Tag Archives: mark zandi

Ed Schultz to Speak at Hastily Arranged DC Rally He Claims Not in Response to Glenn Beck’s Rally

Remember the Seinfeld episode where George Costanza pretended to be an architect? Seinfeld thought it was a bad idea, suggesting Constanza would do better as a fake marine biologist, leading Constanza to complain, “You know I’ve always wanted to pretend that I was an architect.” Ed Schultz, liberal radio host and MSNBC flamethrower, is done pretending to be an architect. Schultz garnered plenty of attention last week with his huff-and-puff claim he could outdraw the estimated 300,000 people who attended Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor rally in Washington on Aug. 28. What made Schultz’s boast so insipid was his insistence that he not actually organize or take part in a rally to exceed Beck’s draw, if only in spirit. Schultz’s suggestion alone would suffice. No need to actually draft a blueprint or break a sweat. Perhaps the Labor Day weekend knocked some reality into Schultz. According to Brian Maloney at The Radio Equalizer , Schultz has decided to appear at the “One Nation Working Together” rally on the mall in Washington on Oct. 2, exactly one month before the midterms. Here’s Schultz talking about this on his radio show yesterday (audio available at Radio Equalizer) — The march is on, Oct. 2. Will you march with me?  And thousands upon thousands. Oh, we’ll get three hundred grand. We’ll get 300,000, absolutely. We’ll show you conservatives out there when big Eddie starts cranking on something we don’t back down until it gets done. It’s happening on Oct. 2. I appreciate all of you going to our website at wegoted.com, there’s a consortium of groups that are coming together. You see, the Republicans, they want you to quit. They want you to think that there’s a tsunami coming. What tsunami? Ain’t no tsunamis coming! Nothing’s lost until you give up! If you give up, then they have a chance. I don’t buy the polls, I don’t believe it, I believe America is smarter than this, and I think Americans don’t want to go back. … Many of you are out of work. Many of you can’t make it to the rally but a lot of you will. We have been inundated with all kinds of communication from wonderful listeners and viewers and I will be a featured speaker. There will be other speakers and there will be some groups that are going to be obviously helping out with all of this, just like FreedomWorks and the billionaires and the six months of promotion helped out the Beckster. And I want to get something very clear right now. If Beck had not done his rally, this would have happened, OK? This is about the country. This is about making sure that information is where it has to be, with the American people. And now it’s about passion, now it’s about emotion. And by the way, there will be some old and there will be some white people at the Oct. 2 rally on the mall in Washington, D.C. They just won’t be angry. And they won’t be motivated by hate and they won’t be race-baited. Schultz asserts that “if Beck had not done his rally, this would have happened” anyway. Maybe so, and I’ll temporarily set aside my well-deserved skepticism of anything claimed by Schultz. But the whiff of desperation wafting from Schultz’s reversal makes me wonder if Beck hasn’t put the fear of God in him.

Originally posted here:
Ed Schultz to Speak at Hastily Arranged DC Rally He Claims Not in Response to Glenn Beck’s Rally

CNBC’s Kernen Declares Obama’s Populist Tactics Proof He Advocates ‘Redistribution of Wealth’

To many, it’s hardly a revelation to most, but when someone keeps taking the same action over and over again, even to his detriment, it can reveal a lot about that individual’s belief system. This was an observation CNBC “Squawk Box” host Joe Kernen made about the Obama administration’s willingness to embrace a populist “soak the rich” tactic against the wealthy in the United States, even though it isn’t winning him favor with the American people, according to opinion polling. A new ABC News/Washington Post poll shows more people now think President Barack Obama’s policies have hurt the economy than have helped. And Kernen called the unwillingness to change course evidence of the president’s ideology – proof he does believe in the redistribution of wealth. “When push comes to shove, the left wins out with this guy,” Kernen said on the Sept. 8 broadcast of “Squawk Box.” “Axelrod calls the shots when push comes to shove. And this will make the case for a populist argument that these rich people – soak the rich – they do not need this and we’re going to cut for the middle class and we’re going to pay for it by soaking the rich. And it’s right down – but it also – he said it all along, but to his critics, those critics, it’s more evidence of a redistribution that when it all comes down to it, the overriding mandate of this administration – it’s a redistribution of wealth. ”  And even Kernen’s “Squawk Box” co-host Carl Quintanilla said it was obvious this wasn’t working. “If that strategy had worked since he came into office – talking down Wall Street, scolding businesses, fat cats – his poll numbers would be higher,” Quintanilla added. “So the question is, why isn’t he adjusting?” But Kernen says it’s deeper than just a soak-the-rich philosophy for the sake of short-term political expediency, but that this is a belief Obama has held for decades. “Because I think he really believes that wealth needs to be redistributed after the income disparity over the past 30 years ,” Kernen said. “I really think he believes and he’ll forego some near-term job gains and every thing else.” In his first column for The New York Times on Sept. 7 , Peter Orszag, Obama’s former director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, suggested that Obama should reconsider his administration’s stance on allowing the Bush tax cuts expire. Moody’s economist Mark Zandi, an expert the Obama administration had relied on heavily in 2009 to get the stimulus passed, also has questioned the administration’s wisdom . And even a Times Sept. 8 story , which are traditionally sympathetic to Obama’s causes, was also doubtful he could prevail, as Kernen pointed out. “It’s so obvious – even Orszag can figure that out,” Kernen continued. “Even Zandi – just about everyone can figure out that you don’t try to stimulate at the same time you’re sucking money out of the economy. It makes no sense. But even The New York Times – ‘It’s not clear that Mr. Obama can prevail given his,’ and this is The New York Times, ‘given his own diminishing popularity the tepid economic recovery and the divisions within his own party.’ It says a lot of nervous Democrats wish that he would give them some cover and say, all right, maybe we’ll …”

Read more from the original source:
CNBC’s Kernen Declares Obama’s Populist Tactics Proof He Advocates ‘Redistribution of Wealth’