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The holiday season has not gotten off to a happy start for retailers as Black Friday sales have dropped since year. The numbers are not…
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The holiday season has not gotten off to a happy start for retailers as Black Friday sales have dropped since year. The numbers are not…
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
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Joe Scarborough has had enough of people speaking out in defense of Michael Brown, and you’ll never believe…
Joe Scarborough Just Let His Privilege Hang Out While Blasting St. Louis Rams & Ferguson [VIDEO]
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MSNBC's Joe Scarborough blasted protesters and opponents of the new TSA screening procedures on Wednesday's “Morning Joe,” only to recant his position on the show's next hour when he realized two panel members criticized the new checks. “I was saying this was a made-up debate – this is a real debate, I guess,” Scarborough admitted on the second hour of his show. While Scarborough and co-hosts Mika Brzezinski and Willie Geist, as well as MSNBC political analyst Harold Ford, sympathized with TSA workers and defended the new checks, two guests opposed the new search methods. Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan and New York Magazine columnist John Heilemann criticized the TSA procedures. Early in the first hour of the show, Scarborough ranted against the “opt-out” protestors who would be forgoing the body scanners at airports Wednesday to be subjected to pat-down checks, deliberately frustrating and slowing down the process on one of the busiest travel days of the year. Scarborough has recently promoted civil discourse on his show with the mantra “Keep Calm and Carry On,” but let loose at the protesters Wednesday.
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Joe Scarborough apparently likes Nancy Pelosi's toughness, given her response to his MSNBC colleague pressing her as to why she would make a good House Minority Leader after losing 60 seats. MSNBC's Luke Russert asked the Speaker why she should lead the House Democrats if her approval rating among independents is at 8 percent. Pelosi delivered a testy response, and Scarborough admitted his glee over the tone. “I think she's a disaster for the Democrats politically right now…but I like that fight,” he remarked. “C'mon, boom!” he expressed as he threw imaginary punches, pretending to be Pelosi punching down Russert. “Hey Luke, come here, Luke, look, boom! Luke, look, look, boom!” Later on Thursday's “Morning Joe,” Scarborough was pressed by Times columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin as to why he was praising such a polarizing figure when he has promoted a platform of bipartisanship and moderate politics. The “Morning Joe” co-host has conducted multiple campaigns on his own show for calmer rhetoric in the country's political sphere and has denounced political extremism.
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Tagged approval, country, House, morning joe, msnbc, nancy-pelosi, scarborough, speaker, stars, testy-response, threw-imaginary
The Media Research Center isn’t the only ones out there telling folks to be wary of the media and its coverage of the Tea Party movement. On his Sept. 15 broadcast , Larry Kudlow, host of CNBC’s “The Kudlow Report,” hit that point. Referring to “Tea Party” primary win in Delaware, New York and New Hampshire, Kudlow explained that this shift to the right was a net-positive for the economy. “Tonight, free-market capitalism on the comeback trail,” Kudlow said. “That is one of the messages of the Tea Party power. We saw a lot of that power last night in the primaries. I tell you what folks, that Tea Party power, that free-market capitalist power is so totally bullish for the stock market.” Kudlow advised his viewers to be skeptical of the media, which has covered the Tea Party movement and their candidates very critically, even sometimes disparagingly. He cited the “Contract FROM America,” a document put forth by various conservative organizations calling on elected leaders and political candidates to stand on a number of conservative principles. ” Don’t believe the mainstream media ,” he continued. “Don’t believe the pundits in either the Republican Party or the Democratic Party. They don’t understand Tea Parties. I do. We’ve had them on this show time and time again as guests, including, including their referendum, the ‘Contract FROM America.'” The CNBC host has his own 12-step program for the economy. He maintains that, if successful, the limitations the Tea Party philosophy would put on government are the best way to get back to an economy rooted in free-market principles. “They are talking free markets – lower spending, lower taxing, lower regulations, even constitutional limits to government, and you heard me talk about this last week in my free market 12-step plan for prosperity,” Kudlow said. “The rise of the Tea Party people – they are going to win the vast majority of those Senate races and we are going it see a sea change in American policies back to freedom and entrepreneurship, and that is bullish.”
