Tag Archives: mika brzezinski

Morning Joe Cuts Pastor Jones Before He Has Chance to Respond to Panel

In what had to be the ultimate in condescension and elitism, MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” brought Pastor Terry Jones on the show merely to lecture him on Christianity, cutting him off before he could even respond. Co-host Mika Brzezinski explained to him “we don’t really need to hear anything else, so thanks.” Newsbusters’ Mark Finkelstein first briefly reported on this segment this morning. Panel member Jon Meacham, the departing editor of Newsweek, briefly preached to Pastor Jones on Jesus’ New Testament message of love and forgiveness and then appealed to him “as a fellow Christian” to not follow through with his threats to burn the Koran. Then, before Pastor Jones responded, his live feed was cut and co-host Mika Brzezinski continued with the show, saying that they did not need to listen to Pastor Jones. “The central message of the New Testament is forgiveness, and to put oneself in the place of another,” Meacham lectured Pastor Jones on planning to burn copies of the Koran. “And so I would simply appeal to you, as a fellow Christian, that the course you suggested is going to be incredibly dangerous, and would ask you to desist in the name of New Testament theology.” After Jones’ feed was cut, Mika remarked “Well said, Jon Meacham. And Pastor Terry Jones, we appeal to you to listen to that. And we don’t really need to hear anything else, so thanks.” The show featured a bizarre segment earlier on Pastor Jones’ threat, which he retracted from Thursday and now is not sure whether he will follow through on his plan. Both conservative Pat Buchanan and liberal Donny Deutsch agreed with each other that President Obama, as Commander-in-Chief, needs to step in and arrest the Pastor before reactions in the Middle East by militant Islamists result in the death of American troops. Donny Deutsch was still fuming over an hour later, when the Pastor’s feed was cut. Deutsch said he wanted to confront Jones as a “terrorist,” calling him “scum” and saying that “seeing his face is disgusting enough.” “I don’t think there should be a peaceful message,” Deutsch said in dealing with the pastor. “Sometimes screaming is okay.” A transcript of the segment, which aired on September 10 at 7:30 a.m. EDT, is as follows: MIKA BRZEZINSKI: We’ve really been debating whether or not to do this. Joe says “no,” he doesn’t think it’s a good idea at all. He might be right. The Florida pastor, threatening to burn copies of the Koran tomorrow, is now saying his plans are “on hold,” after a local Imam told him that the proposed New York Islamic center near Ground Zero would be moved. And joining us now from Gainesville, Florida, is pastor Terry Jones. And the reason we’re doing this is my worry is that the pastor’s going to have blood on his hands if he goes forward with this plan. So Jon Meacham just has a quick message for you, sir. Jon? JON MEACHAM, Editor, Newsweek: Pastor, I just wanted to – this is Jon Meachem. I just wanted to suggest that Jesus said the night before he was handed over to suffering and death that he ordered his disciples to love one another as he had loved them. That was his central commandment, and as he died, he said that “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” The central message of the New Testament is forgiveness, and to put oneself in the place of another. And so I would simply appeal to you, as a fellow Christian, that the course you suggested is going to be incredibly dangerous, and would ask you to desist in the name of New Testament theology. (Cut Live Feed) BRZEZINSKI: Alright, well said Jon Meachem, and Pastor Terry Jones we appeal to you to listen to that. And we don’t really need to hear anything else, so thanks. Alright, moving on. Donnie, you disagreed. You wanted to talk to him. DONNY DEUTSCH, Chairman, Deutsch, Inc.: Yeah, I think, and I understand why you guys don’t want to give him a platform. I mean, seeing his face is disgusting enough. But a lot – this kind of reach out, that we’ve come to a country where sometimes action needs to be taken. We’re at war, to – in the previous segment, this is obviously a bigger issue of, you know, Islamic hate running amuk. And we need to make a stand. And this guy, he’s scum, he is not a man of God – BRZEZINSKI: Now what productive nature would saying that to him have? (Crosstalk) DEUTSCH: Yes, everybody’s pussyfooting around with this guy! BRZEZINSKI: I’m not. We’re giving him a very peaceful message that (unintelligible) DEUTSCH: I don’t think there should be a peaceful message. This is a terrorist of a different form. He is no different than terrorists that are holding this country hostage. DAN SENOR, Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations: You confronting him the way you want to confront him will build him up, get him even more ___ than he already is? Or is it actually going to make him less relevant? I think you will make him more relevant. DEUTSCH: He’s relevant! He’s relevant there, and I think 99 percent of this country feels the way I do and wants some action, and I just – I really believe that. And he’s already – SENOR: What you want to do is not action! DEUTSCH: The toothpaste – the toothpaste is out of the bottle. No, I want our President, our Commander-in-Chief to act like a Commander-in-Chief and say “This is putting our country in harm’s way right now.” We have the General of our troops over there saying that. Act like a Commander-in-Chief and stop this from happening. Somehow, someway. That’s all I’m asking. BRZEZINSKI: Okay. You know what? Screaming at him – DEUTSCH: Sometimes screaming is okay. Yeah. Sometimes screaming is okay. SENOR: Donnie, can I – the principle of the President stepping in is a principle you would be committed to if this were President Bush in a time of war saying “I need to take action against say the Imam, Imam Rauf. The mosque he’s building is going to inflame people, it’s going to be viewed as a monument of military victory, and we need to shut that down. Would you be comfortable with that? DEUTSCH: The video of burning the Koran around the world – SENOR: That’s not for you to decide. The question is are you for the principle of the President on these grounds to step in? BRZEZINSKI: Pat, before we go to a break, your thoughts? PAT BUCHANAN: Mika, the mosque is a matter of the culture war. This thing down in Florida is a matter of the real war. And let me say that if Gen. Petraeus, as he has done, tells his commander-in-chief “My men are in danger, they will die if this thing goes forward, and you as Commander-in-Chief do not act, and then men die as a consequence of that, men are lynched in the Middle East, Americans are killed, you are not qualified to be Commander-in-Chief in my judgment if you cannot act to save the boys you sent into battle. BRZEZINSKI: Meachem? MEACHAM: There’s got to be a way through this that is not going to violate the Constitution, and can preserve some sense of our culture of liberty, which is the message we have to send around the world. This is what we’re fighting for, this is what the country is about. And it’s repulsive what’s going on in Florida, but we unfortunately – repulsive things happen here. And we just can’t – BRZEZINSKI: And around this table, by the way, we all love each other very much, and a lot of us disagree. But we do, as you say Jon, have to find our way through it.

