his listeners Tuesday all the fabulous accomplishments this president has made since taking office in January 2009, Press admonished the citizenry for giving the White House resident poor grades for his efforts. “I think this says more about the American people than it does about President Obama,” barked Press. “I think it just shows once again that the American people are spoiled” (audio follows with partial transcript and commentary): BILL PRESS: Basically, spoiled — as a people, we are too critical. We are too quick to rush to judgment, we are too negative, we are too impatient. Especially impatient. We want it all solved yesterday, and if you don’t, I don’t care who you are — get out of the way. And again, basically spoiled. To the point where it makes me wonder if it’s even possible to govern today. I gotta tell you, I don’t think Abraham Lincoln — who certainly didn’t get everything right the first time — could govern today. I’m not sure Franklin Roosevelt could govern today, the way we are again. Just about like spoiled children. And it’s Americans, and it’s the media, and if we don’t get instant gratification, then screw you is basically our attitude. Yes, America, you’re spoiled. We promised that if you elected us, things would get better for you. When you bought into our “Hope and Change” pitch, the unemployment rate was 6.6 percent. Now it’s 9.5 percent. On Election Day 2008, 7.3 million Americans were out of work. Now it’s 14.6 million. And the fact that this makes you unhappy means you’re spoiled and impatient. As Brian Maloney wrote Tuesday, “[O]nly ultra-partisan Democratic Party crony Bill Press could manage to blame voters for Obama’s failure to thrive.”  

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Bill Press: Obama’s Poll Numbers Down Because Americans Are Spoiled Children

Ed Schultz Hates Country Star Lee Greenwood’s Patriotic Song ‘God Bless the USA’

Brian Maloney at Radio Equalizer found Ed Schultz on his radio show Tuesday mocked country star Lee Greenwood and his patriotic song “God Bless the USA,” which he suggested was an anthem for American imperialism. Remember when every time we invaded an oil-rich country or any time there was any kind of confrontation, we were subjected to — ad nauseam , I might add — [mock sings, really badly] “God bless the USA.” That Lee Greenwood song…I mean, Every single event! Every time we were marching to the flowers put at our feet in Iraq, it was more Lee Greenwood! [mock singing again] “God bless the USA!” Man, we need an oil spill song is what we need! We need to get somebody — [laughs at himself] Some idea, somewhere, some songwriter out there’s gotta come up with something, to remind us, just like Lee Greenwood reminded us that it was the right thing to do to love America and invade everybody. We need some song out there to remind us that, [sings] “It’s BP!” Greenwood’s song, written in 1983, expresses a love for our flag standing for freedom and for American soldiers: “I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free / And I won’t forget the men who died who gave that right to me.” Ed Schultz finds that too sickening to sit through. That’s not the worst attack on Greenwood. Snopes dismissed the smear that Greenwood was a Vietnam-era draft dodger. He was deferred because he was a father at 17.

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Ed Schultz Hates Country Star Lee Greenwood’s Patriotic Song ‘God Bless the USA’