Tag Archives: the-ignorant

Increased threats toward Democrats in wake of health care reform inspire security concerns. Is Sarah Palin partly to blame?

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy This is bullshit! In my opinion Sarah Palin has defined herself as a domestic terrorist and should be investigated by Homeland Security. I know that sounds like hyperbole, but since we have seen how agitated the Facebook fruitcake can make her crazed minions I do not believe it is an overreaction. It is time to hold her accountable for the hate that she she inspires in the ignorant and disaffected in this country. Here is video of Senators Jim Clyburn and Steny Hoyer holding a

Paula Abdul Courted by ABC, For Dancing with the Stars

All of a sudden, crazy is in crazy demand. Paula Abdul is reportedly fielding a major offer from ABC

Originally posted here:
Paula Abdul Courted by ABC, For Dancing with the Stars

America Loves Oprah Winfrey, Glenn Beck

According to the results of a new Harris Poll, Jay Leno is not as popular he once was.

See original here:
America Loves Oprah Winfrey, Glenn Beck