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Morning Joe Cuts Pastor Jones Before He Has Chance to Respond to Panel

Beck ‘On Crack, Taking Stupid Pills’ Say Mika, Joe

When Joe Scarborough wondered out loud “how many times can you set your hair on fire?” before viewers stop being shocked, you might have thought he was talking about Keith Olbermann, the man whose scenery-chewing soliloquies inspired an instant-classic Saturday Night Live skit . But no, Joe was speaking of Glenn Beck.  Perhaps the shot Scarborough took at Ed Schultz a couple weeks ago exhausted his monthly quota of internecine MSNBC insults. On today’s Morning Joe, Joe and Mika Brzezinski took turns ripping Beck’s promotion of the rally at the Lincoln Memorial he’s staging Saturday on the anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.  Riffing off a Colbert Show segment showing clips of Beck, Mika claimed he sounded like a drama student “on crack.”  Scarborough, suggesting Mika might have gone too far, surmised Beck might merely have taken “stupid pills.” JOE SCARBOROUGH: Hey, I don’t get it. MIKA BRZEZINSKI: I don’t either. SCARBOROUGH:  How many times can you set your hair on fire before you stop having your viewers being shocked? BRZEZINSKI: It’s like the boy who cried wolf in drama form, on crack. SCARBOROUGH: On crack?  That’s awfully harsh. I don’t know if I’d go that far. BRZEZINSKI: It’s just silly: how many times can you set your hair on fire? SCARBOROUGH: On crack? Maybe he’s taking stupid pills.   I don’t think it’s crack. BRZEZINSKI: That’s better: you’re so smart.

