Tag Archives: alaskans

MSM Acknowledges Lisa Murkowski Lost Primary Because She’s Pro-Abortion But Thinks We’re Crazy

Even though liberal MSM types like Ron Elving , senior Washington editor at NPR , have a hard time understanding what’s going on, they are giving credit for Joe Miller’s Alaska GOP Senate primary (apparent) victory to pro-life voters. But the title and opening paragraph of Elving’s August 26 piece not so subtly tell us he thinks Alaskans have gone crazy… Elving, among others, still can’t fathom that pro-lifers now comprise the majority. Even if so, he thinks people who believe preborn humans shouldn’t be slaughtered for convenience and profit, and/or parents who want to know before their daughters abort (which was the ballot initiative that helped get voters out), wear tin hats. Nevertheless, he gave us credit: Which kind of AK Republican was most motivated for this primary? The answer appears to be the populist, evangelical, anti-abortion Republicans who are likely to identify with the movement known as the Tea Party . Murkowski [pictured right] had a vulnerability within her own party because she was a supporter of abortion rights in some cases . While abortion views are divided in AK as elsewhere, opposition to abortion is more concentrated in the Republican Party. And this week’s ballot featured a voter measure on requiring parental notification prior to an abortion for a minor. Murkowski endorsed the measure, but the anti-abortion activists who came out to vote for it may well have preferred Miller’s anti-abortion credentials overall . It was also this issue that influenced former AK Gov. Sarah Palin to switch her support from Murkowski to Miller…. [W]hen Miller later emerged as an anti-abortion champion aligned with the Tea Party and other Palin causes, the state’s most mediagenic citizen made her move. It didn’t hurt that Mike Huckabee , the former minister, governor and presidential candidate who also appears on Fox News , came to the state to campaign for Miller….   Politics and World News also gave the nod for Wilson’s (apparent) win to those who believe preborn babies shouldn’t be suctioned and chopped, nor should 12-yr-olds almost certainly impregnated under shady circumstances be secreted away for abortions without their parents knowing… as did the Anchorage Daily News … Note in ADN’s story how enthusiastically Miller supported Ballot Measure 2, in contrast to Murkowski’s tepid support, clearly trying to straddle the fence… The abortion issue may have cost embattled… Murkowski an untold number of votes Tuesday to Republican primary challenger Joe Miller , say anti-abortion activists. The ballot also included a sharply contested voter initiative generally requiring parents to be notified before their teen receives an abortion. Miller [pictured below left, with voters] came out strongly for Ballot Measure 2. “He told voters over and over again: Flip your ballot over, vote ‘yes on 2.’ Before you vote for me, vote ‘yes on 2.’ Ballot Measure 2 is much more important than this Senate race,” said Bernadette Wilson, campaign manager for Alaskans for Parental Rights, the “yes on 2” group. Murkowski never did the same, Wilson said. All the other statewide Republican candidates gave money to the effort. Murkowski didn’t, Wilson said. Supporters of the parental notification requirement noticed, she said. Murkowski’s campaign said the senator supported Measure 2 and went to 2 fundraisers for it. But her campaign lawyer advised that she couldn’t let Alaskans for Parental Rights use her name in its materials, because that would amount to an illegal campaign contribution to her, under federal election law, according to an e-mailed copy of the analysis. The initiative, which marked the first time Alaskans confronted an abortion issue at the polls, passed with 55 percent of the vote. In addition… AK Family Council asked candidates detailed questions on abortion and other social issues. Murkowski’s answers showed her to be pro-choice, while Miller was the opposite… The political group sent the answers to thousands of its supporters, as well as pastors and the media…. Murkowski’s record on abortion is complex . She has long said abortion decisions are between a woman and her doctor, and in her first appointed Senate term, she voted for a nonbinding “sense of the Senate” that supported Roe v. Wade . But she’s voted against federal funding for abortion, and supported a ban on late-term abortions…. Alaskans for Parental Rights never told its backers to vote for Miller, and didn’t work on his campaign, Wilson said. But it didn’t have to. Weeks ago, when her group first waved their “yes on 2” signs along the Seward Highway in Midtown, Miller drove past, then made a U-turn to join them, Wilson said. On Election Day, Miller waved one of their signs along with one of his own. “People who voted ‘yes’ on Ballot Measure 2 and people who voted for Joe Miller are of like mind,” Wilson said. “People kind of linked arms and came to the polls for both.” “There’s no doubt that Lisa Murkowski’s pro-abortion views had an influence on this election,” [council president Jim ] Minnery said. Of note is I learned about this MSM articles via Robin Marty at the pro-abort site RH Reality Check , who seemed to have no wind in her sails when reporting the AK pro-life phenomenon…. no excuses, no rationalization, even appearing to defend Murkowski as a supporter of Measure 2 by reposting her excuse for lack of overt support. [Bottom photo via the AP ]

