Tag Archives: exposing lies

Sometimes Joe Biden frustrates me, but other times I just love the guy. This is one of those times.

I could not have said it better myself Mr. Vice President.

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Sometimes Joe Biden frustrates me, but other times I just love the guy. This is one of those times.

Keith is back!

Lawrence O’Donnell explains that the Republican’s first attempt to derail this bill has fallen flat. Visit msnbc.com for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy And as a bonus we also have a Special Comment. Damn do I love these! Visit msnbc.com for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy

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Keith is back!

Sarah Palin’s opinion on Health Care no longer matters!

Sarah Palin has taken her rage to Facebook and, through her ghostwriter, thrown herself on the ground to throw a ginormous

Is Stupak a yes vote on Health Care bill? Dem Chariman says yes, Stupak office will not commit. Update: MSNBC says YES!

A Democratic chairman says a leading abortion foe will back President Barack Obama’s health care bill. But the office of Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak of Michigan says no decision has been made. Rep. Henry Waxman of California says party leaders have been able to secure the support of Stupak. (Read more here ) Well I wish somebody would light a fire under Stupak and get him to stop playing coy and give it up for the President. I just hate a tease. Besides what Democrat could possibly still resist after Obama’s speech yesterday? On the other side of the aisle it looks like the Republicans are making excuses for the vicious outbursts from the Teabaggers.

Could this be President Obama’s greatest speech yet?

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Could this be President Obama’s greatest speech yet?

The Tebaggers and the Circus. Is thre really any difference?

Just listen to the ignorance.

How they did it! The complete Sullygate timeline from 1982 to 2010.

My good friend, and researcher extraordinaire, Mel Green has put together a comprehensive (I am not sure “comprehensive” is a strong enough word to be honest) timeline for just how the 2010 Anchorage Assembly was bamboozled into cutting a check

Sarah Palin on the Hannity Show.

What is with the echo? Is she giving this interview from inside of a box? Okay kids the word for today is “desperate”.

Dennis Kucinich to vote yes on Health Care bill.

U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich waited until Democrats had won last November’s health care reform vote before casting his ballot against it on the House of Representatives floor.. This time around — pressured by everyone from President Obama to Moveon.org — the Cleveland Democrat had no luxury to dawdle before taking a stance. He just announced at a Capitol news conference that he’ll vote yes on the bill’s latest draft. “I have doubts about the bill,” Kucinich said. “This is not the bill I wanted to support. . . However, after careful discussions with President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, my wife Elizabeth and close friends, I’ve decided to cast a vote in favor of the legislation.

The Sarah Palin Pregnancy. What are the odds?

One of the arguments that I hear all of the time against the idea that Sarah faked her pregnancy is this one, “What are the odds that