See original here:
Beck ‘On Crack, Taking Stupid Pills’ Say Mika, Joe

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough Believes ‘Certain Networks’ Would Have Trashed Bush if He Echoed Obama’s ‘We’re Buying Shrimp’

Once again, the co-host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Joe Scarborough hinted that “certain networks,” (ahem, MSNBC) hold quite the double standard between Democrats and Republicans. When the subject matter was President Obama’s snub of an Iraq War question during his vacation at Martha’s Vineyard – he remarked “We’re buying shrimp, guys” – Scarborough pointed out that network coverage of Bush would have been far more negative. As NewsBusters reported last week, Scarborough also believes “certain networks” will “maul” Haley Barbour if he runs for President in 2012. The show’s co-host Willie Geist first opined that news coverage might have been different with President Bush. “I hate to make this point too often,” he said, “but imagine for a moment George W. Bush were on his sixth vacation, and he was asked about Iraq, and he said ‘I’m buying shrimp.’ You think that wouldn’t be a headline everywhere?” “You’re implying there’s a double-standard, Willie,” conservative guest Pat Buchanan snickered. Scarborough made it quite clear. “Can you imagine if someone asked [Bush] about shrimp – about Iraq, and he goes ‘We’re buying some shrimp here,'” he asked. ” I mean, they would, they would…they would kill him.” “It would be running on a loop. On certain networks,” Scarborough quickly added. Co-host and self-proclaimed Democrat Mika Brzezinski immediately changed the subject. Later in the segment, Joe and Willie were at it again. Joe and Mika entered a brief spat over whether the networks would have treated Obama and Bush differently on the matter. Mika, ever endeared to the Democratic talking points, dismissed any notion of a double-standard. When Pat Buchanan remarked that “they really would rip [Bush] to shreds here, I think,” Mika kindly retorted “I think you’re suffering from a very bad case of selective memory. I’m sorry.” A transcript of the segments, which aired on August 26 at 6:33 a.m. EDT and 7:12 a.m. EDT, respectively, is as follows: 6:33 a.m. MIKA BRZEZINSKI: The President is avoiding questions about Iraq this week, while vacationing on Martha’s Vineyard. Here he is yesterday, being asked about Iraq while placing his lunch order at Nancy’s. (Video Clip) President BARACK OBAMA: We’re buying shrimp, guys. (End Video Clip) WILLIE GEIST: Said “We’re buying shrimp, guys.” MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Okay. We’ll talk more about this later. Moving on with news. North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il made a surprise – (Crosstalk) SCARBOROUGH: That’s just kind of strange, isn’t it? We’re buying shrimp now, guys? GEIST: I hate to make this point too often, but imagine for a moment George W. Bush were on his sixth vacation, and he was asked about Iraq, and he said “I’m buying shrimp.” You think that wouldn’t be a headline everywhere? BRZEZINSKI: No, he was. In a golf cart. SCARBOROUGH: He actually said – GEIST: That’s my point. And noone’s lambasting President Obama for doing the – SCARBOROUGH: And George Bush said “Now watch me” – he answered the question, and said “Now watch me hit this drive.” In this case, of course, Barack Obama didn’t answer the question about Iraq. He said “We’re buying shrimp.” So your point is – PAT BUCHANAN: You’re implying there’s a double-standard, Willie. GEIST: Perhaps. (Laughter) SCARBOROUGH: Can you imagine – BUCHANAN: Isn’t that a bit of a stretch, Willie? SCARBOROUGH: Can you imagine if someone asked him about shrimp – about Iraq, and he goes “We’re buying some shrimp here.” I mean, they would, they would – BUCHANAN: It’d be on all the networks every night. (Crosstalk) SCARBOROUGH: They would kill him. It would be running on a loop. On certain networks. (…) 7:12 a.m. GEIST: We hate to go to this argument too often, because we say – imagine if this had been George W. Bush, the media would have treated him differently. But I mean, that would have been a – SCARBOROUGH: He would have been killed. GEIST: A signature moment. He would have been torn to shreds. (Crosstalk) ANDREW ROSS SORKIN, New York Times columnist: That was a Michael Moore moment. Remember, that was actually in the Michael Moore movie, sort of the iconic – GEIST: You’re asked about Iraq, talk about shrimp, you’re already criticized by some for being on vacation too much. It fits into this narrative. BRZEZINSKI: He gave a speech on Iraq on Tuesday. SCARBOROUGH: George W. Bush made speeches on Iraq all the time. Of course, what would happen is that they would have that response, and then they would cut immediately. News cast would cut immediately to dead Iraqi bodies in the street. We saw – BRZEZINSKI: Wait a second. You’re also taking out of context – it’s not like President Obama brought us in there. And there wasn’t the whole WMD – SCARBOROUGH: He’s commander – he’s Commander-in-Chief. BRZEZINSKI: A huge disgrace. I mean, there were a lot of reasons – SCAROROUGH: That’s all you got? That’s all you got? (…) SCARBOROUGH: You’re telling me that the left-wing wouldn’t shred this guy in a million pieces? BUCHANAN: They shredded even the ol’ man. Remember back there, when the ol’ man went out in his golf cart out there in Maine, during the build-up to Desert Storm? SCARBOROUGH: Tore him to shreds. (…) BUCHANAN: They really would rip him to shreds here, I think. BRZEZINSKI: I think you’re suffering from a very bad case of selective memory. I’m sorry.