MSM Acknowledges Lisa Murkowski Lost Primary Because She’s Pro-Abortion But Thinks We’re Crazy

Increased threats toward Democrats in wake of health care reform inspire security concerns. Is Sarah Palin partly to blame?

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy This is bullshit! In my opinion Sarah Palin has defined herself as a domestic terrorist and should be investigated by Homeland Security. I know that sounds like hyperbole, but since we have seen how agitated the Facebook fruitcake can make her crazed minions I do not believe it is an overreaction. It is time to hold her accountable for the hate that she she inspires in the ignorant and disaffected in this country. Here is video of Senators Jim Clyburn and Steny Hoyer holding a

Uh oh! It looks like Mayor Sullivan has been a very, very bad boy.

There have been murmurings aplenty about Dan Sullivan and his philandering ways but nothing definitive enough to post. But today cocky newcomer AlaskaWTF

Sometimes Joe Biden frustrates me, but other times I just love the guy. This is one of those times.

I could not have said it better myself Mr. Vice President.

Excerpt from:
Sometimes Joe Biden frustrates me, but other times I just love the guy. This is one of those times.

Heavy reading Tuesday. Time to learn the truth about the Teabagger movement.

First let’s look into

The next time somebody asks you why the Democrats did not try harder to get Republicans to help craft this Health Care bill, just play them this video.

That’s right. Some GOP asshole called Bart Stupak, who damn near derailed the entire bill in his desire to make sure it did not fund abortions , a “baby killer”. Does THAT seem like a party that is interested in calm reasonable negotiations? The Republicans decided from DAY ONE that they were not going to cooperate on this legislation, or really ANY of Obama’s legislation, because they want to cripple his presidency.

The Tebaggers and the Circus. Is thre really any difference?

Just listen to the ignorance.

How they did it! The complete Sullygate timeline from 1982 to 2010.

My good friend, and researcher extraordinaire, Mel Green has put together a comprehensive (I am not sure “comprehensive” is a strong enough word to be honest) timeline for just how the 2010 Anchorage Assembly was bamboozled into cutting a check

North Carolina doctor lets his voice be heard in support of Obama’s health care reform.

In 2008 nearly 300,000 North Carolina children (12.8 percent) were uninsured. The numbers are likely worse now. Does insurance really make a difference in children’s health? Let me answer with a single statistic: uninsured children are 37 percent more likely to die when hospitalized than those with insurance. We say we want our children to learn and be healthy so they can compete successfully with the world. But if they cannot see, hear, or breathe, if they suffer from obesity, diabetes, attention deficit disorder, dental caries, and infections, how is it we expect them to learn, much less compete? Of course I am not just a health care provider; I am also vice president of the region’s largest independent pediatric practice, employing dozens of workers. I was floored this year when it came time to negotiate an insurance plan for our employees. As doctors we feel we don’t have the luxury many business owners exercise of forgoing health insurance for their employees altogether. But the cost this year was breathtaking, and what we and our employees got for our money was disappointing. What I know as a doctor I also see as a business owner: The current system is failing us all, it is getting worse every year, and it cannot continue. (You can read the rest of Dr. David Hill’s article here ) Regardless of the deafening sounds of anger, and the manufactured talking points, coming from the Right Wing, the facts are clear that our system is broken and that something must be done. The Republicans are so desperate to stop this bill that

Jon Stewart channels Glenn Beck. Too funny!

Introduction The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Intro – Progressivism Is Cancer www.thedailyshow.com Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Reform Jon exposes the absurdity of Glenn Beck. The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Conservative Libertarian www.thedailyshow.com Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Reform

Go here to read the rest:
Jon Stewart channels Glenn Beck. Too funny!