Tag Archives: president-biden

Joe Biden Says Paul Ryan’s "Bullets Aimed at You"

Vice President Joe Biden is at it again with his controversial remarks on the campaign trail. During a speech in Nevada, he made reference to Republican V.P. nominee Paul Ryan’s book Young Guns , which he co-wrote with other GOP Congressmen … Joe Biden: Bullets Aimed at You “They have guns but no bullets,” a member of the crowd shouted. “Unfortunately, the bullets are aimed at you,” Biden replied. The Vice President added that the GOP is dividing the U.S. by talking about “a culture of dependency.” Shortly after the rally, Ryan spokesman Brendan Buck hit back at Biden: “Today’s over-the-top rhetoric by Vice President Biden is disappointing, but not all that surprising.” “In the absence of a vision or plan to move the country forward, the vice president is left only with ugly political attacks beneath the dignity of the office he occupies.” Earlier this year, the 69-year-old Biden controversially told a Virginia audience that Mitt Romney’s economic policies would ” put y’all back in chains .” He was also criticized for his interruptive and combative nature during the vice presidential debate with Ryan earlier this month. For better or worse, that’s Biden for you. Decision 2012: Obama-Biden or Romney-Ryan?   Obama-Biden Romney-Ryan View Poll »

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Joe Biden Says Paul Ryan’s "Bullets Aimed at You"

Joe Biden: “Mitt Romney And The Republicans Are Going To Put Y’all Back In Chains!”

Joe always going to keep it a hunnid Vice President Biden has never been one to bite his tongue when it comes to his political opponents, especially Mitt Romney and his VP nominee, Paul Ryan. Speaking at a campaign event in Virginia on Tuesday, Biden told the Obama supporters that they have more to fear than just an attack on the middle class if Romney is elected, and that their very freedom is at stake: “Look at their budget, and what they are proposing,” Biden said. “Romney wants to let–he said in the first hundred days, he’s going to let the big banks once again write their own rules. Unchain Wall Street.” Biden then paused, and said, “they going to put y’all back in chains.” Many GOP members were quick to react to Biden’s remarks, making a racial connection between the vice president’s “chains” comment and slavery. Biden was speaking to a largely black crowd in the heart of Danville,Virginia; a city with a long history of racial tension. Although his language may seem extreme to some, historically, working class people have been enslaved by corporations, and big business is something “Money Makin” Mitt is very familiar with. Do you think Biden’s statements were too extreme or is he right? Source

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Joe Biden: “Mitt Romney And The Republicans Are Going To Put Y’all Back In Chains!”

Weekly Address (Vice President Biden)


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Vice President Biden fills in for this week’s address Vice President Biden stepped in for President Obama to deliver this week’s address. In addition to highlighting presidential executive orders on student loans and home refinancing, Vice President Biden also discussed the need to act now on jobs, continuing to pressure Republican lawmakers who have voted Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Jack and Jill Politics Discovery Date : 05/11/2011 09:30 Number of articles : 2

Weekly Address (Vice President Biden)

Maddow Guest Harris-Lacewell Suggests ‘Crazy Uncle’ Biden Spout Off and Obama Pretend to Disagree

Hope and change, meet business as usual. Princeton professor Melissa Harris-Lacewell unveiled this curious possible strategy for Democrats heading into the midterms when she appeared on Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC show Sept. 8 — MADDOW: One last last question on the specifics here. The president himself is planning to be very visible from all accounts, multiple campaign events, the first planned press conference in a long while. Is he still the Democrats’ best campaign asset or do Democrats need somebody else out there who can throw sharper barbs than a sitting president is really allowed to? Followed by Harris-Lacewell responding, as if hearing the question from Maddow for the first time — HARRIS-LACEWELL: You know, look, I love to see President Obama out there. He loves giving the speeches, he’s a great campaigner, we know that. But I have to say, one of the reasons I was a big supporter of Joe Biden for the vice presidential position is because I always thought that Biden could provide a real asset in a moment like this. Look, don’t get me wrong but Joe Biden has a sort of a reputation for being Crazy Joe and one of the best things about your crazy uncle at a family reunion is that he says the one completely honest thing that everybody’s thinking, that none of the people with an actual filter will in fact say. So, I’m a big fan of kind of deploying the Crazy Uncle Joe strategy. Send Vice President Biden out there, let him kind of get tough, let him say things that are somewhat outrageous and then, you know, let President Obama do his typical strategy of reaching across the aisle and, you know, he’ll look and say oh come on, Joe, that may have gone too far. But I’m a big fan of, let’s get Crazy Joe out there. MADDOW (beaming with approval, as if for the first time she’s heard this): The Crazy Uncle Joe strategy, TM, Melissa Harris-Lacewell. HARRIS-LACEWELL: Why not?! (laughs) MADDOW: Very good. I want the T-shirt franchise on that! What the heck, Harris-Lacewell guffaws, oblivious to the inherent dishonesty of her suggestion. Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t this the sort of thing Obama vowed to campaign against , back when a grasping, credulous portion of the electorate considered him an agent of genuine change?  In other words, Biden could act as ventriloquist dummy, saying what Obama seemingly can’t but actually is. Why not? (slap knee here) No one will see through that.

