Tag Archives: the-convoluted

Lawsuit: Josh Lucas Film Stiffed Hotel For $37,000

Like Detroit doesn’t have enough to worry about today. The embattled chief of police just resigned , Tigers third baseman Brandon Inge is out for at least six weeks with a broken hand, and now Josh Lucas can’t even shoot a movie in the outskirts without the producers allegedly skipping town — leaving a $37,000 hotel bill unpaid.

Read more:
Lawsuit: Josh Lucas Film Stiffed Hotel For $37,000

FBI Arrests 20-Year-Old For Terrorist Threats Against South Park

Three months after a radical Muslim website threatened South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone in response to an episode which portrayed the Prophet Mohammed in a bear costume, FBI officials have made an arrest in the case.

See more here:
FBI Arrests 20-Year-Old For Terrorist Threats Against South Park

You Won’t Like Edward Norton When He’s Angry in the Trailer for Stone

The last time Edward Norton and Robert De Niro shared the screen together it was in the convoluted 2001 caper The Score . That outing — which wasn’t very good beyond a preposterous third-act switcheroo — co-starred the legendary Marlon Brando. Who did they get to join their threesome this time around in Stone ? Well, Milla Jovovich isn’t that much of a step down, right?

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You Won’t Like Edward Norton When He’s Angry in the Trailer for Stone

How they did it! The complete Sullygate timeline from 1982 to 2010.

My good friend, and researcher extraordinaire, Mel Green has put together a comprehensive (I am not sure “comprehensive” is a strong enough word to be honest) timeline for just how the 2010 Anchorage Assembly was bamboozled into cutting a check