Tag Archives: teabaggers

The Best Fake Teabagger Signs at the Boston Common Tea Party

Fake Teabaggers (sane/normal people) have begun infiltrating tea parties with their own signs. Here are the best signs from yesterday's rally in Boston. The Best Links: Via iTripped42 And Qwrrty View

You’re Not a Tea Partier If You Don’t Forward Hilarious Racist E-Mails to Your Friends [Teabaggers]

Charles Paladino , a Tea Partier running for New York ‘s GOP gubernatorial nomination, thinks it’s funny that Barack Obama is black and also the president, so he forwarded emails pointing that out to friends but he’s not a racist, OK? More

Gaga, Easter Bunnies, Teabaggers… who had the best picture of the week?

Each week thousands of photos circulate the internet. We need to catalog them, so we can remember what made us LOL during the last week of March 2010. So I ask you… what was the picture of the week? Was it this Jon Lovitz photo bomb?

Sarah Palin’s extravagant rock star demands cause further infighting among Teabaggers.

Palin’s contract, according to Shreeve, who had a look at it, called for her to be paid $100,000 for the event. It also included $18,000 for private jet travel for her and her entourage. Shreeve told me Palin’s contract — standard among political stars who make the speaking-circuit rounds — specified what type of private jet she requested for the trip to Nashville. “It was like, she had to have this or that size plane,” Shreeve recalls. “It was like when a rock star comes to town, the contract was that detailed.”

Increased threats toward Democrats in wake of health care reform inspire security concerns. Is Sarah Palin partly to blame?

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy This is bullshit! In my opinion Sarah Palin has defined herself as a domestic terrorist and should be investigated by Homeland Security. I know that sounds like hyperbole, but since we have seen how agitated the Facebook fruitcake can make her crazed minions I do not believe it is an overreaction. It is time to hold her accountable for the hate that she she inspires in the ignorant and disaffected in this country. Here is video of Senators Jim Clyburn and Steny Hoyer holding a

Sarah Palin’s opinion on Health Care no longer matters!

Sarah Palin has taken her rage to Facebook and, through her ghostwriter, thrown herself on the ground to throw a ginormous

The Tebaggers and the Circus. Is thre really any difference?

Just listen to the ignorance.

Stick a fork in him, Eddie Burke is done!

Rumors have been swirling for weeks but today it is official! Eddie Burke, Racist pig, and Palin panty sniffer has quit his job at KBYR! AlaskaWTF, has more juicy details here . I just talked to Shannyn and apparently Burke called in during the third hour so I will put that

Mmm… Cake

A video of Lost cast members saying “mmm… cake”. Why? Because this is how it ends! Only Michael Emerson can make cake sound creepy. [ via ] Watch

Teabaggers Mock Parkinson’s Victim

Because nothing says, “I'm a Christian” like yelling abuse at the sick. [ Ed Note : Not to state the blindingly obvious here, but Teabaggers make the Baby Jesus cry. 🙁 ] The Best Links: Daily Kos: SHOCKING: Teabaggers mock and scorn man w/ Parkinson’s! Wonkette : Nice Wealthy Ohio Teabagger Will Pay For Man’s Parkinson’s! (UGH) Supporters, opponents of health-care bill square off outside Kilroy’s office BuzzFeed: teabaggers Buzz Watch