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Maddow Guest Harris-Lacewell Suggests ‘Crazy Uncle’ Biden Spout Off and Obama Pretend to Disagree

CBS Legal Correspondent: Senate Democrats Can Blame Themselves for Kagan Confirmation Difficulties

There have been a lot of complaints from the left over the opposition Supreme Court Justice nominee Elena Kagan has faced from Senate Republicans in her battle to win confirmation. But Kagan proponents should have seen this day coming when Democrats in the Senate did the same things to try to slow the confirmations of Justices John Roberts and Samuel Alito. On CBS’s July 4 “Face the Nation,” CBS legal correspondent Jan Crawford explained why. Previously throughout these types of confirmation processes, the Senate would approve a President’s nominee, assuming the candidate was qualified. But President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Senate Judiciary Chairman Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt. all set a new precedence when George W. Bush was president. “Historically, [Kagan] would have been confirmed like Justice Ginsburg was, 96-3, or Justice Breyer, 87-9, but things changed. I mean, things changed 10 years ago, when Democrats started filibustering President Bush’s qualified nominees,” Crawford said. “I had a talk about all this — I guess, what, five or six years ago with Mitch McConnell. You know, he said memories are long in the U.S. Senate. People remember what the Democrats — including President Obama, Vice President Biden, Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy — did. ” According to Crawford, this will ultimately change the public’s perception of the Supreme Court. “They not only voted against Sam Alito, who is just as qualified as Elena Kagan in really every way, had liberal support. They voted to block his nomination. So in some ways, what goes around comes around. She’s going to get confirmed, but there’s also a little bit of payback here, and she’s not going to get 96 votes like Justice Ginsburg. And the – – the — the problem with that is that it damages — ultimately, the loser, it’s not Elena Kagan. She’s going to get confirmed. It’s the courts. I mean, it makes the Supreme Court look in the people’s mind politicized. When you have these bipartisan votes on qualified nominees, the danger is the court itself looks political. And I think that’s a real problem long term.” And Crawford said she thinks this partisan gridlock needs to stop, regardless who is to blame. “But, you know, I mean, listen, I mean, in some ways, it’s like, you know, my 9-year-old will say, ‘You know, she started it,’ referring to my 6-year-old,” Crawford said. “At some point, somebody has got to be a grown- up and say, ‘Listen, I don’t care who started it. We’re going to stop it, and let’s realize what the stakes are here.'”

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CBS Legal Correspondent: Senate Democrats Can Blame Themselves for Kagan Confirmation Difficulties