Read more here:
MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough Believes ‘Certain Networks’ Would Have Trashed Bush if He Echoed Obama’s ‘We’re Buying Shrimp’

NBC Chief Jeff Zucker Open to Political Run, Bringing Couric Back to Network

We’ve heard the knocks on NBC and the institutional bias that exists in its network – from the subtle spin in its flagship network’s news coverage at NBC to the over-the-top bias at its cable news channel MSNBC. So maybe the man behind the curtains at NBC Universal would like to be more overt with his opinions – as a politician? On MSNBC’s Aug. 25 “Morning Joe,” Jeff Zucker, president and CEO of NBC Universal, addressed both his possible political aspirations and bringing back one of the network’s former star personalities. Host Joe Scarborough asked Zucker where his political interests were at this stage. “You know Joe – look, politics is something I’ve always had an interest in,” Zucker said. “It is something I’ve always thought about. It is not something that is on my current radar. It’s not something I’m thinking about in the next few years, but it is something that I would always consider. I think – I love politics. I would love to give back. I would love to serve. I would love to do something, but it is not imminent. It’s nothing now.”  That set Zucker up for a question from Scarborough – if he was holding out to bring Couric back to the peacock network where she was a fixture at NBC’s “Today” from 1991 until 2006. “You are going to wait until you get Katie Couric back at NBC then you’re going to get into politics?” Scarborough asked.  It’s been no secret the Katie Couric project at the “CBS Evening News” has not produced the results that were anticipated. Couric’s broadcast just tied its all-time low in total viewers with an average of 4.89 million tuning in during the five days. Zucker dodged Scarborough’s inquiry, but Scarborough continued to press him on the topic.  ZUCKER: I think those are two separate issues there. SCARBOROUGH: Is Katie coming back to NBC? ZUCKER: Well I think she is fully ensconced in a job today and she’s happy where she is. SCARBOROUGH: No, she’s not. Come on. You’re talking like a politician. She hates it over there. ZUCKER: Oh, I don’t know that’s the case. SCARBOROUGH: No, it’s the case. MIKA BRZEZINSKI: That’s not politically correct. SCARBOROUGH: Since she doesn’t like it where she is — ZUCKER: I thought we were talking politics here for a second. BRZEZINSKI: I was going to ask you about the mosque. SCARBOROUGH: This is your first press conference here buddy. So since she doesn’t like where she is, since you have a great relationship with Katie, would you like Katie Couric back at NBC? Zucker relented, saying he would be open to the possibility of Couric returning to NBC in some capacity. “I always said that, look Katie would be a great addition wherever she is,” Zucker said. “If the time were right, I think that’s something we would look at. But she’s under contract now, and I think she’s happy where she is, whether you believe it or not, so I’m not going to wade into that controversy.”

