Tag Archives: from-the-oval

What should Obama say about the oil spill in his address this evening?

The President will address the nation from the Oval Office tonight. His topic will be the seemingly unending oil spill that is devastating the Gulf of Mexico. President Obama was on the Gulf Coast yesterday to see the damage first hand, and he's invited BP CEO Tony Hayward to speak with him at the White House. Amid accusations that the President, the White House or the government at large have not done enough to battle the oil spill – what do you want to hear from the President tonight? More about the speech: http://content.usatoday.com/communities/theoval/post/2010/06/obama-oval-office-g… added by: afitzgerald

What should Obama say about the oil spill tonight?

The President will address the country from the Oval Office this evening, talking about the devastating oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

What should Obama say about the oil spill tonight?