Lib Talker Malloy Happy Cheney’s In Hospital, Hopes ‘Miserable Bastard’ Dies

Is there any limit to the hatred liberal talk radio host Mike Malloy is willing to express on the air about conservatives? Have we as a nation really degraded to a point that it’s acceptable to verbalize over the airwaves one’s hope that a fellow American dies? Such questions naturally arise when one hears the kind of unhinged invective that came out of Malloy’s mouth on Friday after it was announced that former Vice President Dick Cheney was back in the hospital with heart troubles. As a courtesy to our readers, the audio and partial transcript of this abomination have been intentionally placed after the break due to the despicable nature of their content (h/t Radio Equalizer ): MIKE MALLOY: Cheney has had five heart attacks, and history of heart trouble. Well, I guess they’re one and the same. The cause of his latest health problem is not clear. I think I know, but (long pause) he’s done too much cannibalism, drunk too many cups of blood! Cheney’s in the hospital. Ah, the first good news all day. Malloy then read an e-mail from a caller asking, “What will it make him to lie still and actually die? He has more lives than a cat. I’m beginning to believe he really does need a stake through the heart.” After finishing this disgusting letter and laughing, Malloy continued: MALLOY: No, I’m not going to feel anything but intense gratitude that this miserable bastard has stepped off this earthly coil! Really! And I’m sure on a much lesser scale when I die, there will probably be some of you right-wing flip tops who will feel the same way – I frankly don’t give a damn! But no – Cheney is responsible. Cheney is a murderer. He’s a killer. He’s a torturer. He is evil personified! He is a walking mass of horror and when he’s gone, this planet will be cleaner! Honestly, what causes all this hatred from folks on the left? Conservative talkers might dislike President Obama and Vice President Biden, but they don’t go on the air hoping our political leaders die. Makes you wonder when the Department of Homeland Security is going to issue a warning about all this hate-speech on the left inciting acts of violence from domestic terrorists, although I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for that report.  Now please excuse me – I have to wash my hands and keyboard of this detritus.  

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Lib Talker Malloy Happy Cheney’s In Hospital, Hopes ‘Miserable Bastard’ Dies

Sally Quinn: Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden Should Switch Jobs

Sally Quinn really wants to be helpful to both President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. However, the result of her laughable suggestion that Hillary and Vice-President Biden switch jobs is that it would only highlight the desperate political situation that the current administration has gotten itself into. Here is Sally trying to be helpful with her bizarre recommendation : Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden should switch jobs. Really. Really? Of course this job switch, a first in history for a vice president to switch places with a cabinet member, would be one more indication of Obama trying to pull himself out of the political abyss he finds himself in. That thought seems not to have entered Sally’s mind as she happily chirps on about this scenario which includes a big plug for Hillary: It makes sense for the Democrats, actually. Clinton has done an incredible job as secretary of state. First of all, she has worked harder than anyone should ever be expected to. She has managed to do the impossible: She is the ambassador of the United States to the world, maintaining her credibility while playing the bad guy to President Obama’s good guy, such as with North Korea, Iran and Israel, and still looking good. She has been a true team player. If Clinton is dissatisfied with her role, you would never know it. She has been loyal and supportive to the president and has maintained a good relationship with him and with others in the White House. If she is being left out of the policymaking, or being sent on trips to keep her out of town, she has not shown it. She is cheerful, thoughtful, serious and diligent. There are no horror stories about her coming out of the State Department. Most notable, though, is that Bill Clinton has not been the problem that so many anticipated. He has been supportive of her and of Obama, and he has stayed out of the limelight and been discreet about his own life.  Sally sounds more like she is promoting Hillary for sainthood than for the vice-presidency. In fact, Sally believes that the Hillary “magic” would be enough to ward off the “evil” Sarah Palin spell: She is tireless and relentless. Given the combination of votes that she and Obama got in the 2008 primary campaign, they would be a near-unbeatable team. Clinton also appeals to independents, but importantly, she would neutralize the effect of Sarah Palin. Whatever Palin came up with, Hillary could best her — and the Tea Party crowd as well. The Republicans would lose their “year of the woman” argument. And based on experience alone, Hillary is far more qualified to be president than any of the Republicans being considered today, including Mitt Romney, Bobby Jindal, Tim Pawlenty and Palin.  And what of Joe Biden? How would he handle what is essentially a demotion? According to Sally, he would happily swallow his pride because he secretly wants to become Secretary of State: True, Joe Biden has been rehabilitated. A recent profile in The Post portrayed him as a successful and intelligent man whose foreign policy advice is valued by the president. The gaffe-prone former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee seems to have worked out the kinks. Clearly, he is aware that he is no longer an independent voice but, rather, a representative of the president. But Biden has no intention of running for president in six years. His passion is foreign policy. He would have been an ideal choice for secretary of state had he not been Obama’s running mate. And those who know him have said that secretary of state is his dream job.  So welcome to Sally’s World in which a simple job switch would cause the “evil” Republicans to melt away make everything right again for the liberal agenda. Sally saved her best laugh line about this job switch suggestion for the final sentence: Take it seriously.  Oh yes, Sally, we  certainly will… BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

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Sally Quinn: Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden Should Switch Jobs