Original post:
NBC Chief Jeff Zucker Open to Political Run, Bringing Couric Back to Network

‘Morning Joe’ Panels Condescendingly Smear Opposition to Ground Zero Mosque – for Two Days Running

For two days running, MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” seemed overwhelmingly in favor of allowing the Ground Zero mosque to be built, despite a poll showing Americans being opposed to the construction of the mosque. The panels included co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, and liberal columnist Mike Barnicle as well as MSNBC contributors Mark Halperin, Norah O’Donnell, and Pat Buchanan. Their toughest rhetoric was reserved for former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, due to his comments about the mosque being the equivalent of Nazis hanging a swastika next to a Holocaust memorial. But the talking heads also failed to give the American people’s opposition to the mosque its just due. Perhaps the biggest gem came from columnist Mike Barnicle, who described those Americans questioning the mosque as stuck in their own reality. “They’re not really thinking about the idealistic trek, they’re thinking about their own reality,” Barnicle quipped. “And their own reality is that we were attacked on September 11. They’re not making the connection to the Constitution, and that’s where we are this morning.” Joe Scarborough called the whole debate a “wedge issue” that is distracting the country “from doing good things” such as “working on jobs.” The co-host continued, saying the issue has become so much more complicated due to opposition to the mosque, and added that America giving in to “radicals” could worsen the whole debate. When the news broke that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) opposed the location of the Ground Zero mosque, co-host Mika Brzesinski huffed, “I just have a question. Did somebody ask him what his opinion was? Um, ’cause I didn’t. Did you?”     When Pat Buchanan asked guest Anita Dunn “What about tolerance for the vast majority of Americans and their opinions?” Mika Brzezinski jumped in with Dunn afterward. “They have, like, other things there that are – a lot of people would have issues with – like peep shows,” the co-host chimed in, dismissing the argument that the area around Ground Zero is free of obstacles to its “hallowed ground” status. The panels reserved the biting criticism for Newt Gingrich, however, describing his words as “political pyromania,” “despicable,” and “demonizing.” Mike Barnicle went further, opting to get personal, bringing Gingrich’s failed marriages into the debate. “Apparently, because he has had two badly failed marriages, quite publicly failed marriages, [he] has now married his ambition to his ignorance on this issue in a craven attempt to get votes, as he thinks he’s going to run for President of the United States.” A transcript of the notable quotes from the two shows is as follows: MORNING JOE 8/17/10 7:06 a.m. EDT MIKA BRZEZINSKI: I just have a question. Did somebody ask [Sen. Harry Reid] what his opinion was? Um, ’cause I didn’t. Did you? (…) MIKE BARNICLE: It has nothing to do with life in America. But it’s going to be, right now and for the forseeable future, maybe a couple of weeks, the paramount issue in our pathetic politics. (…) JOE SCARBOROUGH: Newt has always been a provocateur. We’ve known that, that’s how he got elected Speaker. I don’t think he’s gone quite as far as he has. He’s made a couple of comments over the past month, Pat, that have been obviously fanning the flames of several controversies, and Newt’s taken, then this – what did Mike call it – political – BRZEZINSKI: Pyromania. SCARBOROUGH: …pyromania to a new level. (…) SCARBOROUGH: I just know that the only human being alive who has characterized him as a radical Islamist suggesting that he’s a terrorist somehow connected to 9/11 attacks is Newt Gingrich, who again has compared building of a mosque in America, on private property Mika, to putting a swastika on the Holocaust Museum. It’s deplorable, it is sick politics, and I pray to God sincerely that some Republican on the national stage, some elected leader, will have the courage to call Newt Gingrich out. Because until the party stands up to this type of extremism, this is a party that will find itself further and further marginalized by these voices of hate and anger. (…) BRZEZINSKI: Honestly Anita, I think it’s going to lead us toward an independent candidate sooner than we could expect. (…) ANITA DUNN, Fmr. White House Comm. Dir.: I think the Republican Party as solidifying it’s reputation for intolerance in this year for almost any kind of difference in American society, is going down a very dangerous long-term road, and they might see some short-term things, although I think the American people are better than that. PAT BUCHANAN: Anita, let me ask you about this word “tolerance.” I mean, what about tolerance for the views of the thousands of families of those who died on 9/11. Hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers are saying “Please, you have the right to move the mosque there, but please don’t do it, it doesn’t belong there.” And the vast majority of Americans who say the same thing, they have a right to build a mosque. But for heavens sakes, given the fact that the terrorists were Islamic, it was crucial to their identity and their mission, please don’t put an Islamic mosque just two blocks from where this happened. What about tolerance for the vast majority of Americans and their opinions? DUNN: Well, you know, I have to ask, it’s two blocks from the site. It’s a center that is supposed to be about promoting inner faith and about reaching out, which is in many ways what I think President Bush back in those horrible days of 2001, really tried to promote. And I think that how many blocks is okay? Is nine blocks okay? Is ten? I don’t know where you go with this argument. BRZEZINSKI: And Anita? They have, like, other things there that