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Kudlow Calls Tea Parties Bullish for Economy: ‘Don’t Believe the Mainstream Media’
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Tagged business coverage, celeb news, early-show, kudlow, larry kudlow, liberal-media, mainstream, media, media bias debate, morning joe, Nbc, party
Dubbed as “ultra right wing extremist” and “crazy,” Republican candidate Christine O’Donnell and her Tea Party supporters have been smeared by every major broadcast and cable network since she won the Delaware primary against GOP establishment candidate on Tuesday night. NewsBusters publisher and Media Research Center President Brent Bozell reacts : This is mudsliging at its ugliest. Pure character assassination. These networks have never treated a viable Democratic candidate with this level of contempt. How dare they lecture anyone on manners or decency ever again. The MRC demands the media Tell The Truth! about the Tea Party, its momentum and the revolution of people whose votes are proving America is fed up with Washington. Here are just some of the latest smears by the liberal media: NBC’s KELLY O’DONNELL (Sept. 15 “Today”): “Democratic officials are gleeful and called her an ultra right wing extremist.” ABC’s GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS (Sept. 15 “Good Morning America”) to Republican Senate nominee Christine O’Donnell: “We saw that the Republican Party chairman in Jon Karl’s piece there, he went on to say, that you’re ‘not a viable candidate.’ That you ‘cannot be elected dog catcher in Delaware.’ He went on to say that you’re either a liar or mentally unhinged.” MSNBC’s MIKE BARNICLE (Sept. 16 “Morning Joe”): “The larger problem she has, I would submit, is this: that ‘different’ this year, for a candidate, is good. People are looking for ‘different’ this year. ‘Crazy’ is not good. CNN’s JOY BEHAR (Sept. 15 “Joy Behar Show”): “She needs to watch some porn and get some tips, is what she needs.” CBS’s NANCY CORDES (Sept. 15 “Early Show”): “The chair of her own state party called O’Donnell, ‘a liar who could not be elected dog catcher,’ and yet, the tea party conservative easily defeated the well-known Mike Castle, 53 to 47%. O’Donnell, a former marketing consultant with a checkered financial record, was a dark horse until two weeks ago…” Be sure to click here to learn how you can do your part to Demand the Liberal Media Tell the Truth!
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TV Networks Smear Christine O’Donnell; Bozell Demands Media Tell the Truth! About Tea Party Victories
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Tagged america, bennyhollywood, early-show, easily-defeated, george stephanopoulos, glee, joy behar, liberal-media, media, morning joe, morning-america, Nbc, News, revolution, today
Appearing on MSNBC to present his magazine’s feature piece critical of the “Baby Boomer” generation, James Bennet of The Atlantic named George W. Bush, Newt Gingrich, and Bill Clinton as the three worst “baby boomers” who did the most harm to the country’s political culture and its economy. “It’d be hard not to point to George W. Bush as having done a lot of damage,” Bennet asserted. Bush, he added, “created a lot of programs that costed us a huge amount of money, without a lot of regard for what the effects are going to be on the folks that are going to have to pay for those for many years.” Bennet also blamed President Clinton and Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich for failed policies. However, Bennet was quick to reference the “surpluses as far as the eye could see” at the end of the Clinton administration, as a counterweight to Clinton’s damage while in office. He bafflingly lauded President George H.W. Bush’s tax hike as “politically brave” and which helped create the prosperity of the Clinton years. The Atlantic’s editor-in-chief made these arguments on the September 14 “Morning Joe” during the 8 a.m. hour. Bennet asserted that his piece focuses on the fiscal irresponsibility of the Boomer generation. “The ultimate point it makes is… that these guys are about to pass on a legacy of debt to their own children and grandchildren that, I mean, that they basically bankrupted the country.” Bennet labeled the Baby-Boomers as “self-absorbed” and “self-loathing.” Bennet also praised the Boomers for their liberal social achievements, namely helping end the Vietnam War, and introducing environmentalism, gay rights, and feminism to the national debate. “They really changed the ethos, the political ethos, for the country in a good way, in addition to doing all the harm you were talking about,” Bennet told show co-host Joe Scarborough. “Something that needs to be said for the Boomers… is that the other generational labels really haven’t stuck,” Bennet argued. “You know, the Boomers, it should be said for them, at least have a kind of definition as a generation.”