are, a lot of people would have issues with like peep shows. So, I mean, I think you bring up a really good point. (…) SCARBOROUGH: The Gingrich comment – so over the top. (…) BRZEZINSKI: I think that Gingrich’s comments are more of a story than anything the President did. I think they are a real sign of the times, and I hope that the times are changing, and that the people don’t play into that, fall for it even, and that they’re smarter. SCARBOROUGH: The comments are reckless, they’re irresponsible, they make millions of Muslim Americans law-abiding Muslim Americans – feel as if some leaders want them to be under siege in their own country. And it sends a horrific message across the globe. BRZEZINSKI: Yeah. But what you’re saying actually takes a backbone, and takes a little bit of self-control, when it comes to not wanting to feed into either extremist views or to make waves by kind of playing into weaknesses, tendencies, or even a lack of understanding of our Constitution that some may have. (…) SCARBOROUGH: Because I actually have read the First Amendment, and understand what the First Amendment means, and understand what freedom of religion means, and understand that if our government, our centralized state takes actions which chills people’s freedom of religion today, because they’re Muslims, and because they’re unpopular in lower Manhattan, then the next time with another administration, it could be a Pentecostal church that’s not allowed to build in San Francisco. And then it may be an Evangelical church or a conservative Catholic church or it may be, with anti-Semitism in this country and across Europe, it may be a conservative Jewish synagogue 20 years from now. I mean, you don’t take the first step down this path, it’s what, in law school, our professors always called the slippery slope. This is taking the first step, and when Newt Gingrich compares Muslims to Nazis, which he did, unmistakably, compared Muslims to Nazis simply because of the god they worship, because of the faith they follow, that is contemptible, and it suggests that Newt Gingrich is either desperate for votes, or desperate for money. I suggest this man read the Constitution of the United States of America, and that he reveres the Constitution of the United States of America, and he stops pandering to the lowest base of American politics, and instead embraces the genius of our Constitution. BRZEZINSKI: He is definitely pandering, and even worse, and I don’t even like to think of the word that comes to mind to characterize this, but he’s demonizing people. (…) SCARBOROUGH: Newt Gingrich will not be elected President of the United States. He will not even win a Republican primary. He will sell a lot of books. He will make a lot of money. He will stir up a lot of hatred on the right on this issue, but just because he may have this overarching ideological theory of a grand clash between civilizations doesn’t mean that he can get his facts wrong, doesn’t mean that he can call the Imam a “radical Islamist.” (…) BARNICLE: It’s about the lowest common denominator of politics, taken there by people just like Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House, who apparently, because he has had two badly failed marriages, quite publicly failed marriages, has now married his ambition to his ignorance on this issue in a craven attempt to get votes, as he thinks he’s going to run for President of the United States. MORNING JOE 8/18/10 6:47 a.m. EDT SCARBOROUGH: So even if the President, even if David Patterson, even if people inside this Islamic cultural center developing want to move it 20 blocks, we now are in a much more complicated situation than we would have been a month ago in trying to figure out how to do it without thinking, “Well, America caved in to these radicals that were accusing this guy of being a Muslim radical, and accusing all Muslims of being Nazis, so it’s gotten much more complicated, hasn’t it? (…) BARNICLE: I think this entire flap is just one more thumb on the scale tilted against the President at this moment in time. Memory has nothing to do with it. And I think what the mosque flap does, is it adds to the agita that’s out there in this country over the economy. I mean, the President can talk all he wants about what he inherited. This is his economy, these are his wars, this is his problem, and now I think people are looking and saying “Geez, is this guy in over his head?” Not that he is, but I think people are now beginning to wonder what is going on here. Every time he opens his mouth, and maybe he opens his mouth too much, something happens. (…) BARNICLE: There’s a lot of people in this country who say, you know, “Why? Why are we letting them build a mosque?” Them being the people who want to build the mosque. They’re not really thinking about the idealistic trek, they’re thinking about their own reality. And their own reality is that we were attacked on September 11. They’re not making the connection to the Constitution, and that’s where we are this morning. (…) SCARBOROUGH: The fact of the matter is that Harry Reid was forced by Sharron Angle to come out and take this position after Newt Gingrich started going on Fox News comparing Muslims to Nazis. Now if you don’t think that there is a connection, a nexus, between Harry Reid scrambling out with a statement after being pressured by Sharron Angle to make a statement on this, you are, I think you are sadly disconnected from the realities of Nevada politics. I know that’s not the case. (…) SCARBOROUGH: We always, always find a wedge issue, as a country, to distract us from doing good things, to distract us from working on jobs, to distract us from balancing the budget, to distract us from reforming social security, to distract us from ending the war. There are always these stupid wedge issues – and I’m not talking about this one specifically – where there’s more heat than light, and it’s a distraction for Washington and the chattering classes.

Excerpt from:
‘Morning Joe’ Panels Condescendingly Smear Opposition to Ground Zero Mosque – for Two Days Running

MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski Thinks Both Sides of Ambush Interview Acted Wrongly

Mika Brzezinski, the self-proclaimed Democrat and co-host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” thinks the two men who tried an “ambush interview” of Rep. Bob Etheridge (D-N.C.) acted wrongly, along with the congressman. In a video that surfaced online Monday, the Congressman was caught on camera grabbing a man by the wrist, swatting at his video camera, and demanding to know who he was. The man videotaped the congressman walking down a Washington, DC street, approaching him asking “Do you support the Obama agenda?”   “As a matter of respect to any human being, don’t stick a camera two inches away from their face,” Mika lectured to the show’s audience, assuming her best soapbox demeanor. “That’s rude. And a little bit threatening.” ‘There were two wrongs there,” she summarized the situation. Joe Scarborough, the show’s host, agreed with Time magazine political analyst Mark Halperin that the question posed to the congressman was a “trick question.” The panel did not doubt that the congressman acted wrongly in his intimidating behavior toward the two men with cameras. However, they seemed to view the two cameramen as little more than annoying street activists. The transcript of the segment, which aired on June 15, 8:25 a.m. EDT, is as follows: (Video of incident) JOE SCARBOROUGH: That was an Ali move, you grab him behind the neck and then pull him to you. And the question was–by the way, the question was this–do you support the Obama agenda? (Garble) MARK HALPERIN: Trick question. JOE SCARBOROUGH: That was a trick question. WILLIE GEIST: Congressman Bob Etheridge, Democrat of North Carolina, ambushed he would say, on the streets. He has apologized. He said he regrets it, he said ‘The truth is, I had a long day, but that’s no excuse.’ DAVID REMNICK: Yeah, we all have long days but don’t beat up high school kids. (Laughter) WILLIE GEIST: Didn’t he get to anchor on ‘Way to Early’ that morning? Now you know how I feel everyday. MIKA BRZEZINSKI: I just don’t see this the same way. I’m not going to engage in another fight where you, um– WILLIE GEIST: No matter how annoying someone is, you don’t put your hands on them.   JOE SCARBOROUGH: We have a lot of people saying a lot of ugly things to us, and you don’t grab kids behind the neck– DAVID REMNICK: It’s better not to. It’s better not to. MIKA BRZEZINSKI: I have seen you exhibit tremendous restraint in situations like this. JOE SCARBOROUGH: You just keep walking. That’s what mature adults do, they keep walking. MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Also, by the way, as a matter of respect to any human being, don’t stick a camera two inches away from their face. That’s rude. And a little bit threatening. JOE SCARBOROUGH: You just keep walking. As Bono would say, ‘Walk on.’ MIKA BRZEZINSKI: So there were–there were two wrongs there. 

Read the rest here:
MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski Thinks Both Sides of Ambush Interview Acted Wrongly